War God Supreme

Chapter 3254: Deter everyone

"How can it be……"

"How is it possible...you are only the sixth-order realm of the district, how could it be an opponent of adults?"

"Yes... it must be lying to us! It must be lying to us!"

In an instant, everyone in the Dragon Battle Galaxy murmured. They couldn't believe that with Li Lingtian's realm, they could kill the strong of their galaxy!

"Ha ha."

Upon seeing this, Li Lingtian knew in his heart that he had to take another strong medicine and immediately sneered and said, "Are you people from the upper realm very powerful? It seems that there are many cartilage, especially one named Duan Mulin, who is also weak Even if it's a special counsel!"

"At the time, I was just the fifth-order realm of the domain master, but when he saw me, he was so scared that he knelt down directly. I hadn't hit him yet, so he was scared to tell you the connection between the Dragon Battle Galaxy and the Holy Alliance. I am. Including your plan, it will cause chaos on the fifth floor, and attract more powerful strongmen!"

These news are all the information that Li Lingtian got from the three upper-bound little brothers, and they are not concealed, but anyway, he said Duan Mulin's name. In an instant, everyone in the Dragon Battle Galaxy just believed Li Lingtian's words.

Of course, they believed in their hearts, but they still did not want to admit it!


"The Duanmu family is a super family. Even if they die, they can't betray! How could you tell you all these news!"

"Fake, absolutely fake!"

Everyone in the Dragon Battle Galaxy went crazy, but deep down in their hearts, they believed Li Lingtian again.

Otherwise, how could Li Lingtian know about their deployment?

The tasks they received were similar to what Li Lingtian said! Including what Li Lingtian said to go to the fifth floor to release the strong and cause chaos, everything is right!

"That... since someone has betrayed, then we, or have we betrayed?!"

"Anyway, they all know about it, and a little more, nothing..."

At this time, some people's psychological defense had been disintegrated by Li Lingtian.

After hearing this, Li Lingtian couldn't help but move, and the rest of the people were surprised.

Especially those leaders, as well as Li Debin who just turned to Li Lingtian, were extremely shocked: "This Li Lingtian is really powerful, but it is just a few words of effort, and the psychological defense of those people is actually broken! "

"It seems that the alliance is really good for us. Anyway, we can let Li Lingtian and his group be pioneers. When they consume the power of the people in the upper bound, we will shoot again!"

"Master Li really deserves to be a strong man, and following him will definitely raise his eyebrows!"

In everyone's mind, different ideas came up.

Li Lingtian naturally does not care about the thoughts of that group of people. His current goal is to think about how to let the people in front of him reveal the news!

"in fact……"

Li Lingtian suddenly sighed and said: "The situation, I already know about it. I just want to confirm it again."

"Moreover, Li Lingtian is not a killer. If you are willing to cooperate with me, I will naturally not want to kill you, which will cause too many killings!"

"So I advise you, you still have to succumb, in the upper realm, your strength is only at the bottom, but after coming to the lower realm, with your strength, why don't you worry about a good future?"

"As the saying goes, it is better to be a chicken head than an phoenix!"

Li Lingtian is well aware of the benefits of hitting a stick and giving sugar. After beating them, he planned a great beauty for them!

All of a sudden, those people who were desperate almost looked up at Li Lingtian, their eyes full of hope.


"Brothers, since the people of the Duanmu family have already succumbed, let's do it too! It's not a shame to treat a strong man!"

Finally, someone shouted tremblingly, calling on everyone to succumb.

The corner of Li Lingtian's mouth couldn't help but slightly whip up.

His plan finally succeeded!


"Everyone be careful, there is a loophole in this guy's words! If he really knows, how could he leave our lives!"

"Yes, who can get to this step, which one puts life in the eyes, less kills, and let him make farts!"

However, just as everyone hesitated about whether to succumb or not, there was someone shouting out of the dragon battle galaxy.

Suddenly, those who wanted to succumb were backing away.


Li Lingtian's eyes were cold, his heart was suddenly angry, the right-handed sword commanded, the sky was full of sword energy, and he suddenly madly gathered towards Li Lingtian, condensed into a sword.

"Thorn! Thorn! Thorn!"

The killing of Jiantianmang's sword gas radiated continuously, and the strong sense of oppression made the dragon battle galaxy everyone's face change dramatically.

"Are you angry or angry?"

"Brothers, you must not believe his words!"

But even under the pressure of Jian Qi, there were still people who were not afraid of death and shouted loudly.

"Since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you!"

Li Lingtian is naturally not a soft-hearted person. When his thoughts move, the right-handed sword directs the dance. At the next moment, the sharp sword spirit suddenly whizzes out!

"Puff puff!"

The fierce sword spirit, like raindrops, suddenly attacked everyone in the Dragon Battle Galaxy!


Everyone in the Dragon Battle Galaxy was terrified, and even some people shouted in shock.

But after shouting, they realized that they didn't feel the pain, and they were shocked.

After the reaction, they slowly opened their eyes and patted themselves again, realizing that they were still alive, they were relieved.

However, they are still alive, but some people around them are stiff and pale.


The breeze blew ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Those people's bodies were like broken pieces of jigsaw puzzles. They shattered and shattered into countless pieces, falling towards the ground of the cloud rolling platform.


The crimson blood was sprayed continuously.

Broken limbs, broken up!


Seeing this scene, everyone in the surviving Dragon Battle galaxy rolled their throats and swallowed nervously, and their hearts were even more terrified.

They couldn't believe it, Li Lingtian did it!

With the power of a sword, it kills dozens of masters of the fifth-order domain master and sixth-order master, which is not like what a sixth-order master can do, even if it is the seventh-order master. It is also difficult to use the best treasures!

Not to mention the fact that everyone in the Dragon Battle Galaxy can’t believe it, even Mo Shifeng was shocked: "My God, every time I think that the adults have the best cards and their strength is exposed... But every time, they can be found, The strength of adults is simply not bottomed out!"

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