War God Supreme

Chapter 3103: Guild Fire Giant Bird


Among the loud noises, the barriers composed entirely of the power of time and space are like glass breaking and bursting!


In the clear sound, the fragments of the barrier formed by the power of time and space were scattered around, as if it was a heavy snow.

Seeing this scene, everyone was trembling in their hearts, and their faces were full of despair.

In their impression, the strange space power of the **** blocking the killing **** was crushed by this flame giant bird, then Li Lingtian, what other means can he use to deal with it?

Li Lingtian also frowned, could not succeed, really want to fight meticulously with this giant flaming bird?

Li Lingtian was not afraid of this giant flaming bird. What he was most afraid of was that he rushed into the magma and caused other monsters to come.

If there are more monsters of the fourth order of the domain master or fifth order of the domain master, even he has no confidence to deal with them.


Sensing the collapse of the power of time and space, the flame giant bird stopped spinning suddenly, screaming in the sky, and then leaned down, twinkling cold light and flames in his eyes, staring at Li Lingtian tightly.

Obviously, in the battle of Fang Cai, the giant flame bird also knew that Li Lingtian was the master of this group of people.


Being stared at by the flaming giant bird, Li Lingtian couldn't help but take a sigh of relief, and then jumped up, his body was like an arrow from the string, and flew towards the flaming giant bird!

Li Lingtian already understands that until now, he has no way to dodge this battle!


With a soft drink, Li Lingtian's extinct flames appeared in his hands, turned into two fire whips, and suddenly slammed towards the flame giant bird!

At the same time, the field of Wanxuan Holy Fire broke out quietly, directly covering Li Lingtian and the giant flame bird together.


The fiery red field erupted. At the next moment, Li Lingtian and the flaming giant bird were completely blocked by the field.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but take a breath, their faces full of worry.

"Sir, you must be able to win!"

"Brother Ling Tian... Now, we can only rely on you!"

Everyone prayed for Li Lingtian.

In the field of Wanxuan Holy Fire, Li Lingtian's body was dazzling, and the Destroyer suit was all revealed. The body's momentum exploded, just like a god, falling into the sky and slamming the flame giant bird!

Under the full urging of the God of Destruction God, Li Lingtian's body also temporarily broke through the restrictions of the forbidden air field and flew directly into the air. The figure rotated, and the flame of God of Destruction was like two steel knives, toward the giant bird of flame Plug it in!


Feeling the almost violent power of Thor in Li Lingtian's body, the flame giant bird also panicked, and also rotated, again blowing a flame hurricane.


Countless flames flew out of their wings and slammed into Li Lingtian.

However, Li Lingtian's deepest understanding of the power of the law of the origin is the law of the fire system. Therefore, the flame of this degree has not been close to Li Lingtian's body, but has been absorbed by the Wanxuan Holy Fire field and transformed into his own power!


"Come well! Hahaha!"

Amidst the laughter, Li Lingtian's body also became more powerful and deeper!


Sensing this, the giant flaming bird also stopped spinning, staring at Li Lingtian's eyes with a look of horror.

It is responsible for guarding this Suzaku relic for thousands of years. It is the first time he has seen people who can absorb the power of fire. From this, it can be seen how deep Li Lingtian's understanding of fire is!


There was a cry, and the flame giant bird simply gave up the flame offensive, but his wings flew for a while, and the whole body was like a flash of electricity, and quickly rushed towards Li Lingtian.

"Come well!"

Li Lingtian was not afraid, his figure was spinning, and he urged the God of Extinction with all his strength. The flame of God of Extinction in his hand was like two steel knives, colliding with the claws of the giant flame bird!


As the long whip formed by the flames of God of Extinction collided violently with the claws of the flaming giant bird, Li Lingtian and the flaming giant bird's body exploded with surging power.

A strong shock wave swept away constantly, wreaking havoc on the surrounding air.

Even the field of Wanxuan Holy Fire shook violently.

This shows how powerful Li Lingtian and the giant flame bird are!

"Roar roar!"

The flaming giant bird lowered his head suddenly, stab Li Lingtian's head with its sharp rafters.

"A good beast!"

Seeing this, Li Lingtian couldn't help but his pupils contracted violently, and then his body quickly retreated, pulling away from the body of the giant flame.


The flaming giant bird, however, was unreasonable, just like a mad dog, constantly rushing to Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian dodged quickly, but his face was full of dignity.

It's better to defend~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If you continue to defend, there will be a moment of loss, so Li Lingtian must find a way to counterattack!

As soon as the eyeball turned, Li Lingtian suddenly dispersed the flame of extinction in his hand, a stroke in his right hand, a spear with a purple light flashing, and suddenly appeared in Li Lingtian's hand.

"Drink, exorcism and thunder!"

Li Lingtian screamed, and suddenly threw the spear in his hand, slamming the flaming giant bird.

At the same time, there were dark clouds in the space and thunder bursts.



The strong thunder sounded constantly.


The flaming giant bird seemed to have already played out his confidence, but he was not afraid, and rushed directly at the violent God of Extinction.

However, the flaming giant bird did not expect that the speed of extinction of the mad thunder was extremely fast, and it had not yet reacted. The sharp lance of the gun, already flashing cold light, penetrated into its head.



At the next moment, thunder and lightning roared, and dozens of purple thunders suddenly fell out of thin air and exploded on the head and body of the flame giant bird!


Suddenly, the flaming giant bird felt his body, as if it was being hammered by a giant hammer, and a great force came out, and its body fell directly towards the magma surface.

At the same time, Li Lingtian's body was also oppressed by the forbidden air field and quickly fell.

Li Lingtian's complexion changed, and Wan Xuan's holy fire broke out at his feet, transforming the combat armor and protecting his body.

Although Li Lingtian had a deep understanding of the power of the fire department, his own body was still very fragile.


With the protection of Wanxuan Holy Flame Battlegear, Li Lingtian's body also landed steadily on the magma surface.

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