War God Supreme

Chapter 3049: Bad comer

"It's them, get started!"

Just when Chen Mouliang was excited, an icy drink sounded abruptly.

Suddenly hearing the sound of cold drinking, Wan Tianyu were all surprised, turning their heads to see, and suddenly saw hundreds of figures rushing towards them.

"No, there is danger!"

Wan Tianyu's face suddenly changed dramatically, and even Liu Banxian and Yali killed their faces with dignity.

They can feel that among the comers, there are a lot of domain master second-order strongmen, and the rest, the worst are also around the star's ninth-order strength.

Although the strength is not very strong, but the number of people is large, if a battle really breaks out, they may not be able to take advantage of it!

"It's just a few of them. They just went to the remains of the Blue Dragon! That's one of the four elephant **** beasts! And, look at the person's back, the wings of cold light are the treasure he got from the Blue Dragon ruins! "

There was another sound, and in a short time, those people who rushed at the positive pole looked at Li Lingtian and others with a hot look in their eyes.

Especially when looking at the pair of wings behind Li Lingtian, it was full of greed.

"This voice is a familiar voice!"

Everyone was quite surprised in their hearts. When they frowned, they suddenly realized that the man's voice seemed extremely familiar.

Looking up carefully, Wan Tianyu and several others also found Song Haiming who was dodged in the crowd constantly!

"Song Haiming, it's you!"

"Damn, I didn't expect that you **** would betray us!"

Suddenly, Wan Tianyu and others were angry, especially Chen Mouliang and a few of them. At first, in order to care for Song Haiming's face, they even angered Li Lingtian, but Song Haiming did well, not only did not thank them, but also wanted to use them.

If it were not that they had offended Li Lingtian because of Song Haiming in the first place, I am afraid that this time, what they can get will be even richer!

Up to now, they finally got some panacea, but they haven't had time to bring it back, but they were surrounded by Song Haiming and the others, clearly wanting to rob them of what they got, how can they be able to Not angry?

"Huh, what is betrayal? Obviously a group of you are suppressing me!"

Hearing the words of Wan Tianyu and others, Song Haiming's face suddenly became embarrassed. However, after all, he had a thick-skinned thief, and his eyes turned, he slapped all the blame, and all the responsibilities were put on Wan Tianyu and others. Body.

At this time, Wan Tianyu and others were very anxious. If it were not because of Song Haiming's large number of people, it would have been rushed to fight.

Li Lingtian is watching everyone quietly.

Although Song Haiming looked arrogant, he did not have much status among those people. He could stand in front of him, at least six people.

It can also be seen from these that these guys are not people in the Holy City of Storms.

In addition, the strength of this group of people is generally the first-order realm of the domain master. Li Lingtian has almost confirmed that these people are all people who come to participate in the elimination battle!

"Strange, doesn't it mean that ordinary people simply don't know this star field? How come so many people suddenly appeared?"

Li Lingtian couldn't help but feel weird, frowning slightly, and wondering in his heart: "Is it possible that these guys were all found by Song Haiming's guy?"

"That shouldn't be the case. If so, then Song Haiming should be the master."

"It seems that these guys, if there is no accident, are the people who came to participate in the knockout. Just don't know, how do they know this star field."

And when Li Lingtian looked at the group of people, the leader of the group was also looking at them.

After all, Li Lingtian’s realm is higher than their two realms. Therefore, they cannot sense Li Lingtian’s specific realm, thinking that Li Lingtian, like them, is only the second order of the domain master.

Coupled with Liu Banxian, they also hide their strengths. Therefore, among those people, only Li Lingtian, Wan Tianyu and Chen Mouliang have the second-order strength of the domain master.

In this way, they are at ease.

"Hey, I don't care about any grudges between you, now, I have only two options for you!"

The leader snorted with a sneer, which interrupted Song Haiming's words.

Suddenly, Song Haiming's face stiffened and glared at the leader, but when he thought of the strength of the man, he still twitched violently, and the expression of resentment in his eyes grew deeper.

"Oh? Which two options?"

Li Lingtian shrugged his shoulders and asked indifferently.

"First, give me all the treasures you get!"

"Second, you die. I personally rob you of all the treasures on you!"

The leading man raised his eyebrows and showed a terrifying look on his face. When he said this, his body suddenly burst into a surging momentum, delusional to oppress Li Lingtian and others.

If his realm is higher than the fourth order of the domain master, maybe his move will work, but now, under the protection of Li Lingtian, the man's momentum is not oppressed to Wan Tianyu at all.

Seeing that his coercion didn't work as it should, the man could not help but frown, but the temptation of Qinglong's ruins to him still made him suppress the rest of his mind, just staring at Li Lingtian. Eight people.

"It seems that both options need to hand over the treasure!"

Li Lingtian shook his head slightly and said helplessly: "In that case, I can only choose the third choice!"

"The third choice?"

Wen Yan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The leader could not help but be a little surprised and looked at Li Lingtian in doubt.

"That is, you give me all the treasures on you! Then, get out!"

Speaking of which, all eight of Li Lingtian laughed out loud, especially Li Lingtian, looking at the eyes of those people, full of cold light.

After all, Li Lingtian himself has broken through to the fourth-order realm of the domain master. Faced with these guys whose strength is only the second-order domain master, he will naturally not put it in his heart.


Anger couldn't help but burst out of his heart. The leader's face was daunting, his eyes narrowed, and he was staring at Li Lingtian, shouting and shouting, "Very good, very good, this is the first time someone has actually dared In front of me to chase the soul, such a big speech!"

"This time, I won't kill you, I'm sorry for myself!"

The sound of yawning, slowly sounded!

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