War God Supreme

Chapter 3250: Reveal identity

With cold eyes blooming in his eyes, Li Lingtian immediately jumped up, his hands raised high, and the field of Wanxuan Holy Flame exploded, directly covering the four domain masters of the seventh order.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

In an instant, the four people were completely wrapped in flames.

The remaining twelve domain masters of the sixth and sixth ranks were all stunned for a moment. They looked at each other and decided. Let's look at the results first.

Moreover, they all know that very few people in the lower realm can break through to the seventh level of the domain master. They already have doubts about the identity of the four people. At this time, when they see Li Lingtian willing to try the method by themselves, they are naturally happy to see this scene.

"Drink, kill the sword!"

Li Lingtian did not care about other people's thoughts. His purpose was to defeat the seven ranks of the four domain masters first, or to persuade their identities first!


Man Tian Jian Qi condensed, immediately condensed behind Li Lingtian.



The sword was breathtaking and suddenly shot out.

Even those masters of the sixth order of the domain master are a bit overwhelmed, and have stepped back and opened the distance.

But they looked at Li Lingtian's eyes with a look of surprise.

They did not expect that Li Lingtian looked similar to their realm, but the power of those sword spirits was so powerful!

This is really beyond their expectations!

"Kill me! Kill the sword!"

Li Lingtian's two-handed swords flicked fiercely, and the next moment, the sharp killing of the sword's mansions, tore the Wanxuan Shenghuo field, and slashed madly toward the four domain master seventh-order strongmen.

"No, this sword spirit is so strong!"

"You must go all out!"

The four people were not ready to reveal their identities at the beginning, but when they sensed the power of the celestial sword, they were so moved that they did not dare to hide themselves and burst out their most powerful forces!


At the next moment, a strong explosion sounded, and under the full attack of four people, the area of ​​the Ten Thousand Profound Fire was torn.


In the crunchy sound, the field of Wanxuan Shenghuo was completely torn open and shattered, and then the four figures came out one after another.

They exuded a very strong breath, which moved everyone!

"This kind of power fluctuates!"

"I have sensed from the people from the upper realm that this kind of power fluctuation belongs to their cultivation skills!"

However, almost instantaneously, the other twelve people were sensed one after another. At the next moment, they looked at the eyes of the four people and they became cold.

None of them were fools. Naturally, they knew that An Nei would have to walk away from the outside, and they immediately flew up and surrounded the upper-order people from the fourth order of the four domain masters.


The four talents had just rushed out of the field of Wanxuan Shenghuo. They had not had time to escape, but they were surrounded by everyone. They were suddenly horrified, and they took a breath. Their faces were full of fear.

In the face of real death, after all, they were unable to do it indifferently, and surrounded them in horror.


Li Lingtian laughed loudly and said with a cold drink: "Don't you still want to hide your identity before? Why don't you hide now?"

"Huh. You hide so deep!"

The twelve people also sneered out loud: "Thank you this brother. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid we would not know that these people were originally geniuses from the upper realm!"

"What nonsense? Just kill them!"

"Right, this brother, don't know what galaxy you are?"

One person asked suddenly.

After all, Li Lingtian's strength is too strong. Although the state is relatively poor, he can use his own strength to force the four domain master seventh-order strongmen to expose all their strengths. It can be seen that his strength is simply not what the domain master sixth-order can do. Did it.

They must confirm Li Lingtian's identity, otherwise, if Li Lingtian is hurt, it will be troublesome.

"I am Li Lingtian from Bai Yingxing!"

Li Lingtian naturally understood the thoughts and concerns of several of them and immediately replied, "Bai Yingxing's brothers are all in place!"

"Ha, it turned out to be a brother from Bai Yingxing!"

"No wonder it's so nifty, so powerful, it turns out to be Bai Yingxing's master!"

"Hey, worthy of being a master of Bai Yingxing, it was so easy to expose the genius of the upper realm!"

After hearing that, everyone was stunned for a while, and then they were all relieved.

This shows how loud the name of Bai Yingxing is among many galaxies!

In fact, this is also thanks to Wan Kun and several of them. If they did not suppress hundreds of galaxies in the first place, they would not have their prestige now!

"Not much to say first, brothers, the top priority is to kill these four geniuses from the upper realm!"

Li Lingtian smiled slightly, his hands raised high, and the next moment, the flame of extinction and the purple electricity of extinction were already appearing in his hands.

Hot flames and violent thunder filled the air.

"Okay, get started!"

The twelve people also shot one after another. At the next moment, all kinds of chaotic treasures and the power of the original laws of each department were all filled in this space.

"Made, brothers, fight!"

Seeing this scene, the four people's eyes suddenly turned red. They already understood that the possibility of being able to run out was too low, almost impossible!

Therefore, they can only fight back with their fate and try to kill them!

But will Li Lingtian give them this opportunity?

The corner of his mouth slightly lifted, and Li Lingtian lightly said, "Hands!"

"Destroy Flames, Destroy Purple!"


"Senro Ghost Seal!"

"Frozen Nine Nether Palm!"

As the cold drink fell, the crowd shot.

The original power of the laws of each department exploded toward the four people one after another!

The four of them would naturally not be bound by their hands.

"Nine You Feng Magic Gun!"

"Feng Tianshi!"

"Blood drops!"

"Breeze kills!"

A long gun~www.wuxiaspot.com~It's all dark, carrying turbulent water waves, coming turbulently!

A boulder landed abruptly, emitting strange waves of power, and wrapped up the attacks of Li Lingtian and others.

Blood drops, violent wind kills, it is constantly raging, rushing towards the place where Li Lingtian and others are located!

Everyone was surprised when they saw this scene. They didn't expect that the four people would be so fearless to death. They would rather fight their own deaths, and try to do some harm to them, eager to fight a fishnet!

"Hahaha, with the four of you, want to shoot us? Find death!"

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian burst into laughter, and then thoughts moved, and the sky sword array and the sky sword array exploded.

"Uh! Uh! Uh!"

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