War God Supreme

Chapter 3146: Lore

Although the body of Frost Wyvern is condensed by Xuan Bing, it is extremely hard, even the strong seventh-order master of the domain master can not be crushed.

But the realm of the Frost Wyvern was too weak, so Wu Gua gave up his double swords directly, switched to double fist, and used strong force to force those Frost Wyverns to retreat.

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian couldn't help but raised his eyebrows slightly. It seems that Wu Gua's brain is still quite active. At least most people can't think of his method.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Wu Gua waved his hands with fists, like a tornado storm.

Rao is the body of those frost flying dragons that are extremely hard and unable to resist.

But these frost flying dragons are persevering, even if they are blown out, they are also rushed back in the first time, and they continue to fight up.

However, what Wu Gua didn't see was that a figure was quietly hidden among the frosted dragons, and quietly approached Wu Gua.

"Wanxuan Holy Fire Field, broke out!"

After approaching Wu Gua, Li Lingtian didn't hesitate at all, and the field of Wanxuan Holy Fire broke out. At the same time, the extremely unstable atmosphere in his body, like a volcanic eruption, flooded out one after another.


With this mysterious state, Li Lingtian made dozens of attacks in the blink of an eye.

Eight or nine destroying the sword array, killing the sword array, and killing the array through the sky are all arranged in an instant.


Wanxuan Shenghuo turned into a flaming beast, roaring and making noises, just like the top of the mountain, falling down suddenly.

Under the blessing of the God of Extermination, the Hurricane of Extermination, and the blessing of the God of Extermination, all of them are like a rainbow, crossing the space.

The fierce wind blade is attached to various attacks, constantly cutting the surrounding air.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The start of the killing, Jianyi, Jianmang, and the sky and the shadow of the sword filled the Wugua completely.

"not good!"

At this time, Wu Gua finally reacted, this is Li Lingtian shot!

His face was horrified, and he never expected that with the realm of the fourth order of Li Lingtian District, such a powerful offensive could be arranged!

At this moment, he even had a fear!

"Drink! Kill me!"

Shaking his head violently, Wu Gua woke up suddenly, and the violent realm shrank back, all condensed in his body.

At the next moment, Wu Gua was full of violent breath.


As Wu Gua's roaring sound sounded, in his body, countless purple thunders erupted, like the thunderbolt of the world, spreading his teeth and dancing claws.


Jianyi came first, the triple formation, suppressed from three different directions.

At the same time, the field of Wanxuan Shenghuo was suppressed.

The four major fields broke out at the same time, and Wu Gua couldn't resist it at all. The thunder just came out, and he felt coercive, and he swallowed it back again.


Suddenly, the power in Wu Gua was disturbed, and he couldn't help but spit out a big sip of blood.

"damn it!"

Wu Gua didn't dare to give up. He gritted his teeth violently, and simply used double fists to contend with the sky's sword mans and sword shadows.


However, the next moment, the thunder broke out, the flames ignited, the hurricane danced, and the force of the violent force directly pressed Wu Gua's entire person to the extreme!

After launching so many fierce offensives in a row, Li Lingtian's body retreated. At this time, the breath in his body was still surging, but compared with the previous disorder and violentness, it was already much more relieved.

"Next, it's time to break through!"

At this point, Li Lingtian did not hesitate at all, but his eyes were slightly closed. The original disordered power in the body was all boiling, and began to follow Li Lingtian's command and rushed towards the meridian.


The breath in Li Lingtian's body suddenly rose suddenly.

At the same time, Wu Gua is also resisting the attacks of those forces.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

It seemed to be aware that Wu Gua was still resisting, and Xiao Qinglong suddenly stretched out his dragon claws and suddenly pointed at Wu Gua. At the next moment, countless frost flying dragons rushed in the direction of Wu Gua.

This time, Wu Gua was no longer able to resist. Those frost flying dragons opened their cold teeth, and constantly bite his skin.

Not only that, the cold gas contained in them also penetrated into Wu Gua's blood and meridians directly through Wu Gua's skin!

"Click! Click!"

A crisp voice sounded quietly, and a weak layer of frost spread to Wu Gua at a very fast speed.

"not good!"

Realizing this, Wu Gua's heart was horrified. If his body was really blocked by ice, he would not be far away from death!

"No, you have to break through these formations! Damn it, this guy, it's so hard to tangle!"

Wu Gua's eyeballs turned, and then he stopped hiding. He understood that if he didn't work hard anymore, he might never have the chance to work hard again in the future!

"Blood Dragon Gun!"

"Blood Dragon Split Cloud!"

As Wu Gua's words fell, a spear suddenly appeared in Wu Gua's hands.

That long spear, blood red all over, even the spear of the spear, there was a strange light.

This blood dragon gun is a chaotic treasure of the highest grade, which Wu Gua accidentally obtained.

After getting it, he has never used it, but this time, he dare not hide it anymore!

"Turn the wind and cloud! Blood dragon massacre!"

The blood dragon gun danced, and the next moment, above the blood-red gun blade, a dazzling red light suddenly erupted.

As soon as the red light appeared, it condensed into a giant dragon with a terrible look.


The loud dragon chant sounded, the blood dragon spread its teeth and danced its claws, sweeping the falling leaves with the autumn wind, and instantly hit the four formations, extermination purple electricity, extermination hurricane, and those frost flying dragons.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

As the blood dragon hits up ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the surging explosion wave continues to spread out.

The four formations, like the melting sun, melt away quickly.

As for those frost flying dragons, they were also thrown out by the blood dragon, and fell straight to the ground, unable to move for a long time.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Qinglong was a little surprised, and then with his right hand, Bing Xin burst into light, and put those frost flying dragons away.


The strong shock wave erupted, directly eliminating all of Li Lingtian's previous offensives!

The smoke and dust dispersed throughout the sky, revealing the figure.

Wu Gua stood in the air with a gun.

At this time, his clothes were broken and his skin was covered with blood, which looked extremely unbearable, but it gave a terrifying feeling.

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