War God Supreme

Chapter 3265: Countermeasure

More than 500 people, vast and mighty, followed Li Lingtian and Wan Tianyu to the previous hotel.

Almost all the hotel rooms were occupied by Li Lingtian.

After that, Li Lingtian also settled down, urging everyone to practice and improve their strength every day, and then went to the hidden city to check the news.

In any case, they can't find much information about the hidden city, they know all about the trial.

Those who had previously seen the abrupt appearance on the city walls also came to the inner city.

This kind of stable days lasted as long as half a month. With the passage of time, there were more people in this hidden city.

Until the end, this huge city turned out to be crowded!

And after the crowd, the crisis also appeared.

There were so many places in the city, people would not have conflicts, and they could live in harmony in the hidden city. But now there are really too many people. The inns and hotels are almost full. This is fine. It’s a big deal. You can find some places like houses, as long as you are willing to pay.

After a lot of people, whether it is a stall, a barter, or a normal activity outside, there will inevitably be a little friction and conflict!

At the beginning, everyone did not want to cause trouble, after all, this is a completely strange city, they must act carefully.

Patience always wears out and wears out that day. Soon, some people, after being suppressed for so long, finally burst out.

Someone broke out first, and the rest of them broke out one after another.

But for three days, the entire hidden city was chaotic.

Every time someone broke out the battle, and almost all the people who could come here had their own galaxy. The battle of one person quickly caused a war between several galaxies!

Even more, there will be indiscriminate disasters on some people's heads.

Even Li Lingtian and them were almost entangled in battle several times.

"His...it won't work like this!"

Brow furrowed, Li Lingtian's face was full of dignity, Shen Sheng said: "If this chaos continues, our alliance will probably be abandoned!"

"So, what shall we do?"

Wan Tianyu also frowned, and when facing the senior leaders of the Holy Alliance, these people were still in a camp. Therefore, Li Lingtian and Wan Tianyu did not want to see them kill each other!

"What else can I do?"

Li Lingtian sighed and said helplessly: "I can only go to persuade!"

So, Li Lingtian and Wan Tianyu started their own persuasion!

At the beginning, the group of people didn't even care about Li Lingtian. Some people's eyes were red, and they didn't even recognize them. They just hit Li Lingtian and they came.

Fortunately, Li Lingtian and Wan Tianyu were strong enough, and this was not hurt!

After the fear, Li Lingtian and the two were completely angry, and they directly used their own power to suppress those wars.

Initially, their force suppression did indeed play a role. The group of people also knew their thoughts and were quite excited.

As early as a month ago, in the Jade Dragon Holy City, the news about the high-level sent by the Holy Alliance to participate in the trial was to pass on and spread out. They naturally knew and were extremely worried. Now when I hear Li Lingtian’s words, they are even more excited. Endless.

But in this hidden city, it is really too depressing, and the crowds are crowded, it is inevitable that some conflicts will occur. Therefore, in the hidden city, there is still constant conflict!

Faced with this situation, Li Lingtian and Wan Tianyu could only helplessly sigh.

No matter how strong they are, they are still inexperienced, and it is impossible to suppress the conflicts of thousands or even hundreds of thousands!

"Since fighting has erupted within the Hidden City, why don't we look away?"

Just when Li Lingtian and Wan Tianyu were worried, Mo Shifeng made a plan.

"This hidden city can't hold so many people, but beyond the walls, it has boundless land! Our strength is not weak, we can open up our territory and disperse those white mists! In this way, The war broke out in the city due to overcrowding, it can be solved."

Wen Yan, Li Lingtian and Wan Tianyu, both eyes shining brightly.

"Yeah, since we can't accommodate so many people in the city walls, why can't we rush out?"

Wan Tianyu grinned: "In that case, we can think of a way to call this group of people to the city wall first!"

"It's simple."

Li Lingtian nodded and said: "As long as we say, discuss the matter of alliance, they will come naturally. After all, the strength of the Dragon Battle galaxy is too strong, and they are not willing to give up."

"Tianyu, Mo Shifeng, Banxian, you go to pass the news first. Three days later, we will hold an alliance meeting on the city wall!"

"Huh, by that time, it is estimated that Yali's breakthrough will be over."

Speaking of which, Li Lingtian also slightly raised his mouth, I don't know what realm Yali kill can be raised this time.

If Yali can break through to the seventh level of the domain master, then their strength can be greatly enhanced!

"Okay, let's get the news first!"

Wan Tianyu, Liu Banxian, and Mo Shifeng soon called Mo Linyuan and they all told them that they were each responsible for conveying news of a region.

Although the hidden city is not big, there are too many people, and the strength of some forces is not weak. There are several masters of the master order in the sixth order. Therefore, the person Li Lingtian sent to send the message is the lowest. At the level of the state, otherwise, it is very likely that even the gates of those forces will not enter!

Since this time, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Li Lingtian has repeatedly persuaded him to break out his amazing strength. He has already made a name for himself. Therefore, after everyone learned that it was Li Lingtian's message, they all paid attention to it. .

All of a sudden, this huge hidden city was quiet again.

This also made Li Lingtian quite surprised, but he also knew that this quietness was nothing but the tranquility before the storm!

Three days later, that was the real storm!

On the evening of the second day, while Li Lingtian was waiting hard, Yali finally made a breakthrough!



Around Li Lingtian's room, strange space fluctuations suddenly broke out!

Even the air is distorted, and aware of this, Li Lingtian could not help but slightly lift the corners of his mouth, very well, it seems that Yali kills the power of space is already very strong!

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