War God Supreme

Chapter 3179: Wake up

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All of a sudden, everyone was surprised. They all wondered whether Wan Tianyu was deliberately evading. After all, Duan Muci was extremely powerful. Even if Wan Tianyu had the highest level of chaos, it might not be his. opponent.

Is it true that Wan Tianyu randomly found an excuse to avoid Duanmuci?


Duan Muci also frowned slightly, and whispered softly: "Besides you, there are other geniuses in your lower realm?"

As he said, Duan Muci was looking at the masters who were in the heaven.

In his observations, most people's realm is the first order, second order, third order and fourth order, and the third order and fourth order are very few. Only a few dozen people have reached the fifth order.

But besides that, there are no other masters, and there are none of the sixth-order masters.

"His... Strange, what kind of medicine does Wan Tianyu sell in the gourd? Is it true that everyone in their storm holy city can compete across levels?"

Frowning frowning, Duanmuci also panicked.

If, as he guessed, everyone has the ability to fight across the ranks, what are they going to try?

"Hahaha! Of course!"

Wan Tianyu slightly raised his mouth, and then said with a small smile: "Brother Li Lingtian, you should come out!"


As Wan Tianyu's voice was recorded, a crack suddenly appeared in the air.

At the next moment, the light flashed and a figure appeared quietly in front of everyone.

That man was Li Lingtian!

At this time, Li Lingtian, dressed in a black robe, with his hands behind his waist, looked extremely fierce!

"His... who is this? Looks strong?"

"Huh, we stormed the holy city, when did such a master appear?"

Everyone was surprised.


Duan Muci also stared closely at Li Lingtian, however, Li Lingtian’s state was not low, plus at this time Li Lingtian used some breath of world treasures as soon as he came up to shock Duan Muci, therefore, Duan Muci didn’t feel at all In the breath of Li Lingtian, I can only feel vaguely that Li Lingtian's state seems to be stronger than him!

So, Duan Muci was nervous.

"Damn, doesn't it mean that the most powerful person in the lower realm is just the fifth-order realm of the domain master? How could there be such a master!"

"His... Damn, false information hurts!"

"Netherworld people!"

Li Lingtian said with a deep voice: "Duan Muci, I want to challenge you!"

As this rumbling fell, a surging sound wave instantly exploded from Li Lingtian's body, hitting Duan Muci and others.


Suddenly, Duanmuci only felt a hurricane hit, and indifferently, his body suddenly swayed, almost not going backwards.

Except for him, the rest of the people in the upper realm did not resist the hurricane, and they suddenly stepped back a few steps.

"So strong!"

"His... such a powerful person is actually a genius of our storm holy city! It's so relieved!"

Everyone rejoiced. It turned out that they had such a master in the storm holy city.


Duan Muci breathed a sigh of relief, and Shen Sheng said, "It's very strong! However, with this kind of strength, if you want to defeat me, it's a little bit worse!"

In fact, Duan Muci is also holding on, but after all, he is a genius of the upper realm, in any case, he must retain the face of the upper realm.

Therefore, even if he doesn't have a chance in his heart, he has to be tougher at this time.

It’s a big deal, he’s just going to do some tricks later when he really fights!

At this time, Duanmuci was also a little thankful. Fortunately, before he came down, he did not refuse some special means given by those people.


Li Lingtian sneered.

Wan Tianyu also laughed out loud: "Brother Duanmu, let me tell you, Brother Li's strength far exceeds me, and your strength is a little worse than him."

"Well...then a fight, I don't know the result..."

Duan Muci grinned, but his heart sank suddenly.

Regardless of whether he can defeat Li Lingtian, this time the group banquet was completely smashed.

Duan Muci didn't think at all that Li Lingtian and Wan Tianyu would have such perverts in the lower realm, and they had such strength.

Originally, he wanted to deter the people in the lower realm by showing their strength. In this way, they would not only deter the people in the lower realm, but would make the people in the lower realm question their strength.

What's the point of holding this group of English banquets?

But now the arrow is on the string and I have to send it. What's more, if he is really defeated by Li Lingtian, the consequences will be even more serious!

At that time, all their reputation in the upper realm will be destroyed!

If you want to carry out their plan again, it is even more difficult!

Li Lingtian did not reply directly, but turned his head to look around, glanced at everyone, and said: "I know that there are many people who are strong players who come to participate in the elimination battle!"

"For your previous posture, I have only one sentence to say, you, think too bad of yourself!"

Speaking of which, Li Lingtian's voice also became sharper: "They are only from the upper realm, how can you be sure that their talent and their strength must be stronger than you?"

"If they are really much stronger than you and need you to please in this way, will they still be sent down for trials? Is it necessary?"


Li Lingtian's sentence was like a thunder ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ suddenly hit everyone's mind.

"Yes! If they are really strong, how could they be sent down for trials!"

"Oh... It seems that their qualifications are not as good as ours... In that big environment, the realm is only a little higher than us... If I were to live in the upper realm, maybe I have already broken through Domain Master has eighth order, even nineth order!"

Everyone woke up and looked at the eyes of everyone in the upper world again, and they all became indifferent.

Aware of this, Li Lingtian and Wan Tianyu could not help but slightly raised the corners of their mouths.

Very good, this time, they are considered to have completed the initial goal.

In any case, it has already disrupted the group banquet and made everyone wake up and no longer blindly worship those so-called upper-genius geniuses!

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Upon seeing this, Duan Muci's face suddenly showed a greasy face: "Do it! I want to see how powerful you are!"

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