War God Supreme

Chapter 3012: Qinglong Ruins

Two days later, Li Lingtian and others finally came to the area of ​​the Star Debris.

At this time, Wan Tianyu and others all had their faces dignified. Chen Mouliang, who was responsible for driving the spacecraft, frowned, carefully controlling the slowdown of the spacecraft, and constantly shuttled between the debris of the stars.

"Brother Chen, do you still remember where the debris of the star field? After so long, haven't you found it?"

Half a day later, Li Lingtian and they were not in a hurry, but Song Haiming was irritable and could not help asking aloud, "Aren't you forget?"

"Well, you can rest assured, even if you forget your way home, I can remember where the star debris is!"

Chen Mouliang couldn't help but sneer. He had always been tense, and he was more irritable. When he heard Song Haiming question his ability, he suddenly became angry.

Of course, the Song family's power is stronger than their Chen family after all, so he also converged a little, otherwise, it would have been a slap.

"Well, Brother Chen and Brother Song, don't talk so much."

The rest of the people quickly dissuaded, after all, this time, it is good for everyone to find the ruins. If there is infighting on the way, it will be over.

In fact, the relationship between the super powers is also very bad. Unless the two families are conducting some kind of transaction, it may be better. After all, there are so many resources in a city, and you want to get more. , Will certainly invade the resources of others, therefore, the open struggle between the major superpowers will never stop.

If it were not for the search of ruins, this group of people would not be able to sit together!

"You can rest assured."

Hearing the rest of the persuasion, Chen Mouliang also reacted, took a deep breath, and said softly: "The debris in that area was discovered with my father five years ago, except that at that time, my father still had something to do. Attack, this time, since I am willing to tell the exact news of the ruins, I will surely take you in!"


Speaking of which, Chen Mouliang couldn't help but glance at Wan Tianyu, Shen Sheng asked: "Brother, do you really have a way to open the remains?"

In this group of star debris, not every star debris contains relics, and even if there are relics, it is even more difficult to enter them. It is necessary to have a unique way to enter.

Previously, Wan Tianyu accidentally obtained a key that can open a mysterious ruin, but that key can only open a specific ruin, which makes Wan Tianyu wonder.

But soon, Wan Tianyu learned that Chen Mouliang had found a ruin, and in Chen Mouliang's description, the seal figure of the ruin was exactly the same as the key he got. He was immediately determined, the ruin discovered by Chen Mouliang , Is the ruins he is looking for!

It is precisely because of this that Wan Tianyu will call on Chen Mouliang to explore the ruins together. More, they still use them.

"You can rest assured, as long as you can find the location of the ruins, I can let everyone enter the ruins."

Wan Tianyu smiled slightly, his face was indifferent, seeing that, the rest of them were relieved.

"Okay, give me another half day, I can definitely find it!"

Chen Mouliang took a deep breath, and then controlled the spaceship again, and began to find it.

Sure enough, with Wan Tianyu's guarantee, it was only half a day, and Chen Mouliang exclaimed: "I found it! That is the fragment of the star field!"

With a cry of exclamation, Chen Mouliang directly put away the spaceship. In an instant, a group of nine people were floating in the starry sky.

Li Lingtian and Liu Banxian looked around and couldn't help but be surprised, their faces full of surprise.

Around them, there were light groups flashing different colors.

"Those, are the stars debris?"

Li Lingtian couldn't help but whisper, he could feel that those light clusters contained a special power, especially the second star debris in his left hand, which was the power of space!

"Look, look, the entrance to the ruins is hidden in that star field fragment!"

Chen Mouliang looked excited, reaching for a debris from a star field.

Upon seeing this, Li Lingtian couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. The star debris Chen Mouliang pointed to was only the star debris in which Li Lingtian found space power hidden.

"It seems that the relics should be in other spaces, but the entrance is sealed here. Could it be that these relics were created by man?"

Li Lingtian suddenly had such a thought in his heart, but soon, he suppressed the idea.

"Huh, let's take a look!"

While Li Lingtian was contemplating, Wan Tianyu was already rushing towards that star field debris.

After approaching, Wan Tianyu and others clearly saw that among the debris of the star field, there was a shadow of a green dragon in the flashing light.

"That's it!"

After seeing that green dragon, Wan Tianyu was immediately excited.

"Quick! Hurry up and open the ruins!"

Wen Yan, Chen Mouliang and Song Haiming were also excited.

Among the ruins, there are many medicinal materials and treasures, which can enhance their strength faster. Therefore, they are very eager to enter the ruins.


Taking a deep breath, Wan Tianyu forcibly suppressed the excitement in his heart, turned his head to look at Li Lingtian, and said softly: "Brother Ling Tian, ​​you all come, I will open the ruins directly!"

"Every relic is opened, there will be a ten-day closed period. You are closer to me. If you don't go in, it will be troublesome."

It is said that the three of Li Lingtian also quickly approached Wan Tianyu, and a group of nine people ~www.wuxiaspot.com ~ were almost crowded in front of the debris of the star field.

Subsequently, Wan Tianyu's right hand stretched out, and an ice-blue key appeared in his hand.

The ice-blue key is surrounded by a green dragon, whether it is in shape or movement, it is exactly the same as the light and shadow in the debris of the star field!

"Hoo! Open it, ruins!"


As Wan Tianyu threw the blue dragon key in his hand into the star field fragments, the star field fragments suddenly burst into a bright light. After the light dissipated, the figure of nine people such as Li Lingtian disappeared in this area. in.


Shaking his head violently, when Li Lingtian opened his eyes again, there were endless glaciers around!

At the same time, a cold voice suddenly sounded in Li Lingtian's mind.

"Welcome, Qinglong Ruins!"

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