War God Supreme

Chapter 3221: reason

"Adult, what shall we do next?"

Mo Shifeng froze in place.

"How to do it?"

"Of course, I woke this person up..."

Li Lingtian shrugged his shoulders, and then his right hand waved lightly, a blue water flow suddenly appeared in Li Lingtian's hands.

"Ah? What is this for?"

In an instant, Mo Shifeng was stunned, but he didn't understand what Li Lingtian was doing!

At the next moment, Li Lingtian's actions caused Mo Shifeng's mouth to twitch violently.

It turned out that Li Lingtian directly splashed the water on the man's face.


Irrigated with cold water, the man's face was twisted in an instant.

"Ah? What happened?"

The man's eyes opened slightly, blinked, and then murmured: "Am I... in the ghost world?"

"of course……"

Just when the man was confused, Li Lingtian's voice suddenly sounded.

"Sure enough...I'm still dead..."

Hearing the words, the man could not help but smile bitterly.

However, Li Lingtian's voice rang again.

"Of course not the ghost world!"

Li Lingtian said coldly: "You should get up!"


The man shook his head violently, his eyes widened, and looked around carefully. He saw the people who were meditating in meditation, and also saw Li Lingtian and Mo Shifeng in front of him.

"I'm not dead!"

In an instant, the man was ecstatic, and then he quickly got up and clenched his fists in his hands, and said, "Under Ke Yifei, thank you for the two life-saving graces, great graces and great virtues, unforgettable!"

"Then tell us, who are you? Why are you being hunted down?"

Li Lingtian looked indifferent and asked in a cold voice: "If you are telling lies... hum!"

After hearing this, Ke Yifei couldn't help but tremble in his heart: "Could it be that he just came out of the tiger's den and entered the wolf den again?"

However, his eyes turned and he wanted to understand things.

"Oh, there must be someone who chased me, has been taken down by the two brothers, right?"

Ke Yifei said with a bitter smile: "I don't know, did you let them go, if you let them go, there will soon be masters coming over!"

"Oh? They hate you so much and want to put you to death?"

Li Lingtian glanced at Ke Yifei and said with a smile: "I really want to know, what the **** did you do to make those people hate you so much!"

"No... they are just afraid that I will leak the news!"

Ke Yifei said helplessly: "The news is very important, they are very scared."

"Then what do you tell me?"

Li Lingtian was curious as soon as she moved.

"You tell me first, whoever came to kill me before, did they run away?"

Ke Yifei's tone suddenly became firm.

"Let's go."

Li Lingtian said in a deep voice: "You can rest assured that even if they come back, you can't help you."

"Tell me the news, I can protect your safety!"


After hearing the words, Ke Yifei's eyes suddenly lit up, and a surprise came out: "Can you really protect me?"


However, Ke Yifei thought about it, the strongest of their galaxies is a master of the sixth order of the domain master. His face also became embarrassed, and said softly: "The group of people who chase me, they Between, the strongest is a master of the sixth order of the domain master! With your strength, can you deal with it?"

With that said, Ke Yifei also looked up carefully, looking at Li Lingtian and Mo Shifeng.

The look on Li Lingtian’s face remained the same, and said indifferently: “It’s just the sixth order of the domain master, you don’t have to worry.”

"That's it, it's just a sixth-order ants of a domain."

Mo Shifeng even showed a look of contempt on his face.

He clearly knows that Li Lingtian's strength is comparable to that of the eighth-order master of the domain master, and the sixth-order master of that area, what can he count in front of him!

Perceiving the change in the complexion of Mo Shifeng and Li Lingtian, Ke Yifei suddenly ecstatic, he can see that Li Lingtian and Mo Shifeng, that is really master of the sixth order of the domain master!

"Thank you! Thank you for your help!"

Ke Yifei said quickly: "Actually, they chased me down, they were afraid I would tell the clues of the five elements Bi Yexin!"

"Five Elements Biye Heart?"

"Huh? The legendary five-element Biye heart that allows people to understand the origin of the five-line rule at the same time?"

As Ke Yifei's words fell, Mo Shifeng suddenly exclaimed, even Li Lingtian raised his brow slightly.

"Five Elements Biye Heart?"

Suddenly, everyone else was awakened by Mo Shifeng.

Everyone woke up one after another, and then they all came around.

Originally, Ke Yifei was still a little nervous. He was afraid that Li Lingtian had too few of them. Although they were strong and powerful, they couldn't stand up to many people. But now, seeing that Li Lingtian has so many people, he felt relieved.

"Not bad!"

Ke Yifei took a deep breath and quickly said, "In the front five hundred miles, there is a cave! There is a five-line bi-leaf heart in that cave!"

"However, in that cave, there is a guardian beast of the seventh order of the domain master, so we have not been captured!"

"Wait until later, our leader actually wants to use our lives to fill it! While the guardian of the seventh order of the domain master kills us, go grab the five elements Biyexin!"

"After learning this news, we naturally do not want to die! We are even more reluctant to see us die. Therefore, some of our weaker people are planning to escape."

"Some of these brothers ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ after escaping, have passed on this news one after another, causing many people to find the cave."

"At the beginning, they all fought and fought fiercely, trying to drive away others, but as more and more people came, they also made an agreement not to kill each other, but Prepare to kill the guardian monster together."

"That's it!"

Hearing the words, Li Lingtian could not help but nodded slightly, and said softly: "This is the most correct choice. Kill the guardian beast first. If it is blindly killing each other, it is likely that when the person is dead, the guardian The beast has not suffered any damage."

"Hahaha, this is also true!"

The man smiled and said, "Originally, this is fine. But our boss, he wanted to use some of us as bait and set up a formation to suppress the group of people!"

"But that formation requires our blood and life as a medium. I don't want to damage the lives of all of us because of his own personal thoughts! Therefore, I took the lead with the selected brothers and left!"

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