War God Supreme

Chapter 3060: Suffocating method

Realizing that the trees directly surrounded himself and others, Li Lingtian couldn't help but frown, his face full of dignity.

These trees contain a rich breath of life, unless those trees are completely damaged in the blink of an eye, otherwise, the rich breath of life is enough to bring them back to life.

But now, with Li Lingtian's strength, they can't do this.

"Hi... Brother Ling Tian, ​​what should we do now?"

Wan Tianyu saw that the trees were constantly surrounding, and they were all frightened. They quickly retreated, and they all retreated behind Li Lingtian.

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian could not help frowning, but Li Lingtian did not talk too much to them, just staring at the trees.

It can be clearly seen that the trees are all gleaming with emerald green and silver-white light, and each other shines together. It looks extremely beautiful, and the endless breath of life is always supplementing the life elements of those trees. .

It is precisely because of this that they are the realm of Wanxuan Holy Fire without fear of Li Lingtian.

You know, Li Lingtian’s 10,000 Xuan Shenghuo field, even if the ordinary third-level strong master of the domain enters, will be burned by the hot temperature, but these trees have no reaction at all, and the life breath in this area can be seen. How rich is it.

As soon as the eyeball turned, Li Lingtian directly removed the field of Wanxuan Holy Fire. Since the field of Wanxuan Holy Fire was useless, there was no need to be stuck here.


With a wave of his right hand, the field of Wanxuan Shenghuo quietly disappeared.

However, after the field of Wanxuan Holy Fire dissipated, the speed of the trees that were surrounding them moved slowly.


Li Lingtian raised his eyebrows in surprise. His expression on his face could not help but stunned. He was surprised to find that after the trees dissipated in the field of Ten Thousand Sacred Fire, the breath of life in the body disappeared at a very rapid rate.

Soon, those breaths of life slowed down a lot, leaving only some breath of life, still at the roots of those trees.

It is precisely these breaths of life that are supporting the movement of these trees and giving them life!

"So it turns out!"

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian couldn't help but nodded slightly. He secretly guessed in his heart that these trees had no lethality, but just looked scary.

If they shot, the breath of life in these trees would surge out, making them feel desperate.

On the contrary, if they do not take action, but just dodge, then the attack of these trees will not cause any harm to them.

As soon as these trees came out, because of their tense minds, they were too nervous, and a strong attack erupted directly, which only triggered the fierce counterattack of those trees.

In other words, as long as they no longer attack these trees, they can still easily escape these attacks.

"Don't defend, put away all Chaos Arcana!"

At this point, Li Lingtian directly shouted: "Let's fly directly over it, those branches should be avoided, don't fight them!"

With a soft drink, Li Lingtian put away the Goddess Outfit, leaving only Goddess Armor and Qianyan Holy Wing.

With a trembling of shoulders, Qianyan Shengyi suddenly exploded at a rapid speed, and took Li Lingtian towards the trees.

"Oh, uh!"

The branches danced wildly and beat Li Lingtian crazy.

However, in front of Li Lingtian's speed, these dancing branches, like the slow-motion playback, are extremely slow.

Almost instantaneously, Li Lingtian swept through these branches with the speed of the eruption of Qianyan Shengyi, and successfully shuttled through many trees.

Seeing this scene, Wan Tianyu couldn't help but his pupils contracted violently, and he gasped in surprise.

They dare not imagine that this looks like an offensive like a heavenly net, but actually let Li Lingtian go over so easily?

Not to mention them, even Li Lingtian himself is a little unimaginable.

Taking a deep breath, Li Lingtian patted his hand, and then he dare to be sure.

Turning around, Li Lingtian saw Wan Tianyu and others through the dense trees.

As soon as his eyes rolled, Li Lingtian said with a deep voice: "The speed of these trees is actually very slow! It looks fast, but it is just an illusion. You hide the breath of your body, except for the treasures that can increase the speed, the rest of the treasures are all Put away, and then rush over again!"

After hearing Li Lingtian's reminder, Liu Banxian, Yali killing and Wan Tianyu directly collected the chaotic treasures in their hands, and then worked hard to prepare for the impact.

Chen Mouliang several people are quite hesitant, but seeing that the three people Wan Tianyu trusted Li Lingtian so much, they also gritted their teeth and put all the treasures away.

"Oh, uh!"

Soon, those trees, waving branches wildly, rushed towards Wan Tianyu and others.

Li Lingtian also looked dignified, staring tightly at Wan Tianyu and others.

Although he successfully rushed out, it does not mean that Wan Tianyu can easily rush out.


Taking a deep breath, Wan Tianyu suddenly burst into a slam, and then his body rushed out quickly as if he were suffering from a severe electric shock.

Behind him, Liu Banxian, Yali killing, Chen Mouliang and others also rushed out, rushing towards the gap between the trees in different directions.

At this time, they were all forced to a desperate situation, extremely fast, but in an instant, they came between the branches of wild dance.

Their bodies are constantly twisting and twisting, and they can shuttle through the branches and skim the trees!


After rushing through the trees, Wan Tianyu and others all gasped for breath~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There was a light expression on his face.

Li Lingtian was also relieved.

"This ruin is too weird."

Wan Tianyu frowned, Shen Sheng said: "I can't resist, I have to rush over. If ordinary people come, I'm afraid I will resist to death."

"This relic is full of breath of life, and it is really difficult to kill trees that are already tenacious."

Li Lingtian said in a deep voice: "However, fortunately, we have cleared the matter here, then, continue to go! If you encounter something, don't fight back in a panic, just observe and talk!"

"it is good!"

Fang Cai was the cracking method that Li Lingtian found. Therefore, Wan Tianyu was very convinced of Li Lingtian.

Moving on, however, it was only a quarter of an hour, and there was danger, and came to Li Lingtian in front of several people.


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