War God Supreme

Chapter 3267: negotiation

Soon, after gathering all the people, Li Lingtian took more than 1,300 people and hurried toward the wall.

This time, Li Lingtian chose the east wall.

East, rising sun means life, hope, and a new beginning!

At this time, the people in the entire hidden city are boiling.

Countless people and horses are rushing towards Dongcheng.

All of a sudden, the originally overcrowded hidden city was left with some weird people, who were still in the city.

Arriving on the city wall, Li Lingtian placed everyone in the passageway, and then took Liu Banxian, Wan Tianyu, Mo Shifeng, and other sixth-order people to the city tower.

Above the watchtower, there are already many people gathering.


When they came to the tower, everyone turned their heads. When they saw Li Lingtian, they all clenched their fists and greeted them with a smile.

"Brother Li, you are finally here!"

"Brother Li, come, come to me!"

The group of people had all seen Li Lingtian shot and knew that Li Lingtian was extremely powerful, so he behaved extremely kindly, giving Li Lingtian a face.

As the saying goes, people who reach out without making faces laugh, this group of people is kind to Li Lingtian, and Li Lingtian also replied with a fist: "My brothers, all are almost here!"

Having said that, Li Lingtian glanced and found that the people who gathered here were as high as more than two thousand people, and the weakest people were all in the early stage of the sixth order of the domain master.

Of course, there are fewer people who can be with them around the tower, only a hundred people. Presumably, this hundred people are all leaders of various galaxies.

In fact, originally in this hidden city, there were more forces. Many of the domain’s sixth-order strongmen were initially the leaders of one party, but they were merged by the stronger ones in their respective galaxies. In this case, they can only be patient.

Among these 100 people, ninety-nine percent are the domain of the sixth-level peak of the domain master, and only three of them broke through to the seventh-level domain of the domain master.

The three seemed to be self-sustaining, so their attitude towards Li Lingtian was not very sympathetic, and they just grumbled a few times.

Those three people are the mad thunder from the murderous galaxy, Lin Han from the Muyin galaxy, and Huo Zhiji from the Youhuo galaxy!

"Everyone who is qualified is here already."

A voice suddenly sounded: "I don't know why Brother Li called us all here, why?"

As the voice fell, everyone's eyes turned to Li Lingtian.

They are also very curious, saying that it is one thing to form an alliance, but why choose the address here? Moreover, so many people have to be called up.

Of course, they did not listen to Li Lingtian so much. Almost every force left someone in the city just in case.

"Hehe...I call you here, naturally for the sake of alliance."

Li Lingtian laughed lightly: "As for why the address is chosen here, that is naturally after the alliance, we can quickly carry out a thing we must do!"

"What must be done?"

"Oh? What is that?"

All of a sudden, everyone was curious. Is there anything here that they must do?

Even Huo Zhiji, Lin Han and Kuang Lei looked at Li Lingtian in surprise.

"That matter, let's talk later."

Li Lingtian said with a smile: "It is imperative that the matter of alliance must be given first!"

"A matter of alliance..."

After hearing that, everyone's face was dignified.

"I don't know, Brother Li, how are you going to form an alliance?"

"Just forming an alliance, let's attack and defend and help each other, or do we have to bring together all the manpower? Distribute scheduling?"

Everyone is not a weak person, and they have many insights into the ability to lead together, and have questioned them one after another.

If they don't ask clearly, they are all worried that they will be pitted by Li Lingtian in the future.

"Naturally, it's just a simple alliance, offensive and defensive mutual assistance. If it's redistribution, where do we have time to complete?"

Shrugging his shoulders, Li Lingtian said helplessly: "And, if this is the case, it is estimated that everyone will be dissatisfied!"


As Li Lingtian's words fell, everyone was silent.

That's right, if you really follow that method to form an alliance and reallocate all your manpower, many of them will choose not to form an alliance!

Because in this way, they will completely dissipate the control of their opponents, then their long-term efforts have not been done in vain? Marrying clothes for others!

"Huh, since that is the first option to form an alliance, why did you call me all?"

"As long as we agree, by then, if any party is in trouble, our family will definitely not sit by and ignore it!"

"Yes, the alliance is good for us. By then, no one will be required to supervise or sign a contract, and it will naturally be observed."

The crowd clamoured.

"Not bad..."

Li Lingtian nodded slightly, and said softly, "You are all good, but... this matter is, after all, a covenant for all of us. If there is no formal planning and decision, it would be a bit chilly!"


"Moreover, it is not that simple to conclude a covenant! Our alliance is not only about offense and defense and mutual assistance!"

"Although there will be no redistribution of manpower, ... some changes must be made!"

Speaking of which, Li Lingtian's voice grew colder, and in his body, there was a killing intent, rising from the sky!

Suddenly, everyone's breathing became hurried.

The one hundred people on the field were even more dignified. They knew that the negotiations to conclude a covenant would begin soon!

"Yes, the conclusion of the covenant is not a trivial matter after all, we have to discuss it!"

"I agree too!"

"Brother Li~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I don’t know what you think about this alliance, can you tell me, let us all listen to it!"

"Of course, with pleasure!"

Li Lingtian's mouth twitched slightly, and then strode in front of everyone, and began to talk about the alliance.

Regarding the alliance, Li Lingtian has been preparing for a long time. He is fully aware of the allocation of human resources, the usual scheduling, and the decision to deal with those who are in the Dragon Wars galaxy. He is very clear and talks immediately.

In Li Lingtian's mouth, it is easiest to form an alliance, but the difficulty is how to maintain their contact and intimacy after the alliance.

And how to deal with everyone in the Dragon Battle Galaxy.

After all this was said, Li Lingtian's words turned, but he skipped the sensitive issue of power, and began to talk about the abomination of the Dragon Battle Galaxy!

Immediately afterwards, Li Lingtian was even more desperate to succumb to the Holy League, which also made everyone's heart mobilize again!

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