War God Supreme

Chapter 3209: Endless channel

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The group of people who had fallen into madness all got better. Naturally, they also heard the conversation between Li Lingtian and others, and understood that the space crack was the key to the next layer of the area.

At the beginning, they also planned to wait for all the people in the air to enter, and then they reappeared. After all, the people in the air have the worst strength of the third-order domain master. Their first- and second-order domain master strength is too great. Weak!

They are afraid of being targeted!

But they never thought that the space crack would suddenly disappear!

For a while, they were all stuck in place, and there was only one doubt in their hearts. Will this space crack appear again?

However, just as everyone was stunned, blood-red mist emerged from the ground quietly, intruding into their skin without a sound!


The second floor area of ​​Yulong Holy City.

Li Lingtian opened his eyes and looked around, could not help but raise his eyebrows.

This second floor area has a huge environmental gap with the first floor. Not only is the stone wall covered with moss around, but also the three feet above the head, it is also a hard stone slab, which looks extremely strong.

"Huh, why is there closed terrain here?"

Mo Shifeng was surprised: "So how can you fly in such a way? Can you only rely on it?"

"Also, the terrain here is so narrow, wouldn't it be too much for those of us who are good at the power of wind laws?"

"What do you think? It was originally a knockout battle. How could every area be suitable for you! Isn't that unfair to others?"

With a glance at Mo Shifeng, Li Lingtian said in a deep voice: "This is most likely a maze! Go, let's find the right way!"


With that, the two looked around, and they realized that this turned out to be a crossroad. No matter where they go, they can see the road. Every road and building are exactly the same, even the distribution of moss above. It's almost the same.

"Eh... It would be nice if Liu Banxian was there."

At this time, Li Lingtian suddenly missed that Liu Banxian was coming. If he was there, he only needed a divination to know which way was best.

"Liu Banxian? Who is Liu Banxian?"

Mo Shifeng was surprised.

"Oh, Liu Banxian, is a fortune teller! If he is there, we can be sure which way to go!"

Li Lingtian carefully looked at the four roads again, and then suddenly realized that on the east wall, an extremely hidden pattern was carved!

And the pattern is a sign that Liu Banxian used before!

"Hahaha, if it really means Cao Cao, Cao Cao will arrive!"

Suddenly, Li Lingtian laughed.

Upon seeing this, Mo Shifeng couldn't help but feel very strange in his heart, he said: "Strange, how come adults become so strange after coming to the second floor area?"

"How come you laugh a while and frown again?"

"Okay, Mo Shifeng, let's go! Go east!"

When Mo Shifeng was surprised, Li Lingtian rushed into the east passage first.

Upon seeing this, Mo Shifeng hesitated for a moment, but still felt that it was safer to follow Li Lingtian.

Entering the channel, both of them were careful, and the speed was not too fast.

After all, here is the Jade Dragon Holy City, which is in danger, and the two dare not be careless and extremely careful.


Not long after the two had walked, a huge crocodile suddenly emerged from the stone wall in the passage.

As soon as the giant crocodile appeared, he swayed his tail, opened a **** mouth, and rushed towards Li Lingtian.

"court death!"

Upon seeing this, Mo Shifeng's right hand was raised, and a bitter wind, mixed with a sharp metallic breath, quickly tapped on the jaw of the giant crocodile.


That huge crocodile was only the third-order strength of the domain master. Therefore, under Mo Shifeng's hands, he couldn't bear it at all. He flew upside down and hit the stone wall heavily.


In an instant, the entire channel shook violently. However, it was only shaking, and the stone wall did not have any cracks.

Not only that, after the huge crocodile hit the stone wall, the bones were shattered by the force of the shock, and the blood flowed out continuously.

"Hi... How come this stone wall is so hard?"

Seeing this scene, Mo Shifeng was suddenly surprised and said: "I am anyhow a master of the fourth order of the domain master. With the power of one hand, coupled with the power of the giant crocodile, how can there be no trace at all? "

"There may be a blessing on the stone wall!"

Li Lingtian also raised his eyebrows, but he didn't think much, but just said: "Okay, these formations are weird, there is no need to think too much!"

"The area on the second floor is estimated to be the second- and third-order monsters of the domain master. All the way, as long as you don't encounter the fifth-order monster of the domain master, you will hand it over.

"Yes, lord!"

After hearing this, Mo Shifeng nodded slightly, and he was very happy.

He knew that this was Li Lingtian thinking about him.

Only in battle can he achieve a breakthrough. His current understanding of the law’s original power has reached the fifth-order realm of the domain master. As long as his spiritual power is reached, he will soon be able to break through, and it is precisely because of this that Li Lingtian will Let him exercise more time.

So, in the next three days, all Mo Shifeng opened the way ahead, but all the monsters that came out of the attack were cooked by Mo Shifeng one by one.

And Li Lingtian also traced the traces left by Liu Banxian all the way, but, I don't know what the reason was, from the first ten miles to a sign, it became fifty miles to have a mark.

This also makes Li Lingtian secretly worried about Liu Banxian.

However, what's even more weird is that on this path, they didn't even encounter anyone! As if in the huge stone wall, only two of them are the same!

"Eh, I don't know what happened to Liu Banxian!"

Secretly worried for a moment~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Li Lingtian had no other choice but to continue the way with Mo Shifeng.

It went all the way like this, but it went all the way. Soon, the mark left by Liu Banxian became another ten miles away.

This made Li Lingtian quite excited, thinking that Liu Banxian was about to be found.

However, after half an hour, another giant crocodile appeared suddenly, showing a vicious look, and killed them.

As always, this giant crocodile was also shot by Mo Shifeng!

But the two, without much thought, moved on.

Two days later, Liu Banxian's mark became another fifty miles.


At the beginning, Li Lingtian didn't think much, but was a little disappointed.

However, when I thought about it, Li Lingtian noticed something was wrong, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes flickered!

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