War God Supreme

Chapter 3279: Cang Xiong

After a quarter of an hour, Bianrang hurried back.

As Li Lingtian had expected, the command of the giant green cow was refreshed in other regions this time.

Fortunately, Li Lingtian initially distributed the strength of the four city walls evenly. Therefore, these few beast tides have hit them, and their group has not lost much, only spiritual power is more or less scarce. Too.

Moreover, as the strength of those monsters rises, their lethality is also much weaker.

In this regard, Li Lingtian is to allow everyone to absorb the Nedan they had previously obtained.

It seems that God is also helping them, and the speed of the white mist dissipation has also slowed down.

This made Li Lingtian Chang breathe a sigh of relief. In this way, you don't have to worry too much.

After half an hour, the breakthrough of Yali killing was completed, and the body was breathtaking. Even Li Lingtian felt some bitter cold.

It is estimated that the current Yali kill, the strength should be able to compete with the domain master's eighth-level strong, if it is assassinated, maybe even the domain master's ninth-level strong, it is difficult to escape!

In this regard, Li Lingtian was overjoyed, and the next wave of beasts was about to erupt!

As time passed by, the beast tide, like a meat grinder, killed the life of the giant beast and also killed Li Lingtian!

Starting from the fifth wave of giant beasts, the strength of the giant beasts has risen to the top of the fifth order of the domain master, and the number of declines is not too much. Therefore, those giant beasts are not only more than fifty feet. It was close to the city wall, and even killed the city wall several times, causing great damage to Li Lingtian.

If it were not for those masters of the sixth order of the domain master who fought desperately to resist, I am afraid it was just this wave, they would fall behind!

But even so, there were casualties between them.

In order to preserve his strength, Li Lingtian replaces anyone who is injured, rests at the back, recuperates and improves his strength.

This time, everyone was desperate and took out their old books.

They took out all the medicinal materials and elixirs, as well as the previously obtained Neidan, and gave them to the injured.

With the help of this concerted effort, those who were injured quickly recovered their strength. Some people had good luck and even made breakthroughs. Many fourth-order domain masters and fifth-order domain masters are all Break through to the sixth order of the domain master.

After they broke through, the giant beasts could not cause any harm to them. Soon, this wave of beast tide impact was again guarded.

And the leading behemoth once again refreshed the east wall.

Li Lingtian shot decisively and killed the monster leader to get a more powerful Nedan.

Originally, Li Lingtian still wanted to assign this inner dan, but he thought about it carefully. Now, except for Yali killing him and him, there is no master of the seventh order of the domain master. Even if they use the inner dan, Breaking through to the seventh level of the domain master can not cause damage to the peak behemoth.

After a moment of contemplation, Li Lingtian absorbed the inner pill by himself.

The effect of that inner pill is extremely strong. Although Li Lingtian did not break through to the seventh order of the domain master, there is only a little gap left from the seventh order of the domain master.

Li Lingtian dared to be sure that as long as another Nedan appeared, he would be able to break through to the seventh level of the domain master!

After Li Lingtian's absorption was over, the next wave of giant beasts started again, and fierce fighting continued to occur on the walls of the four aspects.

At this time, everyone did not dare to hide their clumsiness, and all of them burst out of their most powerful strength.

Those monsters, the strength has reached the sixth order of the domain master, all rushed to the city wall, and launched the most fierce melee with everyone!


All of a sudden, the walls of the entire hidden city tremble.

Between this kind of tremor, blood was splattering, and the residual limb was broken and the arm was flying. The original peaceful wall was filled with blood.

But Li Lingtian and they did not dare to back down, they could only resist tenaciously.

When this time, the leader of those giant beasts was killed by Li Lingtian again, everyone was relieved.

The extremely tired of them, even too lazy to clean up, sat down directly in the sea of ​​blood, meditated to adjust their interest, and restore their strength.

Li Lingtian asked Yali to kill everyone to protect him, to absorb Neidan, and to break through the seventh level of the domain master!

After an hour, Li Lingtian completely absorbed the inner pill, and realized the original power of his own law, successfully breaking through to the seventh-order realm of the domain master!


After the breakthrough, Li Lingtian's own momentum suddenly became stronger.

Bian Rang was also more stable in his heart. In his view, only the stronger Li Lingtian's strength, the safer this group of people will be.

However, Li Lingtian hadn't been happy for long, and those giant beasts rushed out of the white mist.

This time, the strength of those beasts has reached the mid-level peak of the sixth order of the domain master, and their strength is extremely strong. Fortunately, their number is also much less. Otherwise, they will not even need to defend!

"Don't attack at all, wait until they climb up the city wall, then hit hard, and bombard them!"

Li Lingtian Shen shouted, he knew that the long-distance attack could no longer cause too much damage to the Cangxiong of the sixth order of the domain master. In this case, it is better to store the power first, and wait until the Chongxiong climb the city wall, about to When you climbed the city wall, you tried your best to shoot them and hit them down with one blow!

In this way, with their attacks, and the impact force of tens of feet high, it is enough to cause fatal damage to those Cang bears!

With Li Lingtian's reminder, everyone is patient, not directly shot, but has been guarding the city wall.



The crows looked cumbersome, but the speed was not slow, but it was only a dozen breathing times, they came under the wall, and then quickly began to climb the wall.

Seeing this scene~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Everyone was tense and his breathing became short.

"Do it!"

When the bears were about to climb over the city wall, Li Lingtian waved his right hand hard, and the sky was full of sword energy. With a burst of roaring wind, he quickly fell and slashed away towards the bears!




"Crazy Magic Knife!"

"Promise Sword Technique!"

In an instant, the crowd shot, and the strong attack was overwhelming and quickly oppressed.


It was only an instant that those Cang bears were quickly oppressed by this force!


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