War God Supreme

Chapter 3275:

"Poop! Poop!"

The bluish-blue light, like a gust of wind, brought up a gust of wind, and those light spots, like starlight, slowly poured into Li Lingtian's body.


With the injection of those light spots, Li Lingtian snorted suddenly, only to feel that a special power suddenly appeared in the body.

That kind of power is close to the strength of the wind law, but it's a little different.

However, that kind of power is very inclusive, almost instantaneously, it is perfectly integrated with the many forces in Li Lingtian's body!

Li Lingtian's momentum is also rapidly improving at a slow speed!


That inner pill, constantly releasing power, was injected into Li Lingtian's body.

Not far away, Yali killing, Bianrang and others saw this scene with a sigh of relief, so it seems that the inner pill should be harmless to the human body.

After no longer worrying, they turned their heads to look out of the wall and stared tightly at the disappearing white mist.

After half an hour, Li Lingtian suddenly shouted loudly, and in front of him, that inner pill burst suddenly, and suddenly turned into a pile of dust, annihilated in the air.


The explosion of spiritual power in the body, Li Lingtian's realm, is also completely stabilized at the peak of the sixth order of the domain master.

Break through to the seventh level of the domain master, just around the corner!

After carefully sensing the breath in his body, Li Lingtian said softly: "The power contained in this inner dan is very strong, and there is no other noisy power, but it can be used by others."

Although Li Lingtian's realm is low, his strength is very strong. Even the eighth-ranked master of the domain master has the power of a battle.

Moreover, at this time, the beast tide is strong. If they want to withstand the impact of the beast tide, it is impossible to rely on Li Lingtian alone, and they must raise the realm of the rest.

After his eyes rolled, and after making up his mind, Li Lingtian came to Yali to kill several people and looked up into the distance.

I can see that the white mist has retreated a hundred feet away. Among them, there are already many black shadows appearing, but it is not clear.

"Adult, congratulations on making another breakthrough!"

Bianrang quickly patted a flatter.


Li Lingtian didn't care at all, he breathed a sigh of breath and quickly said: "Wake everyone up quickly, the next round of attack is coming soon!"


While letting a few people look tight, they quickly dispersed and woke everyone up.

Just when they asked them to wake up, those white mists also finished dissipating and stayed in place again.



At the same time, the sound of howling wolves suddenly resounded in everyone's ears.

"Ah? What voice?"

"Enemies! Enemies!"

Hearing the sound of the wolf howling, those people all awakened.

"Boom boom!"

The earthquake trembles and the sound of trampling keeps coming out.

Everyone looked at it, only to see the dust flying in the distance, and the giant wolf flying across the sky came towards the city wall!

Those giant wolves are huge, one foot tall, their hairs are blue and black, their roots are upright, their fangs are sharp, and they are shimmering, and they look terrible.

"Wolves of the fourth-order realm of the domain master!"

"No, everybody will try their best to meet the enemy!"

Li Lingtian immediately shouted loudly, and then the field of Wan Xuan Shenghuo broke out, instantly enveloping the entire city wall.

Among them, most of them, namely the fourth and fifth order of the domain master, want to quickly kill these giant wolves, it is really too difficult.

There are so many giant wolves. If you can't solve them quickly, the defense of the city wall will be broken through!

Therefore, Li Lingtian directly spread the field of Wanxuan Holy Fire to the entire city wall to bless the power of everyone.

But in this way, Li Lingtian's spiritual consumption rate is extremely fast.

Fortunately, he had just absorbed the power of that inner dan, so he was still able to hold it.


Those giant wolves are extremely fast, and in the long roar, they are almost approaching the city wall, only one hundred feet away from the city wall!

"Ready to do it!"

Li Lingtian's applause reverberated.

After the giant wolf entered the crowd of eighty feet, Li Lingtian swung his right hand violently, screaming loudly, like anger and thunder, suddenly burst into the ears of everyone!

"Do it!"

"Destroy Sky Sword Array! Tongtian Sword Array!"

The two great sword arrays appeared at the same time, and the awful sword spirit suddenly filled the air, constantly running through the bodies of those giant wolves!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Everyone tried their best to urge their chaotic treasures and smashed them towards the giant wolves.

Under the blessing of the field of Wanxuan Holy Fire, all of those attacks have reached the level 5 of the domain master, and even the level 6 of the domain master. Therefore, even if those giant wolves have the strength of the fourth order of the domain master, they can't resist and have been killed in the same place!

But the speed of those giant wolves is too fast. Even if Li Lingtian attacked them violently, they also rushed over.

Over time, those giant wolves were only 60 feet away from the city walls!

"No, you can't go on like this!"

In his eyes, Han Mang was blooming, Li Lingtian's whole body was shining, and the God-destroying suit appeared on his body.

The God of Destruction God urged it with all its strength, and the scorching flame immediately turned into a sea of ​​fire and swayed to the giant wolf group.


"Click! Click!"

The purple thunder, like the roar of the angry dragon, kept falling.


Every time Thunder falls, there will be a giant wolf chopped into ashes by Thunder!

As a result, the progress of those giant wolves has stalled.



However, at this time, those giant wolves suddenly raised their voices in the sky, and in their mouths, the power of the laws of the various departments gathered together!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The next moment~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The hot fireball, the amazing thunder, the sharp wind blade, and the hurricane and rain, all killed towards the wall.

Those forces, although unable to cause tremendous harm to everyone, also caused the entire city wall to tremble, and the bodies of Li Lingtian and others shuddered violently.

"No, if the city wall is breached, it will be troublesome!"

Li Lingtian's eyes turned, and suddenly he gritted his teeth and shouted with a loud voice: "People who have realized the domain have released the domain to me and resisted the attacks of the giant wolf!"

As Li Lingtian's words fell, he also spread the field of Wanxuan Holy Fire.

Although it is said that with the blessing of the field of Wanxuan Holy Flame, the lethality of everyone will be stronger, but with him in it, it is difficult for the rest to exert their power.

Moreover, Li Lingtian can't use his own strength to counter the attacks of so many giant wolves, so the consumption of him will be extremely great. It is very likely that a battle has not ended, he will not have enough strength. !

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