War God Supreme

Chapter 3286: Earth Dragon

"We also collected a lot of strange Nedan."

Seeing Wan Tianyu and Mo Shifeng unanimously, Li Lingtian could not help but looked at the two of them, then Shen Sheng said: "Those Neidan, there is no danger, you can directly absorb, after this time, it is estimated that the strength can be improved again. "

"By the way, before that, you will first divide the types of Neidan. All of the original power of the law of space and time will be killed by Yali. There are several of you, and each of you will consider the original power of the law you need. Don’t fight for it, each one!”

"It is imperative to make breakthroughs first!"

Li Lingtian's face was rather solemn.

It is said that the four of Yali killing, Wan Tianyu, Liu Banxian and Mo Shifeng nodded.

"Oh, sir, what kind of law power do you need?"

Suddenly, Liu Banxian asked.


Li Lingtian hesitated a little, then shook his head and said, "I don't need it anymore. I haven't accepted the power of my own inheritance. If I suddenly get other powers, it is difficult to balance the powers in my body."

After the Nedan, the wolf of the law of absorption, Li Lingtian also clearly saw that the power in his body must be balanced to be able to exert its maximum power.

If the wife has a difference in strength, there will be hidden dangers sooner or later.

And now, in Li Lingtian’s body, the law of time and space, the fire, wind, and thunder laws have the strongest original power. The remaining laws of power are only the foundation. Therefore, Li Lingtian does not want to raise those four forces again. With the help of the inheritance of the four elephants and beasts, to enhance the power of the other several laws.

Although, in this way, he may be slower in terms of realm, but his strength is not weak at all, and he can help him lay a stronger foundation, He Le Instead of doing it?


Hearing Li Lingtian’s words, Wan Tianyu was moved by his heart and was quite moved, but they also wanted to make Li Lingtian stronger. After all, they didn’t have the confidence, after they improved, they could beat the so-called The last wave of monsters.

You know, the previous beasts have already reached the strength of the seventh order of the domain master. Isn't the last wave of the eighth order peak of the domain master, or even the ninth rank of the domain master?

Even if they are exhausted, they can't break through to the ninth level of the domain master. Instead, they don't give all resources to Li Lingtian, let Li Lingtian break through, so that they can all survive.

Even, Wan Tianyu thought about it, and if it didn’t work, he gave his Ling Chaotian, the best treasure his father gave him, to Li Lingtian for use!

"Okay, you go to distribute Neidan and prepare to increase your strength."

"I'm closed here."

However, Li Lingtian did not give them a chance. After he finished speaking, he drove them all out. There is no exception even if Yali kills.

Wan Tianyu looked at each other, and they all saw the helplessness in the other person's eyes, and could only sigh and retreated.

They knew Li Lingtian and naturally understood that as long as Li Lingtian made up his mind, they could not make Li Lingtian change his mind no matter what they said. Instead of wasting time here, it is better to quickly absorb Neidan and improve themselves.

After sighing, the three of Wan Tianyu were excited again.

That's a thousand variations of the domain master's sixth-order variant Nedan, if they all absorb it, I'm afraid they won't be able to break through to the domain master's eighth order.

At that time, they shot together, even if they are not opponents of the ninth order of the domain master, I am afraid they will not be too fictitious.

"Don't say, since adults have their own ideas, then we should respect him!"

"Now, let's divide Neidan and absorb them as soon as possible. The stronger our strength is, the greater the possibility of being able to escape danger!"

"Not bad!"

A few people looked at each other and they began to distribute Neidan.

At the same time, in his room, Li Lingtian also began to practice.

With the power of the four-elephant beast inherited in his body, Li Lingtian used that force to continuously strengthen the original power of several other laws in the body.

I have to say that the inheritance of the Four Elephants is extremely powerful, which has a very significant effect on Li Lingtian's promotion.


As many of Li Lingtian's internal powers of laws are approaching balance, many waves of colors are also emitted around Li Lingtian's body. Among them, there is a terrible power!

Although Li Lingtian's own momentum did not improve much, the feeling of oppression in his body gradually froze.

It was also at this time that on the eastern wall, there were countless ghost earth dragons, who were burrowing out of the ground in the trembling tremors of the earth shaking mountains.


Almost in an instant, the entire city wall collapsed, and the only remaining east wall was bursting!


As soon as the earth dragons collapsed the city walls, they rushed towards Yang Zhichao and others.

Fortunately, Yang Zhichao and others were in a state of ghosts themselves. The collapse of the city walls did not cause any harm to them, and they could not hinder their movement. Therefore, as soon as the earth dragons started, they reacted and instantly interacted with those places. Dragons collided together!

"Boom! Rumble!"



Amidst the violent noise, the ghost earth dragon and Yang Zhichao and others instantly fought together.

The same was true in the other directions. The earth-dragons rushed in, but they were all blocked by Yang Zhichao's men.

I have to say that although the ghosts of Yang Zhichao's men are not as powerful as those of the earth dragons, they are quite numerous, ten times as many as the earth dragons, and they are well-trained and cooperate with the tacit understanding. They are often intercepted by seven to eight people. Live a ground dragon, constantly killing.

The fierce **** battle is on the verge!

However, Yang Zhichao stood not far away, motionless, and behind him, an imaginary sword shadow quietly united.

Lips twitching~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yang Zhichao seems to be talking about something, and with his words, the phantom sword shadow behind him is also more profound, and the power contained in it is also more and more Cool.


From time to time, there are also earth dragons rushing in front of Yang Zhichao.

But before those ground dragons had time to launch an attack, the stern anger was roaring, and their heads were all cut down!

After three hours, the figure of the earth dragon in the field gradually disappeared.

Only a few sporadic earth dragons are still stubborn.



The earthquake shook, and not far away, the whole ground suddenly arched, and the ground, which was more than thirty feet, suddenly rose into the sky.

In the dust, a huge earth dragon figure quietly appeared in front of everyone.

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