War God Supreme

Chapter 3191: you again

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After hearing this, Liu Banxian couldn't help but be surprised: "No, I just broke through. How can I break through again in such a short time?"

"Under normal circumstances it is not possible."

Li Lingtian pointed at the medicinal herbs on the table with a smile, and said softly: "But now, with these medicinal herbs, it is not necessary!"


Upon hearing this, Liu Banxian was slightly surprised, and then turned his head to carefully look at the herbs on the table. However, after looking at it carefully, Liu Banxian was shocked.

"My God, these immortals and medicinal herbs...you got it from there!"

Suddenly, Liu Banxian's eyes shone brightly.

It can be seen that Liu Banxian is very excited and can't wait to take these herbs and immortals.

"Hey, don't worry about where you got it from."

Li Lingtian grinned, and then killed Liu Banxian and Yali to take two immortals and three medicinal herbs, but sent them out and asked them to go back to practice.

As for himself, he left a panacea and four herbs.

The immortal medicine left behind is actually not a big boost to spiritual power, but it has a very strong boost to Li Lingtian.

That pill is a heaven and earth spirit source pill that can enhance the intimacy of the original power of various laws in your body!

Li Lingtian's biggest current card, in addition to the original law power that Wan Kun gave him, is the fusion of three very different law powers.

But that trick is also flawed, that is, it takes a period of effort.

If there is not enough time for him to accumulate energy, it is impossible to fuse those three forces together.

After taking Tiandi Lingyuan Dan, Li Lingtian need not worry too much about it.

By then, his intimacy with the power of the laws of the various departments will increase, and the speed of fusion will be faster, so you don't have to worry about being interrupted by others.

"Hoo! I hope this time, our strength can be further improved!"

"Otherwise, with our current strength, we are still too weak to deal with those who are in the upper realm!"

With a fist violently, Li Lingtian threw the Tiandi Lingyuan Dan directly into his mouth.

When Dan Yaofu entered, it turned into a gentle spiritual force and ran down Li Lingtian's throat.


At the next moment, the original forces of the laws of Li Lingtian's body are all active and flooding Li Lingtian's body!

Li Lingtian quickly closed his eyes and felt those forces seriously...

Time, slowly flowing through in the practice of Li Lingtian, Liu Banxian, Yali killing and Wan Tianyu.

And when the four of them were practicing, Duanmuci and others also made contact with the upper realm.

The people in the upper realm, after learning that the plan of Duanmuci and others failed, suddenly became furious, but after all, they could not come down. Even if they were angry in their hearts, they must rely on Duanmuci and others.

Therefore, those in the upper realm did not punish Duanmu to give them, but let them take good care of the wounds and wait for the elimination to begin to prepare for the rest of the world.

Duanmu Ci also understood that with their power alone, it was difficult to defeat Li Lingtian to get revenge and get everything they deserved!

Therefore, they readily agreed.

At the same time, Duan Muci and others have also formulated a plan specially prepared for Li Lingtian and Wan Tianyu.

Half a month later, it passed quickly.

The knockout battle is about to begin. In an instant, the entire Holy City of Storms has become quiet.

Those cultivators who used to make troubles from time to time are all very clever, and they dare not cause trouble.

The cultivation of Li Lingtian and the four of them is also over.

In this period of time, Li Lingtian not only perfectly integrated the power of several laws, but also raised his realm to the fifth-level peak of the domain master. It is only one step away from the sixth-order domain master!

Of course, this step is not so easy to get out!

As for Yali killing and Liu Banxian, Li Lingtian did not disappoint. With the help of so many medicines and medicinal materials, he successfully broke through to the fifth level of the domain master!

At this time, the two finally caught up with Li Lingtian's pace. Of course, if the strength that can really break out, the two of them are still not as good as Li Lingtian.

But with their strength, even if they are masters of the sixth order of the domain master, they can also have the power to fight.

No longer as before, a fifth-order person of the domain master can slap their fists!

It seems that because Li Lingtian can be helped, it is no longer a burden. Yali looks very happy to kill, and Li Lingtian can't help but shake his head and smile bitterly.

After all things were commanded, Li Lingtian took Yali killing, Liu Banxian, separated from Chu Yu and others, and rushed towards the center of the storm holy city.

In the very center of the Holy City of Storms, there is a high platform. Normally, the high platform is not open, and it will only be temporarily opened when the elimination battle is started.

And within that high platform, it is a teleportation circle, you can send them directly to the Jade Dragon Holy City!

When Li Lingtian hurried over, many people gathered around the platform.

Even those geniuses from the upper realm were chased away.

They occupy the best position, which is arrogant.

Li Lingtian and Wan Tianyu are not here, and the rest of the nether geniuses are really not Duanmuci's opponents, so they can only swallow their voices.

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian suddenly became somber.

"Give up, give up!"

At this time, among the group of people, several figures directly squeezed a path to Duanmuci and others.

"A bunch of waste, don't block the road of labor and capital!"

"court death!"

Li Lingtian scolded, suddenly jumped forward and jumped directly in front of the man.

"Mad, who? Dare to stop me!"

Suddenly, Li Lingtian appeared~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The man couldn't help but scolded, but he looked up and found that the person standing in front of him was Li Lingtian, his pupil suddenly shrank suddenly, his face The look is embarrassing.

"you you……"

"Hehe...in our holy city of storms, we dare to be so arrogant!"

Li Lingtian sneered: "What a big dog gall!"

As the voice fell, Li Lingtian's right hand slammed up.


In the crisp sound, the man's body flew out like a broken kite.

"It's him!"

"Damn it's this **** again!"

At this time, Duan Muci and others quickly turned around and also saw Li Lingtian, in an instant, their faces were all somber!

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