War God Supreme

Chapter 3163: Dark Devil


Li Wei cried with a sad face, his face full of sadness.

Not only Li Wei, but even Li Lingtian's complexion was gloomy and watery, very depressed.

Regardless of his thousands of calculations, he didn't count, and Song Tiandao still has such treasures.

If it weren't for the so-called bloodcoat, this time, they might really be able to create a miracle!

"In the future, we must first investigate everything before we can formulate a strategy! This time, see if we can escape..."

Li Lingtian sighed quietly, and Song Tiandao in a violent state was not something they could compete with at all.

Even if he used the inheritance of the Four Elephants, they all resisted together, and they would not be Song Tiandao's opponents.

After all, the reason why Song Tiandao was entangled by them and locked up by Li Lingtian was because he didn’t take them all seriously at first, but now Song Tiandao is already guarded, let them No matter how it is calculated, it is impossible to overwhelm Song Tiandao.


Song Tiandao laughed loudly and said with a sneer: "What's wrong, wasn't it just arrogant just now? Why is it that now I've been counseled and dare not speak?"


Li Lingtian sighed softly and whispered: "Withdraw!"

As Li Lingtian's words fell, Li Wei, Zhao Tianxin, Zhu Yan, and Xiao Qinglong all of them flew out and ran out at a very fast speed.

However, no matter how fast they are, can they surpass Song Tiandao?

Song Tiandao is the king of the eighth order of the domain master anyway!

"Drink, condense me!"

"Domain, Dark Demon Overlord!"

Almost at the moment when Song Tiandao's roar fell, Li Lingtian's body suddenly appeared a layer of black light.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The weird wave erupted. At the next moment, those black lights were suddenly connected together to form a huge black light curtain, which directly trapped Li Lingtian in the black light curtain.

"Not good! This is his field, rush out quickly, otherwise it will definitely die!"

Li Lingtian's face has changed dramatically. As we all know, within the field, it can be said that a person's home field can explode with extremely strong power. They are not as powerful as Song Tiandao. If they fall into the field of Song Tiandao again, then Like the fish meat on the chopping board, it was let down.

However, since they have been trapped in the field, would Song Tiandao let them go out so easily?

"Giggle, want to go out, I think you are dreaming!"

With a grin, Song Tiandao held both hands, and at the next moment, that field was rapidly shrinking.


When Li Lingtian and others were making breakthroughs, the light curtain quickly shrank, and they instantly dizzy them, causing their escape to stop.

Not only that, but with the shrinking of the light curtain, the bodies of Nine Color God Python and those Frost Wyvern seemed extremely crowded.

Li Wei and Zhao Tianxin had bad luck, and they were just stuck in the middle, and the whole person was flushed with blush.

Aware of this, Li Lingtian couldn't help but sigh helplessly, these frost flying dragons are useless to summon them, and they also consume volume.

With a sigh, Xiaoqing's tail flicked, and their bodies turned into a white light, which was poured into Bingxin one after another.

At the same time, Li Wei and Zhao Tianxin were completely liberated.

Originally, Li Lingtian also hoped that these frost flying dragons could slow down the speed of Song Tiandao, and the final blow would kill him. Unfortunately, he did not expect that **** coat, which caused all of his layout to be broken. These frost flying dragons are naturally the same. Useless.

"Oh, uh!"

Just as Li Lingtian and others were about to gather together, in the endless black light, they suddenly skimmed through the air-breaking blades.

Swords screamed and screamed in a row, making Li Lingtian highly nervous.

Those swords are extremely sharp, even if they are encountered by the strongman of the sixth order of the domain master, they are either dead or injured, so they dare not take it lightly.

Li Lingtian did not dare to carelessly, and summoned tortoiseshell shield directly.

With the light on the tortoiseshell shield, it is possible to avoid those sword qualities. It is really impossible to avoid it, so you can only use the tortoiseshell shield to resist.


After a while, the black light shrank again, and the place occupied by Li Lingtian and others also shrank to a distance of three feet.

Extremely crowded, Zhu Yan's body is twisted, and some anger is also constantly rubbing Zhu Yan's body.

Fortunately, Zhu Yan's body is just a flame, and he can still persevere in the face of this offensive.

It seems to understand that Daoqi can't hurt Li Lingtian, Song Tiandao is also thrown away, and no longer uses Daoqi.


However, at the next moment, Li Lingtian's body suddenly appeared gravity, just like Taishan's pressure, directly on their shoulders.

"His... what's the situation!"

"Hey, this guy wants to use gravity to imprison us!"

Li Wei's face was cold, and he immediately guessed Song Tiandao's idea.

"Hahaha, good!"

As Song Tiandao's laughter sounded, those black lights split up suddenly, each forming an aperture, directly binding Li Lingtian, Li Wei, Zhao Tianxin and others.

Even the body and limbs of the little green dragon were entangled with black light.

Among those black lights, there is a special power that suppresses the spiritual power of Li Lingtian and the source of the law within them.

Angel Li Ling struggled a few times, but was surprised to find that the spiritual power and the power of the law in his body could not be used at all!

This made his face suddenly embarrassed, it was impossible, this time, they really want to break here?

"Eh... This time, I was still too reckless. The strength of the eighth-rank strong in this domain cannot be underestimated!"

"Huh, you can never act so recklessly in the future!"

Li Lingtian sighs in his heart~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It seems that only by exposing the existence of the world's greatest treasure, this Song Tiandao was killed.

If Song Tiandao could not be killed, he would face an endless chase!

The attraction of World Treasure is enough to attract the pinnacle of the world's master level!

If it were not for the dead end, Li Lingtian was determined not to easily use the world's treasure, the Dragon Temple!

But this time, he didn't use it!

"Hahaha, Li Lingtian, I admit that your strength is really strong, even for those who have not lost some ordinary domain master seventh order, but unfortunately, after the domain master eighth order, you can already reach higher planes. There are some things that are not what you can imagine!"

"Okay, without telling you more, it's time to send you on the road! Go to hell!"

Song Tiandao grinned and waved his right hand. The Black Demon Knife suddenly burst into a sharp sword light and slashed to Li Lingtian!

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