War God Supreme

Chapter 3328: Weird changes


As the body of the guardian of the goddess of ice and snow turned into a sky of ice, after the collapse, a warm light suddenly flickered in the air.

The blue and white light, quite warm and crystal, is completely different from the ice-cold chill of the previous days.

At the same time, the surrounding atmosphere is no longer cold, and gradually warmed up.

Realizing this, Li Lingtian and Ma Zhong could not help but glance at each other.

"It seems that the reason why it is so cold here is because of the so-called guardian of the ice goddess. Now that she has died, the temperature here has returned to normal!"

Li Lingtian couldn't help but guessed.


Ma Zhong nodded slightly, and then turned to look at the frozen stones, where there were many figures.

Ma Zhong's eyes quickly became wet.

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian couldn't help but sigh in his heart, but he also knew that now he had no way to persuade Ma Zhong. After all, those who died were all Ma Zhong's brothers!

Shaking his head slightly, Li Lingtian looked at the warm blue and white light.


After the light dissipated, Li Lingtian could clearly see the objects in the light, but could not help but be surprised.

Suddenly, Li Lingtian flew to the front of the light and grabbed the contents of it into the palm of his hand.

That is a round jade algae!

"What is this?"

Frowning slightly, Li Lingtian felt it carefully, and found out that it contained a special spatial force.

That kind of space force is not only the fluctuation within the Jade Dragon Holy City, but also somewhat different from the space fluctuation in the outer galaxy.

This made Li Lingtian surprised.

After playing carefully for a while, Li Lingtian had no clue.

Soon, Ma Zhong came over.

At this point, the look on Ma Zhong's face had returned to normal. Obviously, he had already packed his thoughts.

"Adult, are you still having trouble?"

Ma Zhong said suddenly: "If there is nothing wrong, we can continue our journey."

"Eh, it's been a long time since the task assigned to me by the general! I don't know if he will blame me!"

Speaking of which, Ma Zhong's face also appeared awkward.

It is said that Li Lingtian could not help but be silent for a moment. The general in your mouth has already died for thousands of years and tens of thousands of years. How could he blame you?

However, Li Lingtian did not say this sentence after all, but just laughed: "Of course not. If the general general blames you, how could he still be sent to help you? It is not enough for you to live by yourself?"

"Hey, this is too!"

Hearing Li Lingtian’s words, Ma Zhong was also excited and grinned: “Also, hey, General is really good to us!”

"Hahaha! I must do my best to complete the task assigned to me by the general!"

Seeing Ma Zhong so excited, Li Lingtian also laughed. At this time, his heart was hesitant. He dare not imagine that if Ma Zhong knew that the general had died, and he had died for many years, now But what is his attitude when he is a soul body!

Originally, Li Lingtian was only suspicious, but when he fought with the guardian of the ice goddess, Li Lingtian clearly observed that on several occasions, the attacks of the guardian of the goddess of ice and snow were wiped out by Ma Zhong, but Ma Zhong only responded a little. No!

It can be seen that Ma Zhong is really a ghost. Like Yang Zhichao, he has been dead for many years!

However, Ma Zhong has not realized that he has died, so he has been living in this strange place!

Of course, it is also possible that this place is strange in itself and can support the existence of ghosts.

Just like the previous hidden city!

With a sigh, Li Lingtian stopped thinking about it and turned his head to look, only to see that the white mist in front of him disappeared and the road was revealed.

Looking down, although the ice on the ground has not melted, the cold is no longer as cold as before.

Li Lingtian no longer hesitated and hurried forward again.

The road is tortuous. Although it is said that you don’t have to follow the road, you can always say that it is the road. They can fly over, but Li Ling believes that there must be something after the road. Therefore, the two follow the road. Go on.

After walking for half a quarter of an hour, the two walked into a valley, and the road suddenly became narrower.

Looking at each other, Li Lingtian and the two of them felt that the danger had been lifted, and they stepped in directly.

Before long, a stone gate appeared in front of the two, blocking their progress.

In the middle of the stone gate, there is a strange figure.


After Li Lingtian saw the figure clearly, he could not help but be surprised.

That pattern is the pattern of the jade algae he had previously obtained!

"It is impossible, is that the key to open this stone door is not successful?"

As soon as the eyeball turned, Li Lingtian's heart moved, and that piece of jade algae was evoked, and then he reached out and placed the jade algae in the pattern!


As Yuzao submerged in the figure, the next moment, a strange force burst out above the stone gate.


The milky white light burst, and soon, a soft light was spilled on Li Lingtian and the two of them.

Li Lingtian and Ma Zhong were shocked at first, and then all the faces on their faces were filled with surprise.

They were surprised to find that as the soft light entered the body, they even felt soothing!

At the same time, the strength in their bodies is also recovering madly, and the original injuries have been recovered.

What surprised Li Lingtian even more was that Ma Zhong, who was originally a ghost, had actually undergone some substantial changes in his body under the light!

"His... how could this be?"

Perceived this~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Li Lingtian was shocked suddenly, it is impossible, Ma Zhong might recover, from ghost to human?

In that case, is Ma Zhong alive or dead?

What kind of living method is that?


When Li Lingtian was surprised, the stone door suddenly opened, revealing the road inside.

Ma Zhong didn't notice Li Lingtian's sluggishness. He saw the stone gate wide open, and looked up inside, only to see that it was quite empty, and the passageway was not dark. put.

The warm light suddenly illuminates the entire channel!

"Huh...good guy, it's quite extravagant!"

Ma Zhong exclaimed, turned his head to look at Li Lingtian, only to realize that Li Lingtian was staying in place, and quickly shouted, "Sir, the stone door has been opened!"

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