War God Supreme

Chapter 3185: See you out

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"Brother Duanmu!"

"Duanmuci, how are you!"

Amidst the shouting and shoving of the crowd, Duan Muci quickly recovered.


After coughing violently, Duanmu gave a corner of his mouth, and blood oozed out.

Lifting his head, Duan Muci looked at Li Lingtian and Wan Tianyu who were not far away. His face suddenly became somber as if he could drip water.

Especially when he realized that Li Lingtian's body was still strong, his heart sank.

Originally, he also thought that if Li Lingtian was also very expensive, then a group of people would come together and defeat Li Lingtian.

Even if it would be looked down upon by others, it would be like a group of them, defeated by Li Lingtian!

But now, Li Lingtian's power consumption is not large, but it scared him. In case their group comes together, and is not Li Lingtian's opponent, then it is finished!

"Duanmuci, how are you doing now? Is there any power of a battle?"

Everyone quickly looked at Duan Muci.


Duan Muci shook his head slightly and said softly, "Forget it, today we are planted! With our current strength, it is not their opponent."

"Otherwise, let's just go with a group of us!"

It is said that everyone was upset, and a sudden Shen Sheng said: "I don't believe it, each of them has the ability to fight across levels!"

"Yes! Let's go together!"

As the man's voice fell, the rest of the crowd were all excited. They had previously been admired by everyone in the lower realm, and now naturally they do not want to lose or be looked down upon by others.


However, Duan Muci said with a deep voice: "With your current strength, it will not be Li Lingtian's opponent at all! Don't be impulsive!"

"How can it be!"

The man said in a deep voice, "So many of us, even if it is procrastinating, can still procrastinate him!"


Duan Muci said with a sigh: "It's impossible, have you forgotten his spoiled spirit? That kind of flame, even I can't resist for too long, if you rush into it, it is a dead end!"


It was said that everyone was awkward in their hearts. They thought about it carefully, and their faces became somber.

Their strength is not as strong as Duanmu Ci. If Duanmu Ci can't bear the burning of the flame, they don't even need to think about it, they can't bear it.

"It's impossible... this time, can we only admit defeat?"

One of them sighed faintly, clenched his fists, and his eyes were full of unwilling looks.

"Otherwise, what can you do?"

Duan Muci's eyes turned, and Shen Sheng said: "We are temporarily tolerant this time, accumulating strength. Next time, after the elimination game begins, we will set up a game against him again. When the time comes..."

"it is good!"

After hearing that, everyone responded directly, and the back end Mu Ciqiang stood up, staring straight at Li Lingtian and others.

All of a sudden, a powerful aura is flooded in the sight of Li Lingtian and Duan Muci.

Although he said that Duan Muci had been injured, his realm was still there, and he had a great momentum.

Suddenly, everyone around the audience was shocked by the aura, stopped talking, and looked nervously at Duan Muci and Li Lingtian.


Duan Muci said with a deep voice: "Li Lingtian, right, this time, we have admitted to planting!"

"Hahaha, recognize the plant?"

Li Lingtian sneered and said, "Aren't you in the upper realm crazy? Why are you admitting it now? You admit that your upper realm is not as good as us?"


With a sneer, Duan Muci said softly: "Yes, now we are indeed not your opponent."

"This time's group feast, you won!"

As the sentence of Duan Muci came down, the audience were all discussed.

They did not expect that Duanmuci and others were so easy to admit!

Only Li Lingtian's heart sank, and he did not expect that Duanmuci could be so forgiving, which made his vigilance against Duanmuci suddenly improve.


Duanmu Cihu's words suddenly turned around and looked at the people, glancing around, and then continued: "When the knockout battle begins, who will lose and who wins, who will die will not necessarily be!"

"Oh, when the time comes, let's wait and see!"

Although Li Lingtian was vigilant in his face, he did not show it on his face. He shrugged his shoulders indifferently and sneered: "When the knockout stage is over, I will let you know the difference in strength!"

"At that time, there is no shackles, you want to leave alive, it will be difficult!"

"Well... let's wait and see!"

Duanmu Ci looked at Li Lingtian and suddenly smiled strangely.

"Wait and wait, wait and see."

Li Lingtian's face sank: "However, now that you still have a face, will you stay in this fairy tale?"

"you are vicious!"

It is said that everyone from the upper realm changed his face suddenly, and then Duan Muci shook his sleeve robe violently, and said with a cold voice: "Go!"

As Duanmuci's words fell, several people, while supporting Duanmuci, quickly left Tianxianyuan.

But in just a few dozen breaths, many geniuses from the upper realm have left Tianxianyuan.


Seeing this scene, Wan Tianyu couldn't help but laughed out loud.

Li Lingtian and Wan Tianyu also went directly to the high platform.

"You guys, what are you doing under the stage?"

Li Lingtian looked around, coldly looked at the people who were still stuck in place, and couldn't help but sighed helplessly.

These people, low strength is not terrible~www.wuxiaspot.com~The scary thing is that even they themselves have no confidence to compete with the rest.

If there is no strong man's heart, no matter how good the talent is, you can't climb to the top of martial arts!

"Eh... you guys, there were people from the upper realm before, even if you dare not come up, why not dare to come up now?"

Wan Tianyu also shouted: "Is it hard to succeed, do you like it so much?"


After being reprimanded by Wan Tianyu and Li Lingtian, everyone was also awakened, jumped up and jumped on the high platform.

However, even in this case, their hearts are still ashamed.

People who are also in the lower realm are also called geniuses, but the gap between them and Li Lingtian and Wan Tianyu is really too big.

This kind of gap is not reflected in strength. Among them, there are many people whose level is higher than Wan Tianyu, but their state of mind is far worse than Wan Tianyu!

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