War God Supreme

: Abandoned VIP

It is another obsolete Vip. Every time it is uploaded to the twentieth volume, it runs to the nineteenth volume, which leads to chaotic chapters, but the VIP chapters cannot be deleted, and the trouble is dead.

Here, Luohua makes an advertisement, which is also the book of Luohua, but just changed the name. The author's name is Jun Ruohuan, and the book name is "Tianlong Supreme".

The book Dragon Dragon Supreme is more exciting than the Supreme God of War. It is regarded as the classic work of Falling Flowers. A lot of hard work is for the Dragon Dragon Supreme.

You only need to search for the author's name, Jun Ruohuan, or Tianlong Supreme.

This is a short content of Tianlong Supreme, you can take a look at:

When Prince Moon Mountain was beheaded by Chu Yun, the countless powerhouses of the Mozu were shocked.

The more this is, the more it is to kill Chu Yun in the remains of gods and demons, so that Chu Yun will not continue to grow.

For a time, countless Mozu envoys, countless Mozu guards, countless princes, and several devils joined the ranks of Chu Yun, not only for Chu Yun's treasures and wealth, but also for the reputation of World War I. , Get the reward of the demon.

However, on the second day of Prince Moon Mountain's fall, the Night Demon Prince fell.

On the fourth day, Prince Lingxi, fell~

On the fifth day, the princes of Cheng and Zongxue fell.

On the seventh day, the six demon envoys and two guards fell.

On the eighth day, the demon blood demon alien clan prince, fell.


On the sixty-seventh day, the Mozu candle family, the prince Zhuoling, fell.

In just sixty-seven days, 31 princes of the Demon Race were beheaded by Chu Yun. Seventy-six demons fell, 104 guards fell, and there were countless other demons in the Celestial Realm.

For a time, the whole demons vibrated.

The city of Moon Demon, and even countless human monks in the Six Heavens of Northern Wasteland, were shocked by Chu Yun.

Chu Yun’s points in the list of Heaven and Man surpassed the highest ranked Lingyue in the Holy Palace.

At the moment, Chu Yun's points reached 102,736,731 points, ranking 98 in the list of Heaven and Man, becoming the first person in the Holy Palace to enter the 100 in the list of Heaven and Man.

"Chu Yun, it's too against the sky, there is no one stronger than the Devil's Heaven and Man."

"The speed of cultivation can only be described in horror. In just one year, he reached the seventh peak of Heaven and Man. If he goes on like this, he will be given another year to use the power of Time Baoding. "

"It's been all the way, there's nothing like it."

"He killed the deepest part of the divine remains, that place, almost a forbidden place for human monks."

"Musiu Yulin, the wind will destroy it. He has killed so many demon princes and demon envoys. The demon will definitely send the fairyland strongman to erase him. If in the past, the devil has not done so, now In this situation, the Demon Race is unscrupulous, and besides, Chu Yun is so evil, the Devil Race will not indulge him to grow up."

"The top one in the list of heaven and man is one hundred. If this continues, he may rush into the top ten."

Countless human monks in the city of the Moon Demon, as well as countless large army and strong men, in their spare time, it is Chu Yun who is talking about. Chu Yun has become the talk of countless humans after tea.

Some of the Tianjiao, who came to the Moon Demon City with Chu Yun, are still mixed in the army, and some are still working hard to earn contributions and strive to complete the mission as soon as possible.

But Chu Yun has already rushed into the top 100 of the list of Heaven and Man.

The humans in Beihuangshenzhou are all happy for Chu Yun's adversity.

Because in the face of the powerful and unmatched Demon invasion, the more powerful Chu Yun is, the more beneficial it is to the Northern Wilderness Divine Continent, and, like Chu Yun and other evil monsters, ordinary people are simply not jealous and envious.

"Follow Chu Yun's trail at any time."

Moon Devil City, the commander-in-chief, Wang Tianling ordered.


"My little brother, I'm really against the sky."

Beihuang Holy Palace, Lengyue Holy Mountain, a woman whose beauty is like a goddess of nine heavens, with a faint smile on her cold face, the smile flickering.


"This little guy is really beyond the expectations of this palace."

"I don't know what happened to Xuanzhen now?"

One of the elders of the ninth congregation, the elder Xuansu, has a gentle language.

Outsiders could not see her true face, and did not know how her expression changed.


"Yun'er, if you are a dragon, you will be able to arrogantly endure for nine days."

Dongling Shenzhou, which is far away from Beihuang Shenzhou, is the top of a mysterious mountain.

A middle-aged man looked at the sky, his eyes like stars.

There is no strong breath on his body, but around him, the stars are shining and magical.


Relics of Gods and Demons, between the Northern Wilderness Shenzhou and the Western Wilderness Demon Realm.

Close to the side of Beihuangshenzhou, human monks can be seen everywhere, and powerful demons can be seen from time to time. Because of the massive invasion of the demons, the first defensive line of the city of the moon demon is to be captured.

And on the side near the desolation field of Xihuang, it is all the world of demons, and it is almost difficult to see human monks.

Here, there is a barren, magical sky.

At any time, you can see the demon army rushing in the direction of the moon demon city, and you can also see countless demon strongs. In order to win the moon demon city, the demon army rushes out of the nest.

"Can't go any further."

"Go forward, you may encounter the demons in fairyland at any time."

On top of a bare mountain.

There is one person, one beast, and one plant life.

This combination, the natural Chu Yun and the colorful flame unicorn, as well as the blue orchid.

Chu Yun watched the sky continue to have the Demon Army and the strong flying toward the direction of the Moon Demon City, his eyes showing a trace of shock, facing the Demon Army, he was not sure.

The dense army of demons, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and even millions of tens of millions, rushed to the city of the moon demons. If the city of the moon demons fell, then the humans and creatures of the Northern Wilderness Divine Continent would be lost.

"You have now reached the seventh peak of Heaven and Man Realm."

"It's only one step away from the eighth level."

"After this period of combat baptism, honing is enough."

"I heard that mankind has a saying that martial arts have a limit, called pinnacles to the realm. With pinnacles to the realm, you will get the qualities of the sky.

"The heaven and human realm is the pinnacle of human martial arts. There is a pinnacle to the realm."

"I observed for a long time, and found that there are some evils against the sky, which have been at the peak of the ninth heaven of heaven and man. It is not that they are stuck in the heaven and earth, but that they are accumulating and brewing. You understand what I mean."

Colorful Flame Qilin said.

After this period of continuous killing and promotion, its current state is equivalent to the ninth heaven and earth, which is higher than Chu Yun's state, making Chu Yun envious.

It has lived for a long time, and it knows more secrets than Chu Yun.

"At its peak?"

"Have such a realm?"

Of course, Chu Yun understands the meaning of the colorful flame unicorn. Many peerless evils stay in the Ninefold of Heaven and Man Realm. It is for the peak to the realm. The peak to the realm is not a realm that must be crossed, but it is qualified to excavate against the evil devil. presence.

It's just that few misty realms are attained.

"From the pinnacle to the border, it is the anti-sky monster that has the opportunity."

"Great perseverance, great wisdom, great opportunity, good luck, great talent."

"With these, you have a slim chance."

"Actually, I don't know much, only the characters in the human superpowers and superpowers know. Ask your master, in this respect, she knows more than I know."

Colorful Flame Qilin said.

Standing on the top of the mountain, I'm not afraid of the discovery of the dense demon in the distance.

Because Chu Yun has cast a hidden Divine Pattern Formation, as long as it is not the Formation Master, he cannot find their existence.

"It seems that it is time to return to the Holy Palace."

"Right, that guy won't lose it."

Chu Yun pondered for a while and said softly.

In the latter sentence, I asked the colorful flame unicorn. His eyes looked at the colorful flame unicorn. What he said was that the nine devil candles of the devil were invincible. This nine devil has been chasing behind him.

However, even under Chu Yun's killing all the way, Nine Demons failed to catch up with him.

His current speed is terrifying.

The space field of a peak, plus the wings of destruction, and flying at full speed, there is no one in heaven and man can match.

"How sure are you?"

Asked the colorful flame unicorn.

"Five percent is sure to defeat him."

"Two percent sure to kill him."

"He, he should be waiting for something, because he didn't have 100% certainty to kill me, and worried that I would run away. In order to get the time Baoding and Ningxian Shenglu in me, he should gather the super strong and arrange to kill me. "

Chu Yun said lightly, with confidence on his face.

He has seen the battle of the Nine Devils, and he really has no 100% confidence in defeating him. To defeat him, you must rely on several killers. As for killing him, the chance is even smaller.

After all, characters like Nine Demon certainly have a lot of killer skills and cards.

If you have reached the peak of the Ninth Level in your self-cultivation, you have greater confidence in killing the Nine Demons. Similarly, he still dare not say that he is 100% sure to kill the Nine Demons.

"I can only try to help you contain others."

"At that time, it is up to you."

Colorful Flame Qilin said.

As the devil of the Devil Race, Nine Demon Son has an aloof status, and there are countless super strong people around him.

If Chu Yun did not kill so many princes and demon envoys, the Nine Demons didn't care about Chu Yun at all, and might come to kill Chu Yun and **** Time Baoding and Ningxian Shenglu.

But in just two months, Chu Yun killed countless princes and envoys, so that the nine demon had to take it seriously.

In order not to let Chu Yun escape, he must gather the strong to come together to kill Chu Yun, and strive to kill Chu Yun in one fell swoop.

At that time, Chu Yun will face the siege of the demon strong.

And at most, it is to help Chu Yun to contain some of the Devil's strong men. The real battle depends on Chu Yun himself.

"At that time, you and Biluo dragged the nine demon people."

"I will deal with the Nine Devils in person. If we lose, we will quickly withdraw, otherwise we will be surrounded by the Demon Clan and attract the fairyland Demon Clan.

Chu Yun nodded.

He is ready.

After fighting with the Nine Demon Warriors, he returned to the holy palace and practiced for a period of time. If he had some problems with cultivation, he still had to ask Teacher Zun and Sister Si.

After talking ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Chu Yun sat cross-legged.

A drop of Erpin Ningxian Shenglu swallowed it.

Beginning to cultivate, condensing the Immortal Holy Dew, not only can improve the cultivator's behavior, but also restore the spirit and enhance the mind.

In the face of the Nine Devils and other supernatural monsters, he had to go all out. Before the war, he had to adjust his spirit to the peak state of the heyday and fight against the Nine Devils in the peak state.

Time, a little bit passed.

After three hours, the original magical world gradually quieted down, and the space was filled with a strange atmosphere, and the silence was full, making people feel very depressed.

In the distance, the demon army and the strong who constantly rushed to the direction of the city of the moon demon also disappeared.

The whole world seems to be still.

At this time, Chu Yun slowly opened his eyes, his face calm.

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