War God Supreme

Chapter 3062: Unlimited resurrection?

Realizing that the wolves actually understood the tactics of siege, Li Lingtian was also quite surprised in his heart, but he was not surprised if he was surprised.

   Thoughts moved, the flame of extinction turned into two fire dragons, roaring and rushed towards the giant wolves, directly encircling them, and stopped it.

  At this time, it was still dozens of giant wolves in front of them who could attack them.

   But only dozens of giant wolves, far from threatening them.

   What they have to worry about is nothing more than spiritual power and the power of the law of origin.


  Li Lingtian and his group of eight people, like a sharp knife, directly broke the blood of the wolf pack!

  As time went on, Li Lingtian's eight people also went deeper into the wolves.

   At this time, the wolves who can attack them have also become more numerous.

   Even if there is an open path with the frost earth dragon, their pace of advancement has slowed down slightly.


  However, at this time, there was a loud noise behind him.

"what's the situation?"

   Li Lingtian suddenly realized that the wolves behind him seemed to be much stronger than before, and the number was also increased.

   turned around violently, Li Lingtian looked with both eyes, and suddenly found something wrong.

   At this time, some giant wolves actually showed a thin breath of life. Although there were few, the breath of life made them stronger.

   Moreover, all the giant wolves with a breath of life in their bodies are all giant wolves that were previously killed by them!

   Those giant wolves still have blood on their bodies!

   "His... how could this be!"

  Perceived this, Li Lingtian couldn't help but look up diligently, and carefully observed: "It's impossible, but will all the dead giant wolves come back to life?"

  After a careful look, Li Lingtian was relieved, and some corpses of the giant wolf lay down on the ground.

   thought for a while, Li Lingtian discovered the trajectory.

  As long as the corpses are split into two halves, they will not be resurrected. Although the previously resurrected giant wolves are dead, but the corpses are relatively well preserved, therefore, the breath of life will work and make them resurrected.

   "It turns out so!"

   The eyeball turned, Li Lingtian couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, if those giant wolves could be resurrected indefinitely, then they would definitely be killed here.

  At this point, Li Lingtian immediately shouted loudly: "When everyone is more careful, they must cut their bodies in half when they take action, otherwise they will be resurrected again!"


   Suddenly heard Li Lingtian's reminder, Wan Tianyu and the seven others were stunned. When they looked back, they suddenly found something wrong.

   "Strange, those giant wolves have injuries, why is it still so healthy? The speed is so fast?"

   Wan Tianyu and others were surprised.

   "They have a breath of life inside!"

  Li Lingtian draws a circle with both hands, controlling the wind blade to tear the bodies of those giant wolves continuously, and directly cut their bodies into pieces.

While attacking the giant wolves, Li Lingtian also reminded everyone and shouted loudly: "When everyone shoots, try to cut the bodies of those giant wolves in half. If their bodies are kept intact, they will soon be again. resurrection!"

   Hearing Li Lingtian's words, Wan Tianyu they all came to understand, and they all tried their best. They no longer left their hands for each blow, and directly cut the bodies of those giant wolves into pieces.

   For a moment, the broken limbs continued to fly, blood flowed, and corpses ran across the field.

   Rao is Li Lingtian. They have all experienced killings. But seeing such a magnificent scene, they couldn't help but feel a little unbearable.

   However, in this way, although bloody, those giant wolves could not be resurrected after they died.

Not long ago, half an hour later, Li Lingtian could clearly feel that the giant wolves around them were already much less, and those giant wolves seemed to be a little scared. Their offensive was gradually slowing, and the giant wolves besieging them , And no longer like the original, moths are usually fighting up, but only surround them, and occasionally an attack will erupt.

  Perceived this, Li Lingtian could not help but relieved. Fortunately, the most difficult time was over.



   At this time, there was a sudden sound of fighting in the distance. All eight of Li Lingtian were shocked in their hearts and jumped up quickly, looking up into the distance.

   saw dozens of people in the distance, fighting with the giant wolf, surging shock waves, constantly rippling out.

   "His...... Is it possible that this ruin can be entered by multiple people together?"

   "Be careful, these people are quite powerful, everyone has the strength above the second order of the domain master!"

  Li Lingtian reminded carefully.

   Wen Yan, they smiled bitterly.

   Sure enough, there are many geniuses in the world, they think they are good enough, but now the elimination battle is about to break out, and there are more and more geniuses.

  A random person who appears in the debris area of ​​the star field may be a master!

   "It seems that ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ used to be underestimating others! In the future, we must adjust our mentality, otherwise, we will not know how to die in the elimination battle!"

   Wan Tianyu and Chen Mouliang were all nervous.

   "Hoo, let's rush over and join them!"

  Li Lingtian pondered for a moment, and then said softly: "There are too many giant wolves here. If you can cooperate with them, the chance of rushing out will be greater!"

   "I really hope that among their group of people, there will be masters who reach the fourth order of the domain master!"

   Speaking of which, Li Lingtian could not help but sigh softly.


   Wen Yan, several people in Wan Tianyu were all surprised, and did not understand why Li Lingtian said so.

   "The giant wolves here have an orderly attack and defense, and at a glance they know that there must be a wolf king behind them!"

  Li Lingtian said in a deep voice: "But there are too many giant wolves, and the strength of the wolf king will not be lower than the fifth order of the domain master. If I am alone, it is difficult to deal with."

   Of course, if only Li Lingtian is alone, it will be easy to deal with, just use the world treasure, but now he has so many tow oil bottles, he can’t use the world treasure, it is indeed very difficult.

   So Li Lingtian can only put hope on that group of people, as long as the group has a person who has the strength of the fourth level of the domain master, he is sure to directly kill the wolf king behind the giant wolf!

  :. :

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