War God Supreme

Chapter 3046: Brave heart

"Okay, stop it!"

Frowning slightly, Li Lingtian said in a deep voice: "Now they may come back at any time, you must hide your own momentum first. Before you go out, you must pretend to be good, you know?"


Liu Banxian and Yali Shi knew that the current situation was very important. Therefore, they did not lift the bar with Li Lingtian, directly dissipated their own breath, and stood quietly beside Li Lingtian.

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian was relieved and then waved his right hand to disperse the illusion.

Almost Li Lingtian had just dispersed the illusion. Wan Tianyu and the five of them also packed everything up, all with a look of excitement on their faces, and hurried over.

"Hey, this time, we made a lot of money!"

The five people of Wan Tianyu were so excited that they didn't care about Li Lingtian's people at all, and naturally they didn't see that Liu Banxian and Yali killed were obviously different.

Li Lingtian secretly said in a luck that he smiled and said, "How is it, the harvest is very rich?"


A few people Wan Tianyu grinned and said: "Thank you, Brother Ling Tian. Without you, we wouldn't get so many benefits at all."

"Not bad."

Chen Mouliang also said with excitement: "If there is any treasure in the back, Brother Ling Tian, ​​it is still your priority!"

"We have been able to get these immortals, which is already very satisfying."

I have to say that Chen Mouliang and some of them are still very good at life.

At least the average person, who knows that there will be benefits here, will never make such a decision.

They already put their goals on Li Lingtian. From their point of view, since Li Lingtian can break through this relic so easily, it means that Li Lingtian still has the strength to break through other relics.

If they can follow Li Lingtian all the time, they can break through more ruins, even if they can only get a little benefit from one ruin, in the end they will get more treasures than they can find by themselves.

After all, they are all superpowers, and they see this very clearly.

Li Lingtian also understood their thoughts, and could not help but slightly raised the corner of his mouth, and he was also happy in his heart.

Of course, please be happy. Some things that should be guarded against them still need to be guarded against.

After a few more words, Li Lingtian and others walked through the Hall of Medicine God and walked to the next hall.

This time, the main hall they encountered was called Chaos Hall.

Eight people in Li Lingtian were all surprised. What kind of hall is this hall of chaos? What good things will be in it?

After going in, when Li Lingtian and eight people found that the eight groups of rays of light were floating above the hall, they were suddenly surprised.

They can clearly feel that in that light group, it is clearly the breath of Chaos Treasure, and it is also the ultimate Chaos Treasure!

This makes them shocked. For them, it is already a luxury to have a chaotic treasure.

But now, there are eight chaotic treasures in front of me.


The eight rays of light were extremely fast, and were directly injected into Li Lingtian's body.

Among them, injected into Li Lingtian's body, there is a brilliant flash of colorful colors.

It was almost the moment when the colorful color light injected into Li Lingtian's body, Li Lingtian felt that his own power suddenly seemed to rise a step!

In his heart, a special message also emerged.

"The heart of the brave, the chaotic treasure of the peak, after being merged with the master, you can enhance your spiritual power and the power of the law's original power by 10%!"


Suddenly, Li Lingtian couldn't help but take a breath of air. What he got was actually the ultimate chaos treasure?

Peak Chaos Treasure, that's the treasure that is second only to the world's treasure, its power is even stronger than the best chaos treasure!

Even if it is Li Lingtian, the most commonly used is the best chaos treasure, it is not as good as this so-called brave heart.

Moreover, this brave heart, the most abnormal is not the power, but its special effects!

After the fusion, you can increase your spiritual power and the original power of the law by 10%!

Ten percent, what is that concept?

Therefore, Li Lingtian is very satisfied with this so-called brave heart.

As soon as his thoughts moved, Li Lingtian chose to merge with the brave heart.



The powerful spiritual power, like a waterfall, flows into Li Lingtian's body continuously. In an instant, the momentum of Li Lingtian's body rises like crazy.

Fortunately, Li Lingtian's own quality is strong enough to withstand the influx of this force. In a short time, the heart of the brave is completely integrated.


Slowly opening his eyes, Li Lingtian only felt that his body was full of countless powers, could not help but sighed, clenched his fists, his eyes were full of hot look.

"Good effect! Sure enough, after integrating this, both the spiritual power and the strength of the law's origin are increased by 10%, no, or even about 15%!"

"His...this luck is really perfect!"

With a grin, Li Lingtian turned his head and saw seven people including Liu Banxian, Yalisha, Wan Tianyu and Chen Mouliang, all with their eyes closed and their bodies trembling violently.

In their bodies, there are surging spiritual power fluctuations, and they also emit a variety of colors~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Obviously, they are still comprehending and fusing the chaotic treasures that they have just obtained.

At this time, Li Lingtian also understood why this place is called the Chaos Hall. It turns out that this hall is full of Chaos!

"I just don't know, what level of Chaos Treasure they got... If they are all the highest Chaos Treasure, then this time, it is really a big profit!"

The more I want to go on, Li Lingtian is more and more happy. This time, their Qinglong remains are really profitable.

Not to mention that he got so many puppets, tens of thousands of heads up to the ninth level of the star, among which there are thousands of puppets, and even reached the domain main level, this strength is enough to compare with a big force .

Although it is not as powerful as superpowers, it is still not enough for high-end combat power. As for the combat power under the third order of the domain master, these puppets under Li Lingtian can definitely explode a lot of superpowers!

The quantity is not as good as the quality, but if the quantity reaches a certain number, it will cause a qualitative change!

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