War God Supreme

Chapter 3315: Kill Fire Dragon


Seeing Li Lingtian evoking flames and wrapping himself up, the fire dragon suddenly roared, and his eyes were full of angry flames.

It seems to be saying that playing with fire in front of it is like an axe!

"call out!"

As soon as the figure moved, the fire dragon flicked its tough tail like a steel whip to Li Lingtian.

"The Wall of Wind Blades!"

Qianyan Shengyi erupted, countless wind blades, and suddenly condensed into a wind wall, intercepted on the tail that was thrown over.


As the tail collided with the wind wall, the fire dragon was in pain, and the sound of "Ao" screamed out, and then quickly took the tail back.

The figure was spinning, and that fire dragon waved his claws again and slapped towards Li Lingtian.

At the same time, it opened its mouth wide and the hot breath quickly gathered.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The scorching flame was sprayed towards Li Lingtian in an instant.

It must be said that the fire dragon's strength is extraordinary. The flames spit out are more powerful than the flames fired by the previous fire dragons by several levels!

Even the wind wall formed by Qianyan Shengyi was completely burned into nothingness by that flame power.


Afterwards, which offensive flames did not diminish, Russia turned into a dragon, and suddenly opened its mouth of the blood basin to bite away towards Li Lingtian!

"Wanxuan Holy Fire Field!"

"God of Flames!"

Upon seeing this, Li Lingtian raised his right hand, and at the next moment, the field of Wanxuan Holy Fire broke out and directly collided with that fire dragon.


After the impact, Li Lingtian felt a great force came out and couldn't help but stepped back.

Although it said that the fire dragon's flame did not suppress Li Lingtian in quality, but in strength, it vaguely overwhelmed Li Lingtian.

But this is also very normal, after all, the fire dragon is a dragon family and has a very strong body!

Even if Li Lingtian is stronger, he can't compete with the Dragon Race!

However, the fire dragon did not occupy much of the bargain. When Li Lingtian retreated, those fire dragons formed by the flames suddenly disappeared.

"God of Flames!"

"Goddess Purple Power!"

Taking a deep breath, Li Lingtian extinguished the flames of his right hand, turned into a long whip, and suddenly swept towards the fire dragon. The left hand extinguished the purple electricity, and the spear threw out.

"call out!"

But in an instant, that long spear was thrown on the fire dragon.



At the same time, the thunder cloud was densely covered, and dozens of purple thunders suddenly fell from the sky and directly slammed on the fire dragon.


The fire dragon took pain, howled, and quickly converged its wings, wrapping itself in it.

"call out!"

The sharp gun blade, flashing a cold awn, pierced the wings of the fire dragon!

"Roar! Roar!"

Suddenly, the fire dragon struggled with its body shape, constantly howling, hovering, and bringing up flame after flame attack.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"


Upon seeing this, Li Lingtian's thoughts moved, and in an instant, countless thunders erupted on top of the extinct purple electricity.


All of a sudden, the fire suddenly felt more painful, and the groaning continued.


In its wailing sound, flame after breath breathed out from his mouth and burst into Li Lingtian.

It can be seen that it wants to use these flames to breathe out to resist Li Lingtian's offensive!

Can Li Lingtian give it a chance?

"Tongtian Sword Formation!"

"Destroy Sky Sword Formation!"

Waving his hands, two swords burst out at the same time.


For a moment, the world was filled with fierce sword spirit.

Those sword qi, extremely powerful, almost penetrated the moment of the flame breath, they penetrated them, shattered into another hot breath, and then dissipated in the air.

"Killing the sword!"

Squinting his eyes, Li Lingtian raised his right hand, the index finger and the **** merged, and at the next moment, countless sword qi, toward the direction of Li Lingtian, madly gathered away!


With the convergence of those sword qi, a huge sword body completely formed by the convergence of sword qi suddenly appeared behind Li Lingtian!

"Killing the sword!"

"Kill me!"

The cold light flashed in both eyes, Li Lingtian's right hand sword directed the dance, the next moment, the sword body, soared to the sky!


The celestial sword mansions slashed quickly, and the sword light seemed to pass through the fire dragon's body as if the white horse passed through the gap.




At the next moment, the body of the fire dragon exploded suddenly, and everything on the body exploded and splashed out.


After its body exploded, a dazzling light suddenly lit up.

The weird power fluctuations suddenly filled the entire space.

"His...it is Nedan!"

When Li Lingtian looked at him, he realized that it was a Nedan, which was shining crimson. Above the Neidan, the shape of a fire dragon could be seen faintly.

"Huh...Unfortunately, apart from Neidan, nothing actually stayed!"

"Otherwise, the dragon skin, dragon tendons and keel are very rare materials!"

Li Lingtian looked at the fire dragon, which was almost broken into pieces, and shook his head helplessly.

I already knew that he would use a gentle method to deal with it, and now he has destroyed many precious materials!

The eyeballs turned, and after Li Lingtian withdrew Neidan, he was just about to turn around and leave, but it was an abrupt discovery. Above some flaming ores around, he suddenly exhaled an extremely special breath.


"Those flame ores seem to be different?"

Frowning slightly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Li Lingtian looked at it and suddenly found out which of the flaming ores were all contaminated with the dragon's blood!

I don't know why, those blood and flame ore actually played a special role.

The blood is constantly purifying the flame ore.

All of a sudden, Li Lingtian couldn't help but watched fascinated.

"Poop! Puff!"

The continuous purification of the flame ore was only a quarter of an hour. The flames above the flame ore were all dissipated. Instead, it was a blood red light.

However, although there is no longer any flame circling, the flame power contained in the flaming ore is much stronger and hotter than before. Not only that, the power contained in it is also violent. !

"His... Could it be that some of these flame ores have mutated?"

Frowning a brow, Li Lingtian's mouth slightly raised, and he soon made up his mind!

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