War God Supreme

Chapter 3212: Fight

"Now there are too few people in Bai Yingxing. You have to be careful. If you encounter people from other galaxies, you can try not to fight if you can't fight. Otherwise, you will be the one who suffers!"

Speaking of which, the few people shrugged and said, "Although our Hanlin star is not very good with your white heroes, I don't know how to watch you die like this."

"Eh, I really don't understand what they have to fight for, you have to fight for life and death, work together, rush to the last level together, wait until the monsters and institutions are cleared, and then compete for the final place, How good is this?"

"If I fight now, I'm really worried. We won't even be able to pass the Jade Dragon Holy City..."


After hearing this, Li Lingtian could not help but raised his eyebrows, Shen Sheng asked: "Listening to the words of several brothers, do you seem to have some understanding of the Jade Dragon Holy City?"

"There are dangers and opportunities between every floor of this Jade Dragon Holy City?"


The few people said, "You all came from the first floor. Presumably you also know how crazy the killing is."


Mo Shifeng said with a lingering fear: "Those people are crazy!"

"Actually, it's not that they are lunatics!"

The people sighed and said, "That's just that they've hit the first level of fire."

"Fire is poisonous?"

Li Lingtian's pupils could not help shrinking suddenly, and murmured: "No wonder... it turned out to be violent!"

"Moreover, this is not ordinary Husha poison... coupled with enough **** breath, these Husha poison, mixed into a brand new toxin, can stimulate people, make people crazy, only know how to attack!"

"In this jade dragon holy city, it really is a crisis! Step by step!"


Those people also very much agreed and said: "The first floor area, okay for the first half of a month, Huoxadu and blood gas have not yet fully integrated. Those people, although stimulated by Hushadu, Conflicts and wars broke out, but when serious things happened, they would choose to step back."

"But half a month later, or after the **** breath has accumulated to a certain level, those people will be completely mad! At that time, hey, even the strong fourth-order domain master, it is difficult to stay in it for more than half a month. ! Unless it's a group of people... otherwise, hey, then wait for death..."


Mo Shifeng said with a sigh: "They are just as tired as they do not know, and they continue to rush up. Even if they are strong, they will be exhausted. Unless it is division of labor and cooperation, resistance will take turns."

"So, you can rush out of the first floor after a month, and you can see that your strength is still very strong. It is precisely because of this that I don't want you to die here."

The few people said, "Be sure to bear everything, and then hold back. Don't try to be brave with people from other galaxies before meeting your galaxy's brigade. If you really fight, you will Big loss!"


Li Lingtian said with a fist: "Thank you for reminding me what I need in the future, even though it is."

"Hahaha, the heroes don't eat the loss in front of us. We can understand this truth!"

With a laugh, Li Lingtian clenched his fists at several people again, and left.

"Eh... These two people are very strong, I hope they don't make stupid things, as long as they are not under siege, they should be able to go to the next few areas safely!"

"His... It is said that those geniuses from the upper realm were directly transferred to the third floor and even the fourth floor area, which was too much ahead of us. Well, if we can no longer join together, I am afraid it is difficult Deal with those from the upper realm!"

"So, I hope that they will never be infighted again!"

Several people looked at each other, and in the sigh, they were full of worry.

After the virtual array formation method, although the environment has not changed much, the crowd has increased.

Almost every few miles, people will be met, and those people are fighting fiercely against giant beasts.

That's right, there are many beasts distributed in this channel. The strength is all between the first order of the domain master and the second order of the domain master. It is not strong, but it is not too weak.

"Adult, there are so many giant beasts here, and thankfully there are many people here, otherwise, it is difficult to rush out by personal strength alone!"

"Not much else."

Li Lingtian has been looking for the mark that belongs to Liu Banxian.

Sure enough, after ten miles, at the corner of a stone wall, Li Lingtian quietly discovered the sign left by Liu Banxian.

Squinting his eyes, Li Lingtian continued to walk with Mo Shifeng according to the sign.

After this, almost every ten miles, you will see a sign, and those signs are also becoming clearer. Obviously, the engraving time is not very long.

This means that Li Lingtian can quickly find Liu Banxian and them.



"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

Suddenly, a clear voice continued to sound, and at the same time, the sound of swearing after another sounded loudly in Li Lingtian's ears.

"You are despicable! This beast is clearly we were severely wounded. How can you **** our prey and even **** Neidan!"

"Hahaha! You were seriously injured, so what?"

"At least the beast's last blow was ours! That Naidan, as it should be, is also ours!"

"Bah, you guys who are mean and shameless!"

"Haha, if you are not convinced yet, then fight again!"

Hearing these conversations, Li Lingtian and Mo Shifeng glanced at each other, but they laughed helplessly.

"It turned out that it was because of Nedan's reason."

Mo Shifeng smiled bitterly and said, "Master, let's wait until their battle is over, or do we?"

"There is no time to delay, just pass by."

Li Lingtian shook his head slightly, he already desperately wanted to find Liu Banxian and they, therefore, he was unwilling to delay the time, even if it was only for a while~www.wuxiaspot.com~ left! "

With a cold snort, Li Lingtian walked forward with Mo Shifeng.

At the same time, the crisp sound of gold and iron thunder also continued to sound.



"Brothers, fight! These **** of ghost stars are simply not human. We can't stand it like this anymore!"


"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

During the fierce battle, Li Lingtian and Mo Shifeng also came over.

Taking a casual look at it, Li Lingtian saw that those who were fighting were not knowing by themselves, so they didn't do much and directly pulled Mo Shifeng away.


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