War God Supreme

Chapter 3021: Breakout method

Suddenly, Chen Mouliang began to guess Li Lingtian's identity.

Regardless of Chen Mouliang's thoughts, he never thought that Wan Tianyu would trust him so much simply because he admired Li Lingtian's strength!

"It depends on whether the strength of several of them can temporarily reach the second order of the domain master."

Li Lingtian glanced at Chen Mouliang and said aloud, "This area is all frost earth dragons of the first order of the domain master. Even if we have our way and they have no strength, it is difficult to resist so many frost earth dragons. "

"If they can't exert the second-level strength of the domain master, we can only change one way!"

Hearing the words, Chen Mouliang frowned immediately. Although he could reach the second-level strength of the domain master, he was not sure whether Song Haiming could.

After all, their apparent strength is indeed a bit weak.

The two stars of the ninth order, the two domain masters of the first order, plus they are now injured, so Chen Mouliang is really unsure, whether Song Haiming and other four people can play the strength of the domain master of the second order!

"Is there any way?"

Chen Mouliang asked doubtfully.

"Of course!"

Li Lingtian said in a deep voice: "According to what you said earlier, those frost earth dragons all obey the words of the strongest frost earth dragons. There is no life fluctuation between these frost earth dragons, that is to say, the strength There must be something hidden in the strongest frost earth dragon, so that the rest of the frost earth dragon can obey its words!"

"As long as we can kill the strongest frost earth dragon and get the treasure, we can easily rush out!"

Speaking of which, Wan Tianyu and Chen Mouliang couldn't help but blink their eyes. At this time, Chen Mouliang looked at Li Lingtian's eyes and became respectful.

He didn't expect that, according to his few words, Li Lingtian was able to reason so much useful information!

"But... that Frostland Dragon's foot has the strength of the third order of the domain master, plus there are so many frost earth dragons of the first order of the domain master around, it seems difficult to kill it!"

After hesitating for a while, Chen Mouliang said it.

After all, he didn't know Li Lingtian's strength, so he would have doubts.

Wen Yan, a few people immediately laughed out of Wan Tianyu.

"Brother Chen, rest assured. In fact, Brother Ling Tian's strength is already comparable to that of the fourth-order domain master. Even if the frost earth dragon is the third-order realm of the domain master, Brother Ling Tian will not be afraid."

Wan Tianyu chuckled at Chen Mouliang and said, "Relax, we can only break in, thanks to Brother Ling Tian rushing a path ahead, otherwise, even knowing that you are here, with my strength, I can’t save you!"


Hearing Wan Tianyu’s words, Chen Mouliang was also surprised. He didn’t expect that Li Lingtian was so powerful that he had already reached the level 4 of the domain master!

"No wonder, this time, I would like to thank Brother Ling Tian for his life-saving grace!"

Chen Mouliang clenched his fists, looking into Li Lingtian's eyes, full of smiles.

"you are welcome."

Knowing that Chen Mouliang was showing his favors, Li Lingtian wouldn’t be cold-faced, smiled slightly, and then said: “Next, I will recover your injury first, and then, a few of you, then help Song Haiming and them Treat it."

"Ah? Can you help me heal the wound? Is it possible that you have a healing potion?"

Hearing the words, Chen Mouliang suddenly exclaimed in silence.

Although it is said that his current injury is not serious, but after all, he is in a cold cave and is attacked by the icy air. If he wants to be completely cured, he must wait until the ice is out. Let's talk in the hole.

But Li Lingtian said that he can be cured now, which really shocked him.

"Do not talk!"

Li Lingtian took a deep breath, which is the root force of urging the law of space and time!


With both hands sharply pointed at Chen Mouliang, Li Lingtian's body suddenly broke out of an invisible strange wave. When this wave appeared, it was strangely poured into Chen Mouliang's body!


When the original power of those laws of time and space are all covered around Chen Mouliang's body, Chen Mouliang's body is getting better at a very fast speed!

At this moment, Chen Mouliang's body has been completely controlled by the power of time and space!

But it was ten breathing hours. Li Lingtian suddenly dispersed his hands, his face pale, and then sat down cross-legged violently and began to meditate and practice.

This time, Li Lingtian successively urged the field of Wanxuan Shenghuo, and vigorously stimulated the Qianyan Holy Wing. Coupled with the full force of time and space, he also felt the lack of spiritual power, so he would not say a word. Directly entered the state of cultivation.

And as Li Lingtian entered the state of cultivation, Chen Mouliang's body also traveled through time and space and returned to before he was not injured!

"Huh? Really?"

Open your eyes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Chen Mouliang felt it carefully, and his face was suddenly full of joy.

As long as the injury is good and he can exert his full strength, Chen Mouliang's psychology will no longer be as anxious as he was just now.

After all, in this world where strength is the only thing, only strength is the eternal melody!

"Brother Ling Tian is really amazing!"

Chen Mouliang was amazed.

"Hey, well, now let's wake up the other four people!"

Wan Tianyu shook his head slightly, and then, together with Chen Mouliang, began to input the spiritual power of his body into the bodies of Song Haiming, combing the bones that were misaligned in their bodies and easing their injuries.

The reason why they will pass out is that the first is that they hurt their bones and internal organs when they fall down, and the other is that they lack spiritual power and cannot supply their bodies.

Now that Wan Tianyu and Chen Mouliang have shot, Song Haiming and four people have recovered quickly.

"Ah? Where is this?"

"Am I dead?"

After the four awoke, they couldn't help but whisper.

However, when they saw Wan Tianyu, they reacted and looked at Wan Tianyu's eyes full of complex looks.

Especially Song Haiming, he can naturally see that it was Wan Tianyu and his party who rescued them at this time, but before he forced Wan Tianyu to part with them!

If there is no parting ways, I am afraid that they will not encounter this danger!

Song Haiming was quite depressed, but he was also a proud person, and he did not want to apologize at all, so his face became somber, his eyes kept turning, and he didn't know what he was thinking.


For a long time, Li Lingtian also woke up, and the moment his eyes opened, two electric shots shot out!

(End of this chapter)

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