War God Supreme

Chapter 3137: Has come

After deciding to fight, several of them did not delay, and began to appease those who had surrendered to him in the nebula debris area.

Although those people were scattered before, it was because Li Lingtian was not there. Now that Li Lingtian is back, they are all very well-behaved, and they dare not be arrogant at all. , Let Chu Yu take them separately.

After busy with these things, Li Lingtian and others rested for a day. In the early morning of the next day, they let Liu Banxian and Yali kill and guard themselves. They were alone, and they were in the direction of the wild battle.

In the secret, Li Wei passed the news of Li Lingtian out.

All the way, they came to their base.

However, after coming to that pawnshop, Li Lingtian realized that it was quite silent.

"what's going on?"

He closed his eyes slightly, and Li Lingtian felt it carefully, only to find that there was no breath in the pawnshop.

"It's impossible! It's impossible, did they switch bases wildly?"

Frowning, Li Lingtian rushed directly into the pawnshop.

As soon as I rushed in, the door was knocked open, and there was a lot of dust flying inside.


After coughing violently, Li Lingtian's complexion was completely dignified.

So much dust is enough to prove that they are fighting wildly, and have been away from this place for a long time.

"It seems that they are also worried that I will come back to find them in trouble, so I left here early... Huh, I have to say that although the mad war is a bit stupid, the crisis awareness is still very good."

Nodding his head slightly, Li Lingtian looked around. Sure enough, the counter was covered with dust, but, just like that, he was still not sure whether they left here. He clearly remembered that there was a secret room in this pawnshop. .

There is no cave in there, if they deliberately fight to make these looks, actually hiding in the secret room?

At this point, Li Lingtian walked directly behind the pawnshop.

Rushing all the way in, opening the channel, Li Lingtian's thoughts moved, Qianyan Shengyi condensed out, floating beside him, protecting Li Lingtian and rushing towards the channel quickly!

After crossing the passage all the way, Li Lingtian came to the last entrance.

Looking up, I saw that the ring of the last war was still broken, and it was covered with smoke.

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian could not help but frown, and sighed helplessly: "Eh, it seems that the guy who fought madly really chose to leave here."

"Hi... This guy is clearly stronger than me, but so decisive! He gave up the long-established base and left here. Horrible! It seems that he is not so stupid. If he is fully restored, think To deal with him, maybe it will not be too easy!"

Li Lingtian was more contemplative, and the expression on his face became more dignified.

Later, Li Lingtian directly summoned Zhu Yan.

As soon as Zhu Yanfu appeared, Li Lingtian said, "Zhu Yan, if you sniff the smell here carefully, can you sense their escape trajectory?"


Wen Yan, Zhu Yan's mouth suddenly twitched violently.

Have you made a mistake, but it is a spirit bird of heaven and earth, actually let it do such a thing?

However, deterred by Li Lingtian's obscene prestige, Zhu Yan did not insist. His eyes were slightly closed, and he felt it carefully.


The crimson light flashed, countless light spots, swept from the abandoned secret room, and went straight into Zhu Yan's body.


After a moment, Zhu Yanxun made a sound, shaking his wings, and a crisp voice was also directly heard in Li Lingtian's mind.

"Master, I have sensed it, come with me!"

As Zhu Yan's voice fell, it fluttered its wings and flew directly towards the passage.

Upon seeing this, Li Lingtian's mouth twitched slightly, and then quickly followed.

After going out to the pawnshop, Zhu Yan's figure instantly became larger, and Li Lingtian was put on his back, and he hurried away toward the south.

"call out!"

Zhu Yan is extremely fast, like a flash of lightning, straight across the sky. Even the strong sixth-level master of the domain master, it is very difficult to know the speed of Zhu Yan!


In a dark cave, many silhouettes are all sitting cross-legged on the ground. In their bodies, one after another the spiritual force flew out, and then condensed into a ball of light, which turned into a column of spiritual light, toward the body of a silhouette. Inject away.

If Li Lingtian is here, you can see at a glance that the figure that is absorbing spiritual power is a wild battle!


Along with the absorption of spiritual power, the momentum inside the mad battle also became stronger and deeper.

Aside, several figures floated in the air, looking into the eyes of the war, full of calm look.


Not long afterward, a roar sounded suddenly.


The surging sound waves spread out, but a few breathing times made the whole cave tremble violently.

"Hahaha! Great, I finally recovered my strength!"

Laughing wildly, his figure was spinning, and he suddenly jumped into the air. On his face, there was a fierce look.

"Li Lingtian, you bastard, this time, I will definitely not give you another chance to summon that strange giant snake!"

"This time, I must kill you directly! Let you understand that the strength gap between us!"

The battle was full of anger. Last time, the reason why he was defeated was that he did not take Li Lingtian in his heart, thinking that Li Lingtian had no ability to defeat himself, but he did not expect that Li Lingtian's ability was too complicated, and he resisted him several times. s attack.

Moreover, there are too many Li Ling Tiandi cards, especially the nine-color God Python, which directly wounded him seriously!

Therefore, this time, mad warfare can be regarded as well-behaved, knowing that Li Lingtian can no longer be given a chance.

"Boss, you finally recovered!"

"Boss, what shall we do now? Go directly to Li Lingtian and they will settle the account?"

Those who fought madly were also rejoicing. For some time now, they have all been nested in this small cave ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ has been tired of it.

"Well, Li Lingtian and others, have been hiding in Piaoxiang Restaurant?"

Asked frantically.

"Always there, it is estimated that he is also healing."

One of the people responsible for monitoring Li Lingtian and others quickly answered. At that time, Li Lingtian and Wan Tianyu were extremely concealed when they went out. Therefore, they did not know what Li Lingtian was going out.

"Hahaha, it seems that he hasn't recovered yet! Let's go, this time, I went in person, and I didn't believe the person in Piaoxianglou, and dare to stop me!"

Laughing wildly.

"No! I'm already here, fighting wildly, die!"

However, at this time, a cold voice suddenly sounded!


(End of this chapter)

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