War God Supreme

Chapter 3069: Folding Gun

At the next moment, Li Lingtian recovered with his right hand and directly caught the golden gun in his hands.

   Seeing this scene, Mo Zifen's face suddenly became somber.

   That was his weapon, but now, it is in Li Lingtian's hands. No matter who he is, he will look downcast when he sees this scene.

   This is really shameful!

In particular, Li Lingtian was in a state of exhausted spiritual energy, but he was in excellent condition himself, and he was fighting for himself, but now his own weapons are all robbed, even if Mo Zi split his face It was extremely thick, and for a moment, it could not help but become slightly rosy.


   Seeing this scene, Wan Tianyu and others suddenly laughed out loud, with a mocking look on his face.

   "Huh, I thought it was so powerful. It turned out that it was so weak!"

   "I can't even hold weapons, I don't know, how did he practice this level?"

   "Huh, he wasn't very rampant just now, and he said he shouldn't waste everyone's time. It turned out that he knew his strength was too bad and understood that if Brother Ling Tian had recovered his spiritual power, he would definitely not be an opponent!"

   "Hahaha, in my opinion, Brother Ling Tian can beat this guy even if he does not recover well!"

Hearing Wan Tianyu, Chen Mouliang, and others, Mo Zifen was even more ashamed. If he is now taking the initiative, he will not be affected, but he has so many advantages, but he is in battle. At a disadvantage, this makes him unable to bear.

   "His... No, no, how, how can this happen!"

   "Impossible, the boss is extremely powerful, how can it be at a disadvantage?"

Mo Zifen’s men were all stunned. In their impression, Mo Zifen’s strength is extremely strong. Even if he meets the master of the fifth order of the domain master, he has the power to fight. Why? Facing the exhaustion of Li Lingtian, can't he take the advantage?

Of course, Li Lingtian didn't care about everyone's surprise. After realizing Mo Zifen's confusion, Li Lingtian directly raised the golden gun with both hands, slightly raised the corner of his mouth, and said softly, "I don't know, your golden gun, How hard can it be..."


   Suddenly heard this sentence, Mo Zi could not help but frowned, froze in place.

  He didn't understand what Li Lingtian said.

  Li Lingtian raised the corner of his mouth, revealing an extremely beautiful arc, and then folded his hands hard in front of Mo Zifen's face!



   In the crisp voice, the golden gun was directly broken into two halves.



   Seeing this scene, Mo Zifen's pupil suddenly shrank, and all was angry in his heart.

   Especially when I saw the golden gun falling on the ground, Mo Zi's heart was almost unbroken!

   That golden gun, but the chaotic treasure of the highest level!

   If it were not for that golden gun, Mo Zifen could not compete with the domain master's fifth-order strong man, but this time, Li Lingtian directly destroyed his golden gun!

  If Mo Zifen understood that he would not be Li Lingtian's opponent, I am afraid that he would have been desperate with Li Lingtian already.

   Mo Zifen at this time is already a complete fate, looking at Li Lingtian's eyes, in addition to anger and resentment, it is full of fear.

  Know that before, he did not study the golden gun less, but as a result, without exception, he could not cause any damage to the golden gun.

   For so many years, he used this golden gun to fight against countless masters, among them there are strong masters of the fifth order, but the golden gun is still intact.

Even if the domain master's fifth-order strongman's full blow could not cause damage to the golden gun, Li Lingtian just folded his hands at will and gave the golden gun to this segment. It can be seen how much Li Lingtian's strength is. Strong.

   Of course, it was not Li Lingtian's own power. When he broke the gun, Li Lingtian also exploded all the power in the body, but it did not show up.

   Because only this simplest method can make Mo Zifen feel fear!

   "Mo Zifen, now, do you think we still need to fight?"

  Li Lingtian shrugged his shoulders, his face full of indifference.

   had to say that Li Lingtian was so domineering, that Mo Zifen now had no rebellious thoughts at all, and with a bitter smile, he shook his head in resignation.

   "Hoo, don't need to fight anymore. Your strength is very strong, much stronger than me!"

   If Li Lingtian's strength is only a little stronger than him, Mo Zifen will never admit that.

   After all, he has a large number of people and many people, so there is no need to worry about them.

   But now, Li Lingtian's strength is really crushing him so much that he dare not take risks.

  If so many of them go together and are not Li Lingtian's opponents, then it will be troublesome.

   Perhaps, a group of them will die!

   Therefore, in order to protect his life, Mo Zifen is still very decisive, even his golden gun is not needed.

   In front of life, what is the highest level of chaotic treasure?

   "Hahaha, now, the life spar fragments, leave it to me!"

  Li Lingtian shrugged his shoulders, the smile on his face was extremely prelude.

  However, even if it were so, Mo Zi didn't dare to say more.

  On the contrary, Mo Zifen's men~www.wuxiaspot.com~ looked at Li Lingtian's eyes, and they all became hot.

  In this world, after all, the strong is the most important. Since Li Lingtian is stronger than Mo Zifen, the group of people will naturally worship Li Lingtian even more.

   After all, only the strong can protect their safety!

   glanced at Mo Zifen and others, Li Lingtian didn't notice anything abnormal, so he didn't abandon them, took them, and continued to rush forward.

   At this time, when the king of wolves died, those wolves on the plain were also much less.

  Even occasionally encountering some wolves, and seeing that they are crowded, those wolves directly detoured and left.

   has to say that the IQ of these wolves is still quite high, and actually knows how to avoid disaster.

   walked for another half day, seeing the sky gradually getting late, Li Lingtian just found a cave and then rested together.

   It was also at this time that Li Lingtian was meditating to adjust the rate, adding the spiritual power and the law's original power in the body to the most perfect state.

   However, at this time, Li Lingtian was surprised to find that as the life spar fragments changed him, the total amount of spiritual power in his body actually became more.

  Although the change is not big, it did increase, which made Li Lingtian quite happy.

  If this life spar fragment can stay in his body for a period of time, maybe his realm can also be firmly at the peak of the fourth order of the domain master.

  :. :

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