War God Supreme

Chapter 3144: Let go


"Spiral meteor!"

Amidst the crisp shouts, Wu Gua's figure revolved, and his double knives fell like a meteor.



At the next moment, the pair of knives contained violent spiritual power and hit the tortoiseshell shield together!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The surging spiritual power erupted, and the clear sound rang abruptly.

"Click! Click!"

It was said that Li Lingtian couldn't help but his pupils contracted violently, and there was a bad voice in his heart. When he looked down, as expected, there were already several tiny cracks on the surface of the tortoiseshell shield.

"Oops, I just used the power of time and space to just repair the tortoiseshell shield a little bit. Now Wu Gua tries his best and cannot resist at all.

As soon as his thoughts moved, Li Lingtian stepped back and stepped away from Wu Gua.

After all, the Wu Gua is a master of the seventh order of the domain master. If it really strikes, Li Lingtian must be careful to deal with it.


Wu Gua was also stunned for a while, and then reacted, his eyebrows flicked up and blurted out: "Asshole! It turns out that you have been strong all the time before! I thought, how bad is your broken shield?" !"

Wu Gua was furious, and only Li Lingtian turned him around. Now he knows that Li Lingtian is just a strong support. Although the tortoiseshell shield is extremely strong, it can't compete with him, and he suddenly became angry. .

In this way, under Wu Gua's anger, his offensive also became extremely violent, as if the rough seas were rolling like a surging wave, Li Lingtian was constantly beating.

Faced with such an offensive, Li Lingtian also looked dignified, took a deep breath, and summoned the field of Wanxuan Holy Fire.

"Boom! Boom!"

The blazing flames burned, and in a short time, weakened Wu Gua's offensive by a few points.

Realizing this, Wu Gua could not help but frown slightly, and then sneered out loud: "Domains, do you think you have the domain alone?"

"Drink, violent realm!"

With the icy drink falling, a crimson light suddenly bloomed, but in an instant, it pressed the field of Wanxuan Holy Fire back.


The forces of the two fundamental laws collide with each other, and in a short time, they occupy half of each other and confront each other.

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, Wu Gua twitched violently in the corner of his mouth. He couldn't believe that a guy who was only a fourth-order master of the domain actually competed in the field and did not fall down!

"Made, this guy, is just a demon! Huh, but your realm, after all, is terrible! This time, I must kill you!"

His eyes narrowed, a cold light flashed suddenly, and then Wu Gua's two swords waved, and the violent force suddenly jumped like a thunder.


"Cracking! Crackling!"

Those forces burst out suddenly, even in the field of the Ten Thousand Sacred Flame, and they all tremble violently, almost without breaking directly.

"Furious Thunder Knife!"

Wu Gua's heart was endless hatred for Li Lingtian. This knife was shot with all his strength. The strong spiritual fluctuation made the entire space pass a black line.

That is the prelude to unstable space!

"His... domain master seventh order, really powerful!"

Li Lingtian frowned slightly, and then the God of Destruction suit glowed on his body. Under the full urge of God of Destruction God, the spirit of Li Lingtian's body also surged.

However, at this time, Li Lingtian was stunned on his face.

He suddenly realized that the spiritual power in his body fluctuated and was unstable, and he might collapse at any time!

"It must have been too tight for me to be oppressed! This time I suddenly used force, and my spiritual strength was unstable!"

"No, I must break through quickly! Otherwise, it will be troublesome!"

As soon as his eyes turned, Li Lingtian looked up and saw that a strong offensive had already slashed at him, and suddenly his face turned pale.

At this time, he couldn't use much spiritual power at all. Furthermore, he couldn't contend with Wu Gua directly. What should he do now to resist Wu's offensive?


Just when Li Lingtian was nervous, a loud sound of Long Yin suddenly sounded in Li Lingtian's ear.


A ray of ice blue glanced past, and the breath of ice filled the space.

"Click! Click!"

A slight voice sounded. The next moment, the surrounding air, all covered with a layer of frost, even with Wu Gua's offensive, became slow.

"Huh? What happened?"

Realizing this, Wu Gua was also surprised, and looked up at the blue light.

But I saw an ice-blue dragon hovering in the air. As the ice dragon hovered, the surrounding cold air also diffused more and more.

"Huh? What is this thing? Dragon? What kind of dragon is this, and its body contains such a strong cold?"

Blinking suddenly, Wu Gua couldn't believe the scene he saw.

He can sense that the realm of the ice dragon is only about the second order of the domain master. For him, it is a ants that can be pinched to death, but I don’t know why, the coldness called by the ice dragon , But even he is a little bit afraid.

Not to mention Wu Gua, even Li Lingtian himself was surprised.

He just suddenly realized that the ice heart in his body throbbed, and then Xiao Qinglong flew out of him with the power of ice heart.

In other words, Xiao Qinglong was able to exert such a strong chill at this time, to a great extent, borrowing the power of Bingxin!


Just when Li Lingtian was stunned, Xiao Qinglong roared and heard, Li Lingtian reacted violently, his eyes lit up, and then his right hand clenched a fist, a spear completely formed by the condensation of thunder light emerged.

"Goddess Purple Power!"

Li Lingtian's right hand threw a sudden ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and threw the lance out of it.


After the long rifle and the offensive covered with weak ice collided together, the strong thunder and the arc flashed, which directly smashed all the offensive into fragments!

Wu Gua contained a violent realm and a double sword, which was resolved by Li Lingtian!

"Roar roar!"

After dissolving this trick, the breath of that blue dragon's body was also a little languishing.

At the same time, Li Lingtian's spiritual power in his own body also shuddered more violently and could no longer be stabilized.

"No, you have to let go!"

With a snap of his teeth, Li Lingtian finally made up his mind!

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