War God Supreme

Chapter 3318: Are all defective

"Hahaha! Finally succeeded!"

Five days later, Ma Zhong's laughter suddenly sounded!

It's just that Li Lingtian frowned when he heard the voice.

He could hear clearly, Ma Zhong's voice has become hoarse.

"Hi... It seems that this strengthens the world's treasure, and it consumes him a lot!"

Li Lingtian couldn't help but hesitated when his thoughts moved. If strengthening the world's treasures is very expensive for Ma Zhong, should he continue to strengthen Tianlong Hall?

"Huh... In the Jade Dragon Holy City, most of my enemies are the eighth and ninth order of the domain master. It is enough to have an oath of God of War. If the Dragon Temple..."

When Li Lingtian hesitated, Ma Zhong's voice suddenly rang.

"Hahaha! Master, come and see!"

With a hoarse voice, Ma Zhong ran towards Li Lingtian with both hands holding the oath of war.


The God of War oath shone with light, and the breath contained in it was extremely powerful and terrifying.

Li Lingtian got up and looked at him, but he saw that the God of War's oath, a silver dragon suddenly broke out of the sky, hovering above the sword of the God of War's oath.


The sound of Long Yin suddenly sounded.

"His... so strong fog!"

Suddenly, Li Lingtian couldn't help but took a breath.

After strengthening the oath of God of War, the momentum alone is much stronger than before, not to mention the energy contained in it.

Li Lingtian believes that if he is holding the oath of God of War now, I am afraid that with a sword, he can kill a master of the ninth-level peak of the domain master!

This is the power of the world's greatest treasures!

"Hoo... Thank you!"

Taking a deep breath, Li Lingtian took a step forward, picked up the oath of the **** of war, waved hard a few times, and suddenly burst out laughing.

As soon as the Oath of War God started, Li Lingtian felt a gentle power flowing into his body along the sword body, supporting him to use the Oath of War.

This made him excited.


Ma Zhonghuo grinned: "Adult, I know that your strength has not reached the world's main state, and it is quite difficult to use the world's treasures. So, I used more blood drops of ore, plus Long Dan The power, and within the oath of God of War, seals some power."

"With a force, when you use the Oath of War, you can use your power to use the Oath of War without using your own spiritual power!"

"After the power is exhausted, you can use your own power to urge it."

"His... so strong?"

It is said that Li Lingtian couldn't help but his eyes suddenly flickered. He was still worried that after the oath of war was restored to the highest level in the world, he could not urge the oath of war with his power for too long. I did not expect that Ma Zhong was to give He solved this problem!

Moreover, the answers he made were even more satisfying!

"How long can those energies be used with the God of War?"

Li Lingtian asked urgently.


Ma Zhong laughed and grinned: "Those energies are enough to support the God of War's oath to go all out for thirty seconds!"

"Moreover, this energy can be gradually recovered!"

"About one day, you can fully recover!"

"That is, every other day, you can use your Oath of War for thirty seconds without consuming your power!"

Ma Zhong's mouth slightly raised, and his face was full of pride.

"Thirty seconds, can you recover?!"


After hearing this, Li Lingtian was stunned for a while and then ecstatic.

Don't look at just thirty seconds, you know, it's the best treasure in the world!

Moreover, it is to exert the full power of the best world treasure!

In other words, as long as the opponent is not a strong player in the world, Li Lingtian can easily kill them! Moreover, it is a spike!

Those people, even if they want to escape, cannot escape!

Even if he meets the strong man of the Lord of the World, within those thirty seconds, Li Lingtian will not lose, and has the power to contend with it.

Unless, the realm of that person has reached the third order of the Lord of the world!

However, this level of powerhouse, even in the Dragon Wars galaxy, is extremely rare. Therefore, within this period of time, Li Lingtian will not be easily encountered.

That is death, in this period of time, Li Lingtian is invincible!

As long as he uses the oath of God of War, he can kill anyone!


At this moment, Ma Zhong coughed violently again.

Hearing Ma Zhong's coughing, Li Lingtian remembered that Ma Zhong had been working hard to strengthen the world's treasure, and quickly put away the oath of war, and helped Ma Zhong sit down.

"Brother, are you okay?"

A closer look at Ma Zhong saw Ma Zhong's face looked tired and wrinkled.

It can be seen that Ma Zhong's exhaustion during this period!

"I'm fine."

Ma Zhong shook his head and said softly, "I just haven't rested for a long time. Huh, lord, let me rest for a day, wait for me to return to the best state, and strengthen the next world treasure!"

As the speech fell, Ma Zhong's eyes narrowed slightly. The next moment, his breathing calmed down and he entered a state of interest-adjustment.


Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian could not help but froze in place. This is the speed of entering the rate adjustment state, too fast!

Before he could react, he had already started adjusting interest rates. Originally, Li Lingtian thought about telling Ma Zhong that there is no need to strengthen a world treasure.

But now, Ma Zhong has begun to restore his own strength.

"Huh... Since that's the case, it won't stop. Hehe, by the time, my two world treasures are in hand, even if the titled strongmen, even the referees come in, I'm not afraid. If they dare to violate my interests If it comes, come one, I will kill one! Come two, I will kill a pair!"

At this point, Li Lingtian's eyes ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ suddenly flashed a cold awn.

But within six hours, Ma Zhong's vitality returned to his heyday.

His complexion returned to normal.

This time, Li Lingtian said no more nonsense. After Ma Zhong recovered, he threw the Tianlong Palace to Ma Zhong.

"Huh? This..."

Ma Zhong hesitated when he saw Tianlong Temple, and his face was extremely complicated.

"what happened?"

Seeing Ma Zhong's expression, Li Lingtian couldn't help but be surprised. Then he raised his eyebrows sharply and asked anxiously, "Can't you know this Dragon Temple?"

"Tianlong Temple..."

Ma Zhong shook his head suddenly, his face regained his indifference, and said, "I'm just surprised by its power. This seems to be a defective product. Gee, how do you get the world's treasures, all are defective products!" "

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