War God Supreme

Chapter 3118: Qinglong larvae

After coming to the deepest point, what appeared in front of Li Lingtian was a giant tiger!

The giant tiger, with its extremely large body, resembles a giant mountain, sitting in front of Li Lingtian and several people.

Only by raising their heads can they barely see the head of the giant tiger, and the paw of the giant tiger looks as high as tens of feet.

It can be said that the figure of this giant tiger is not even much smaller than that of Suzaku, but it is much shorter than that of Qinglong.

But even among the four elephants and beasts, Qinglong has the longest body shape. After all, its height is relatively small.

"It's impossible, this is the real white tiger?"

The four of Li Lingtian paused and looked up at the giant tiger, their eyes filled with horror.

It's nothing more than they think this way. After all, apart from the Four Elephants and Beasts, they can't think of anything else, with such a huge body!

What's more, this giant tiger is also covered with silvery white hair. It looks exactly like the legendary white tiger.

"His... This white tiger ruin doesn't seem to be in any danger. It's so easy to reach the white tiger true god!"

Several people in Wan Tianyu were also surprised: "It's impossible, is this just fake?"

"It's not without danger..."

However, at this moment, a vicissitudes of voice was suddenly heard in the ears of several people.

"But all the dangers are blocked by Suzaku!"

Hearing that, Li Lingtian and others suddenly changed their complexion, and quickly backed away a few steps, looking up at the huge white tiger.

Sure enough, I don't know when, in the eyes of this huge white tiger, there was a divine light.

"you you……"

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian was shocked, and his throat rolled and swallowed.

"How did you wake up?"

Li Lingtian frowned immediately.

Only in the remains of Suzaku, when Suzaku regained consciousness, he blocked everyone, and only he could hear Suzaku's words, but now, why didn't White Tiger choose to do that?

Can't help it, is there anything hidden in this white tiger?

"Oh, I was awake as long as Suzaku really appeared."

The white tiger said with a smile: "Originally, within the ruins, there were many formations and institutions, but I sensed the existence of Suzaku's true fire and shut down those formations and institutions. Otherwise, you want to come Here, at least it will take tens of days."

"It turns out that..."

It is said that Li Lingtian looked at each other and raised their brows. No wonder they could come here so easily. It turned out that the White Tiger secretly shut down the formation and the organization.

"Huh, if I guessed right, you should have inherited Suzaku?"

Bai Hu suddenly turned his attention to Li Lingtian.

"Not bad!"

Li Lingtian nodded slightly.

It is said that Bai Hu also looked carefully at Li Lingtian.

However, after a while, the white tiger exclaimed: "Eh, your body still has the power of time and space, and the inheritance of the Qinglong!"

"It seems that you really are the chosen one!"

After exclaiming, Bai Hu was amazed and looked at Li Lingtian's eyes, also full of surprise.


After hearing this, Li Lingtian was surprised. This white tiger seems to be stronger than Suzaku.

You know, even Suzaku didn't see that he still had the power of time and space and the inheritance of Qinglong.

But Bai Hu just looked at him, and they all saw it. It can be seen that Bai Hu's eyesight is strong.

"Oh... My strength is no better than Suzaku."

It seems to see what Li Lingtian thought, and the white tiger said: "In order to suppress the beast, Suzaku burned the fire of his life. It can be said that it has been dying. It can last for so long, its strength, Naturally, it cannot be maintained very well."


Li Lingtian blinked and murmured, "Burning the fire of life..."


Suddenly, Li Lingtian felt admiration.

You know, the fire of life is a person, or the most important thing in life.

If the fire of life goes out, his life will soon fall.

But Suzaku, in order to suppress the mysterious beast, actually burned the fire of his life, showing that Suzaku is not a selfish person.

"It is estimated that its previous trap was also to eliminate the mysterious beast..."

Suddenly, Li Lingtian's impression of the Suzaku also changed.


Bai Hu breathed a sigh of relief and said helplessly: "Wait for millions of years, and finally wait for someone who has inherited..."

"Millions of years..."

Hearing the words of the white tiger, Wan Tianyu, Liu Banxian and Yali were surprised.

Although they have been psychologically prepared for a long time, these four elephants and beasts are extremely old, but when they really heard millions of years, they still felt shocked.

For them, thousands of years and tens of thousands of years are far enough. Millions of years, how long is that?

Is it possible that these four elephant beasts have always existed in the river of time?

"Don't be surprised, this galaxy has existed for countless centuries, even older than us, and there are so many. It will be clear when you break through to the main state of the world."

Bai Hu smiled slightly, looking at Li Lingtian's eyes, full of satisfaction.

"Little guy, let me ask you, are you willing to accept my heritage?"

"That request, Suzaku should have told you, my request is not high, I believe that you will be willing to accept."

Wen Yan, Wan Tianyu could not help but looked at Li Lingtian with envy.

But he also knew that, among them, only Li Lingtian had that kind of talent to accept the inheritance of the Four Elephants.

If you let them accept the inheritance, it is very likely that they have not completed the inheritance yet, and they will explode and die.

He has self-knowledge and knows that he does not have that talent. Therefore, he will not be jealous of Li Lingtian. On the contrary, as a friend, he will only be happy for Li Lingtian.

"any request?"

After hesitating for a while~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Li Lingtian asked, "The younger generation must do what it can!"


Bai Hu gave Li Lingtian a meaningful look, and Shen Sheng said: "I believe that you can do it!"

"My request is for you to raise Qinglong's larvae to grow up!"


It was heard that Li Lingtian's face suddenly changed dramatically, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

"what did you say?"

The corner of his mouth twitched violently. Li Lingtian couldn't believe what he heard in his ears, and he couldn't believe it.

"I said, my request is that you raise Qinglong larvae!"

(End of this chapter)

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