War God Supreme

Chapter 3300: anger

"No, I met the enemy!"

The man's face tightened, and his heart suddenly became anxious, and he no longer had to cross-check Jiang Wenbin and others, and quickly said: "Jiang Wenbin, the enemy is encountered, and the enemy is still more powerful! Otherwise, they will not call for help, you and me come together!"


Hearing the words, Jiang Wenbin suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. He looked back at Li Lingtian and nodded.

If the person continues to cross-examine, they will definitely reveal their content. When the time comes, conflicts will inevitably escalate, but now there is an enemy attack, and the person will ignore the cross-examination, not only that, but also invite them to join others This is where Li Lingtian is most moved.

At that time, Li Lingtian can cooperate with their enemies and destroy them!

Withdrawing his thoughts, Li Lingtian and the five quickly followed the man and hurried away.

When he was on the way, Li Lingtian glanced at the man's waist, but he saw that the jade pendant in the man's waist kept flashing. Obviously, they rely on this jade pendant to deliver the news.

"It seems that you have to be more careful when dealing with them in the future."

Li Lingtian secretly decided in his mind that to deal with these guys in the future, absolutely can not give them any breathing opportunities.

Otherwise, they will soon gather a large group of people with their rapid information transmission.

Not long after, Li Lingtian's five people, led by that person, were close to the place where the fighting took place.


The loud explosion sound was suddenly heard in the ears of Li Lingtian and others. The surging shock waves made them feel some obstacles.

"His...damn, is it a large group of people?"

Realizing this kind of big noise, the man couldn't help but gritt his teeth and said fiercely: "Damn, doesn't it mean that this group of guys are all from different galaxies, and the relationship is not handled well?"

"It was okay to meet some time ago, why have you met in these two days, almost all are a big wave of people! Tamad, can't they unite?"

The man was scolding and he seemed extremely angry.

Several people looked at each other in Li Lingtian's eyes, and the killing intention appeared in his eyes.

If you let this person alive and pass on the information he guessed, the big battle is likely to come ahead of time.

But now, the strength of most of them has not been improved. Li Lingtian is not willing to explode a large-scale war so early, otherwise, they will definitely suffer the loss!

Therefore, in Li Lingtian's heart, he killed the man!

Closer, the sound of the collision of weapons also clearly entered the ears of everyone.

Looking up, I saw that there were nearly a hundred people in a group, and they were struggling together.

Among the 100 people, there are more than thirty masters of the seventh order of the domain master who are fighting together.

As for other domain master seventh-order masters, around them, there are dozens of domain master sixth-order people.

I have to say that there is a huge gap between the sixth order of the domain master and the seventh order of the domain master, but this kind of gap is made up under the siege of dozens of people.

Although it can be said that those of the sixth order of the domain master can hardly hurt the masters of the seventh order of the domain master, but those of the seventh order of the domain master are also unable to cause too much damage to them.

So, for a moment, the whole scene, all the people, are fighting.

"Captain, Hugh is worried, I will come too!"

Seeing this scene, the man suddenly shouted, and his figure jumped up, holding the sword in his right hand, and slashing out with a sharp sword.

"No! Come to the reinforcements!"

This time, the leader who fought with the people of the Dragon Battle galaxy was Bian Rang.

Bianrang realized that the reinforcements had arrived, and immediately exclaimed with a cry of excitement, he wanted to retreat.

However, at this time, even if they want to retreat, would the people of the Dragon Battle Galaxy let them evacuate so easily?


"Brothers, our reinforcements are here! Don't let these **** go! Kill me!"


As the rage fell, those of the Dragon Wars galaxy, like the blood of chickens, all tried their best. They all entangled the others and were unable to escape.

Between them, the strength is so close that it is impossible to win or lose in a short time, let alone pull away.

At this time, the man also jumped into the air, holding a sword in his right hand, his face full of rumbling, glaring and let everyone.

"Drink, eat me a sword!"



However, just as the man was about to make a sword, a soft noise suddenly sounded, and the next moment, a sharp blade was straight through the man's abdomen.

Crimson blood flowed continuously down the sword.

The man groaned, his body shuddered violently, and the blood at the corner of his mouth slowly flowed out.

The look in his eyes is extremely complicated, full of anger, confusion, shock, and unwillingness!

He knew that the murderer was Jiang Wenbin and others he hadn't cared about before!

He hated it, if he just asked a few more words, this would not happen...

But it is a pity that there is no regret medicine in this world.

Slowly withdrawing the long sword, Li Lingtian's thoughts moved, and the long sword composed entirely of cold sword gas suddenly dissipated and filled the space.

"Tongtian Sword Formation!"

"Destroy Sky Sword Formation!"

"Kill the sword, kill me!"

Li Lingtian Changxiao made a noise. At the next moment, the surrounding sword gas was screaming, the sky sword array and the sky sword array exploded at the same time.


"This is the adult!"

"Hahaha, Lord Li Lingtian is here! Brothers, it is our reinforcements, kill! Let me kill this group of debris!"

Bian let them fight side by side with Li Lingtian for a long time, where could not distinguish the two sword arrays, and was immediately overjoyed.

The Dragon Battle Galaxy and others ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ were stunned and stayed in place. What happened? The man just now was clearly their reinforcement. Why did he suddenly change his appearance?

The few people turned their heads in a hurry, and they suddenly saw that the person who died in Li Lingtian's hands fell quietly to the ground. In an instant, their face changed dramatically.

They can imagine their next ending.

"Jiang Wenbin!"

"Asshole! Jiang Wenbin, why are you here?!"

"Made, Jiang Wenbin, could you betrayed?"

Those people were already desperate, and they looked again, and they saw Li Lingtian and Jiang Wenbin. At the next moment, their faces became extremely terrible.

None of them are fools, it is natural to guess that Jiang Wenbin has betrayed them!

This made them extremely angry, and in a moment, staring at Jiang Wenbin's eyes, it was already full of anger!

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