War God Supreme

Chapter 3042: Charge puppet

Suddenly, countless flames surged, and the body of that huge flying dragon was wrapped up in an instant.

The scorching temperature rises, Li Lingtian, holding the flame of extinction, walks slowly to the flying dragon of the fifth order of the domain master.


That domain master's fifth-order flying dragon is extremely resistant to itself. Even in the field of Wanxuan Holy Fire, it still has a fierce resistance, circling in shape, and its tail is like a steel whip, slamming towards Li Lingtian!

"court death!"

Upon seeing this, Li Lingtian couldn't help but blinked in his eyes, and then his body jumped up, the extinct flame of his hands, like a steel knife, instantly inserted into the dragon's tail.


It was only an instant that the sharp fire knife cut off the dragon's tail!


"So strong!"

"That's the fifth-order flying dragon of the domain master! Actually, if you raise your hand and throw it in your feet, you can cut off its tail!"

"Good strength!"

Seeing this scene, everyone suddenly shocked.

They did not expect that in the face of the domain master's fifth-order flying dragon, Li Lingtian still behaved so strong!


Li Lingtian didn't leave his hand at all, but waved his right hand, and another flame knife fell down and split on the dragon's body!


Daoman instantly tore the flying dragon's abdomen. At the next moment, the figure of the domain master's fifth-order flying dragon also became illusory, and a rich light suddenly burst into its abdomen.


The eerie wave erupted, and those lights instantly turned into a stone with a shimmering crystal light, which appeared in front of everyone.

As for the body of the flying dragon, it turned into a pile of ashes and disappeared into the air.

"What it is?"

Suddenly seeing that stone, Li Lingtian and others were surprised. What a flying dragon's belly was just a stone?

"I am not sure as well……"

Li Lingtian shook his head slightly, and then leaned forward, reaching out to remove the stone, and suddenly there was a warm feeling in his hand.

At the same time, Li Lingtian's heart moved a little, and a brand new force in his body seemed to be slowly awakening.

"Next, should there be no more danger?"

Several people asked Wan Tianyu.


Hearing this, Li Lingtian was silent for a moment, but turned to come to the gate and put the stone in his hand.

Seeing this scene, Wan Tianyu and others couldn't help but breathlessly, staring closely at Li Lingtian.


After the stone and the door were stuck together, the dazzling light bloomed, and the straight stabbing Li Lingtian and others suffered from pain in their eyes. They closed their eyes involuntarily.

Waiting until the light dissipated, Li Lingtian's talents opened their eyes. At this time, the stone had already disappeared into the air, and only one door was left, which was slowly opening.


The door opened and a passage quietly appeared in front of Li Lingtian.

Looking down, Li Lingtian found that the plates on the floor of the passage were the same size, and the surrounding walls were extremely thick. It didn't look like there was an organization.


However, Li Lingtian was afraid that there would be an organization, and for a moment, they were all silent.

"Cough, Brother Ling Tian, ​​let's try if there is an institution here?"

Li Lingtian nodded, and then stretched out his right hand, and a ball appeared in his hand.

With a light breath, Li Lingtian threw the ball directly and landed on the ground of the passage.

"Da da!"

The ball fell to the ground, beating continuously on the ground, and a clear voice echoed in the ears of Li Lingtian and others.

Suddenly, Li Lingtian and others' minds were tense, eyes fixed on the round bead, their faces dignified, fearing that an organ would suddenly burst out of the passage.

But fortunately, it seems that their prayers played a role. They have been staring at the breathing time for more than a dozen times. There is still no movement in the passage, and the round ball is also rolled out of sight. There was a slight voice left, constantly ringing in their ears.


With a slack mind, Li Lingtian could not help but say, "Well, there will be no danger, let's go on!"

With that said, Li Lingtian stepped into the channel first.

"it is good!"

Seeing that Li Lingtian had all stepped into the passage, Wan Tianyu and others quickly followed.

Sure enough, this time, there was no organ in the passage, and it has been walking for a quarter of an hour. All the people of Li Lingtian also passed the passage and came to another hall.

Above the main hall, there are four big characters: puppet hall!

"Puppet Hall?"

Seeing these four characters, Li Lingtian and eight of them couldn't help but hesitated and looked at each other, his eyes full of suspicious expression.

Is it true that this hall is just like the puppet of the flying dragon or the frost earth dragon in that hall?

"Go, go in and see!"

As soon as his eyes turned, Li Lingtian decided to go ahead and look at it.

After entering the hall, there were countless smoke screens, and it was impossible to see clearly what was inside.

Soon, the smoke dissipated, and countless dragons also appeared in front of Li Lingtian.

However, these giant dragons are different from the frost earth dragon and the flying dragon, and more like a combination of them!

These giant dragons have a pair of extremely thick wings, but the body is similar to the frost earth dragon.

These dragons, like sculptures, are all listed in the hall, standing quietly there.

But their body contains strong power!


"One row, two rows...oh my god, a puppet of the whole hall!"

"Moreover, the worst of these dragons is at the top of the stellar ninth level. The strongest ones have already reached the level two of the domain master!"

"Thousands of domain masters...hey, if we can get these puppets, wouldn't they be developed?"

Sudden time~www.wuxiaspot.com~Wan Tianyu and others looked at the puppets with a greedy look.

Faced with treasures, who would not want it?

Even Li Lingtian's eyelids jumped sharply, and his heart was full of urgency.

"Drink! Take it for me!"

Li Lingtian realized the greedy look in the eyes of the other few people, and when his thoughts moved, he summoned Bingxin.


Bing Xin flickered, exuding a strange wave, and instantly charged all the puppets into Bing Xin.


Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian's heart was still irresistibly excited, but it was thousands of other domain masters!

However, Li Lingtian was excited, and Chen Mouliang's face was gloomy.

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