War God Supreme

Chapter 3238: Enter the battle

At the next moment, a figure holding the five-element Biye heart, turned into an electric light, and hurried away towards the distance!

"No! Feng Zhilin didn't die!"

Li Lingtian couldn't help but his pupils contracted violently. How could he not see it, that figure was Feng Zhilin!

As soon as his eyes turned, Li Lingtian understood it. It should be that Fang Zhifeng felt that he could not resist the sword gas, and he simply hid in the arms of the guardian giant. He avoided the Tianjianmang as much as possible and waited for them. The moment you relax your vigilance, escape again!

"Very well, actually so ambitious, but, Feng Zhilin, you must understand that in the face of absolute strength, these so-called ambitious ideas are of no use at all!"

With cold eyes, Li Lingtian waved his right hand to throw the body of the guardian monster directly into his space ring.

"Feng Zhilin ran away, hurry and chase away!"

With a sip, Li Lingtian's figure suddenly turned into a flash of lightning and quickly followed.

"Mad... That Feng Zhilin is really too sinister!"

"Don't say it, hurry up!"

Several people of Mo Linyuan shook their heads, their faces filled with resentment, and they quickly caught up.

"Oh, uh!"

Soon, six people in Li Lingtian rushed out like six lightnings.

But it was only a dozen breathing times, and they rushed to where the previous people were.

It's just that at this time, everyone was under control.

After them, Feng Zhilin was covered in blood, holding the five elements of Bi Yexin in his hand, and looked at Li Lingtian and others with a sneer.

"Li Lingtian, this is the five-element Biye heart you want. Gee, but unfortunately, you can't get it!"

Feng Zhilin suddenly laughed out loud.

Hearing the words, Li Lingtian could not help but narrowed his eyes, and said: "This guy has changed his normal state, and he is not afraid of me anymore. Presumably, his blood-sucking Tianyuan formation has been arranged! Well, I want to see you, you What awesome this big battle!"

As soon as his thoughts moved, Li Lingtian stepped into the crowd despite the obstruction of the other five.

"Let these people leave me alone, otherwise, I will want you to look good!"

After glancing at the subdued people, Li Lingtian immediately drank coldly.

But in his heart, he was also quite surprised. He did not expect that Feng Zhilin could control all the 100 people in a few breaths!

Even if it is him, it is difficult to achieve this! Unless, in Feng Zhilin's body, there is a mark of the formation method, you can directly detonate the formation method!


Feng Zhilin immediately sneered and laughed: "Let them go? How is it possible! Hey, in order to deal with them, I used all the formations I spent a lot of hard work on!"

"They don't say much, they must maintain this stiff state for a day!"

"Giggle, Li Lingtian, this time, I want to see, what do you do!"

"What? Want to stay stiff for a day?"

It is said that several people in Mo Linyuan's face have changed drastically, and one of them blurted out: "Could it be that there is no limit to the world in the legend? Can anyone be closed and unable to return to reality!"

"Hahaha, good!"

Feng Zhilin suddenly laughed out loud: "You still have a little insight! This formation, but I spent a lot of effort to get it, and now it is worth it for you!"

"Brother Li, this formation must kill him, or find a master to crack!"

"Go on, get rid of this betrayal guy! He even imprisoned his men together!"

"This person really has no conscience!"

Several people in Zhao Huaqiang were furious, and no matter how much, they rushed straight up.

However, they did not see that Feng Zhilin's mouth slightly raised. The reason why he was waiting for Li Lingtian and others here was to entice Li Lingtian to attack him.

After Li Lingtian and others rushed into the crowd, Feng Zhilin suddenly raised his hands and a sharp dagger suddenly appeared in his hands.

"Hahaha, Li Lingtian, do you really think that I arranged such a formation?"

"Stop it!"

"I start the formation with my blood!"

In the laughter, Feng Zhilin's left hand sank suddenly, and the next moment, the sharp dagger penetrated into his heart.


Crimson blood, like a fountain, erupted from Feng Zhilin's chest!


Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian and others were shocked in their hearts. Mo Linyuan even couldn't bear to look directly at him, and turned his head away.

They felt very weird. Why did Feng Zhilin pierce the dagger into his heart?

"Could it be that this is the way to motivate the Blood Devouring Tianyuan Formation?"

Only Li Lingtian jumped in his heart, and he finally understood why Liu Banxian said that these formations were very strange, so bloody, and brutal, how can he not be evil and strange!

"Guru! Guru!"

Suddenly, a strange blood surging sound quietly rang in everyone's ears.


Feng Zhilin was seriously injured himself, at this time a sharp dagger was inserted in his chest, and the laughter became hoarse.

But Feng Zhilin didn't feel the pain, and his face was full of grief.

"Li Lingtian, this time, I can't fly if I want you to insert wings!"

With that, Feng Zhilin gritted his teeth, turning the dagger.


With the rotation of the dagger, another blood was sprayed from Feng Zhilin's chest.

Seeing this scene, several people in Mo Linyuan couldn't help but twitch in the corners of their mouths, even they themselves felt a sudden pain in their hearts!

"Guru! Guru!"

At the same time, as those blood spilled on the ground, around everyone, suddenly a red glow of bleeding came!

An evil spirit ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ suddenly came over and over, and directly overwhelmed them with a hundred people!



The sad sorrowful laughter suddenly resounded in the ears of Li Lingtian.

Then the blood-red light enveloped them all at a very fast speed.

All of a sudden, Li Lingtian and others realized that all of them were surrounded by blood!

"Guru! Guru!"

Those blood, flowing freely, thick liquid, looks disgusting!

"Giggle, Li Lingtian, this is my gift for you, I hope you like it! Giggle!"

Suddenly, Li Lingtian's faces became dignified!

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