War God Supreme

Chapter 3168: Come from above

Looking at Li Lingtian's back, Wan Tianyu was dumbfounded, his face full of doubts.

He didn't understand why Li Lingtian smiled so happy. In addition, he couldn't figure it out more. What did Li Lingtian's utter concentration mean.

Is it possible that he did not care about his cultivation?

But every time, he quickly settled in. How could he not care?


Just when Wan Tianyu was thinking hard and was puzzled, a sigh, a faint sound rang in Wan Tianyu's ear.

"Fool, don't close the door!"

"Yes, my father!"

Suddenly hearing that voice, Wan Tianyu suddenly struck a spirit, and then quickly left here.

After going back to Piaoxianglou, Li Wei smiled at Li Lingtian and did not welcome him.

Obviously, Li Wei also found out that they performed too much yesterday.

Returning to Liu Banxian's room, Li Lingtian had just said what Wan Tianyu said.

"What? People from the upper realm also join in the fun?"

Wen Yan, Liu Banxian's face suddenly became grim.

"what happened?"

Realizing this, Li Lingtian couldn't help but be surprised.

Before, Liu Banxian rarely had such a serious look, but this time, it was only some geniuses from the upper realm who came to practice, why did his face change so much?

"Those geniuses in the upper realm, the strength to support it is the strength of the sixth order of the domain master. Anyone who can have the seventh order of the domain master is already valuable. What are you worried about."

Li Lingtian said in a deep voice: "With our strength, it is more than enough to deal with the seventh order of the domain master."

"Ha ha……"

Liu Banxian couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "I'm not worried that you are not an opponent. What I worry is that you accidentally killed those guys and caused the forces behind them!"

"Eh, you don't know, those forces are powerful, and they are even struggling with geniuses. If you accidentally kill someone, the people behind them will definitely have to kill you!"


After hearing this, Li Lingtian couldn't help but twitched violently in the corner of his mouth.

"It's okay if it's someone else."

Liu Banxian continued to shake his head and said: "But your temper is so strong, I am afraid that you will be impulsive, and if there is a conflict with those geniuses, they will be killed directly! Then, it will cause big trouble!"


Li Lingtian grinned and said softly: "Relax, I will try my best to restrain myself."

Li Lingtian also understood what Liu Banxian said and directly agreed.

Hearing the words, Liu Banxian couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. However, just as his face gradually soothed, Li Lingtian's voice sounded again.

"However, if they find themselves dead, they can't blame me!"

"you you you!"

Liu Banxian was completely helpless, and actually encountered such a palace owner as Li Lingtian.

However, it is precisely this character of Li Lingtian, this domineering, that can lead them to rush to a higher area!

"Hey, I haven't been bullied to my face, I haven't gotten used to fighting back!"

Li Lingtian said with a sneer: "If those guys don't know anything about it, they can't blame me! If they are willing to be friends with me, I will naturally not hurt them!"


Liu Banxian gave Li Lingtian a helpless glance, while Yali killed several people, but his eyes were full of worship.

Others, when they heard the genius from the upper realm, they were either frightened to die or flattered. Where is Li Lingtian's domineering?

"Okay, there is nothing more to say, let's rest assured that the news of this knockout will come down!"

Li Lingtian turned to look at Zhao Tianxin and said softly: "Zhao Tianxin, this time there is a genius from the upper realm, it is an excellent opportunity for you to hone."

"Huh, Song Tiandao is now in no danger. You are fine. You can also go around the city and find out more news. In addition, if you can meet those so-called geniuses, try their strength."

"Yes, Palace Master, I get it!"

After hearing this, Zhao Tianxin nodded quickly.

Soon, they were disbanded, Li Lingtian continued to practice, and Liu Banxian, Chu Yu, and Zhao Tianxin, they each took people out to inquire about the news.

Two days later, news about the elimination of changes in the system and rules was finally spread, but unfortunately, there are still no specific rules.

However, the news about the geniuses from the upper realm was all revealed.

It is reported that a total of more than 30 geniuses from the upper realm came here to participate in the trial. Each genius has a force behind him, commonly known as 36 Tiangang!

Five days later, the thirty-six geniuses descended into the holy city of the storm, and in a short time, people with major families rushed to join the geniuses into their respective governments.

Even those peak forces are shot.

Of course, Wushangmen and the Song family did not participate. The Songs had no backbone, and the Wushou did not care about it.

Even, when a genius from the upper realm learned that this place is the strongest, he went to the door and ate a closed door soup!

It can be seen from this that Wan Tianyu and Wan Kun father and son don't care about these so-called upper-genius geniuses.

This also made many upper-genius geniuses' attitudes toward chastity worsened.

Fortunately, the rest of the people respected them, but still anesthetized them.

But within five days, all the families who received the geniuses from the upper realm were full of traffic, and countless people came to visit.

Even, there are some people who also participated in the knockout battle, asking to become their subordinates.

But in just five days, almost all of the so-called upper-genius geniuses have dozens of men~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and there are still some strong domain masters of the fourth or even fifth order !

This makes all the geniuses in the upper realm swell up one by one.

Of course, not all people are so afraid of them, they are still indifferent.

Two days later, a news, like thunder, suddenly echoed in the ears of many people who participated in the elimination battle.

Geniuses from the upper realm, invite many people who participate in the elimination battle to participate in a banquet-the group banquet!

Everyone understands that this is simply a Hongmen banquet, but if they do not attend, they will lose their face in this area. Therefore, in this case, they can only choose to participate.

Even Li Lingtian and others are planning to go to see them. They want to see if those so-called upper-genius geniuses have three heads and six arms, which is so powerful!

At the same time, Wan Tianyu also quietly exited and came to the Piaoxiang Tower!

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