War God Supreme

Chapter 3269: Crazy Thunder Challenge

"No, this is wrong!"

Kuang Lei panicked in his heart, and regardless of the environment at this time, he just shouted out.

Suddenly, the eyes of countless people turned to mad thunder with a "shoo", and looked at his eyes full of anger.

This also made Kuang Lei's face suddenly become embarrassed.

He didn't expect it, it was just a sentence, and everyone turned out to be so hostile to him!

If the eyes can kill people, I am afraid that he will be mad at him. As early as just now, he has been slammed!

But Kuang Lei, after all, is a master of the seventh order of the domain master, shook his head violently, and quickly said: "This alliance, I agree, is of great benefit to us, and can consolidate our strength, not to Become a scattered sand, unable to exert its strength."

"The position of the lord of the league must be held by a strong person."

"Although Li Lingtian is strong enough, he is only the sixth order of the domain master. If he meets the top masters of the seventh order of the domain master, and even the eighth order of the domain master, he can't deal with it."

"Therefore, the position of the leader must be changed!"

After all, Kuang Lei was not a vegetarian, but just a few breathing hours, and he thought of an almost perfect excuse.

Unfortunately, Kuang Lei did not know how strong Li Lingtian was!

"Humph! It's a sounding talk!"

"Although strength is important, our alliance is more important to unite our strength, rather than fighting hard, so I think that being an ally, you must be receptive and do things impartially, not rely on force. !"

"Yes, people who only know how to reason with their fists will not be able to walk on the road after all!"

Soon, someone began to refute the mad thunder, looking at his eyes full of ridicule and disdain.

Suddenly, Kuang Lei's complexion went dark, as if he could drip water. He had expected the scene where everyone spoke for Li Lingtian, but he did not expect that so many people even supported Li Lingtian!

"Cough, well, don't talk about it!"

In itself, Li Lingtian also knows that if he wants to become an ally, there will be someone to stop it, so he does not care about Kuang Lei's blocking, but just laughs out loud: "Kuang Lei Brothers, right, I also agree with you. As the leader of the alliance, you must have enough strength."

"Huh? Do you agree?"

Hearing the words, Kuang Lei suddenly frowned, his face full of dignity.

I don't know why, his heart suddenly panicked.

In his view, even if Li Lingtian is stronger, it is still the sixth order of the domain master, and it is impossible to be his opponent. But Li Lingtian, where did he come from, how dare he agree with his opinion?

Inevitably, Li Lingtian's strength has been so strong that it can be compared to the seventh order of the domain master?

If you let Kuang Lei know that Li Lingtian has killed more than ten masters of the seventh-level master of the domain master, and even played against the strong masters of the eighth-order domain, would you be too scared to say anything!

"Yes, you are right, why should I agree?"

Li Lingtian's mouth slightly raised, and his face was full of smiles.

"If Brother Kuanglei wants to enlighten me, then please!"

With that said, Li Lingtian even made a hands-on approach.


Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian could not help but take a deep breath and said softly, "Come on!"


Kuang Lei was stunned for a while, then suddenly burst out laughing.

"This is what you let me do!"

A greasy smile gradually appeared on his face, and then he jumped violently and threw himself towards Li Lingtian.

"Brother Li, be careful!"

"Master, be careful!"

All of a sudden, everyone started cheering for Li Lingtian.

In fact, the thunderous, suddenly dropped more than one grade.

In his heart, he was very depressed.

"His... how could this be..."

Lin Han and Huo Zhiji also raised their brows, and they were very surprised.

They did not expect that Li Lingtian's appeal was so powerful!

"Huh... Adults, this kind of appeal is really too strong. No matter where you go, there is a group of people who are fighting and will die for our adults!"

Mo Shifeng and Liu Banxian looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

In fact, they all followed Li Lingtian only because of various coincidences. They never thought that this follow-up is life and death!


"Li Lingtian, take the trick!"

After Kuanglei reacted, his heart was furious, his hands were waving, and countless electric awns emerged from his body.


"Poop! Poop!"

Those electric awns exploded continuously, spreading their teeth and claws, like ghosts and ghosts, rushing towards Li Lingtian crazy.

For a moment, the whole body of Kuang Lei was wrapped in those lightnings, and all around his body were purple and blue electric light.

"His... It's worthy of mad thunder! These thunderbolts contain extremely strong power. It is estimated that after I entered, I couldn't last a quarter of an hour!"

"This man is so strong, no wonder he is confident and wants to compete with Brother Li!"

"This Thunder's power seems to have been lost to Tianwei!"

After all, Kuang Lei is a strong seventh-level master of the domain master. Under his full strength, that kind of strength makes everyone's face dignified, and even the voice of words has become lighter.

"Li Lingtian... I don't know why, I always have an unmatched feeling on you, so let me take a look at how strong you are..."

Lin Han looked at Li Lingtian, who was about to be swallowed by thunder light, and could not help whispering, his eyes filled with consternation.

"Hahaha, carving tricks!"

However, in the face of this kind of offensive of mad thunder, Li Lingtian did not care at all~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The expression on his face was indifferent, it seemed that he did not take this offensive to heart at all!

"Back in time!"

With a soft drink, Li Lingtian's right hand stretched out and gave a light grip.

At the next moment, the power of the strange time and space erupted, and those forces, like the silk, quickly entangled the space in front of Li Lingtian.

Including those thunderlights, too, they were directly wrapped in strange silk!

At the next moment, everyone was surprised to see that the thunder that had been rushing forward with unprecedented momentum suddenly stopped.

"Huh? What's going on?"

"Could it be that he had given up attacking?"

Seeing this scene, everyone was surprised.

In their eyes, the mad thunder is like stopping the attack. The thunderlights, just not far away in front of Li Lingtian, continue to erupt, releasing a terrifying thunderlight.

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