War God Supreme

Chapter 3333: Tauren

Isn't Ma Zhong a ghost? How do you feel pressure after landing?

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian was surprised.

It seems that Ma Zhong's body has been changing all the time!

"If this place is really so strange... I don't know if I can revive the so-called general!"

A move in Li Lingtian's heart, if there is a chance, he can resurrect that so-called general, and use his strength to solve those people from the Dragon Battle Galaxy, it is a breeze!

However, Li Lingtian also had a little worry, if he resurrected that general, the senior leaders of the Holy Alliance would send more powerful people down!

After all, the top level of the Holy Alliance, but capable of controlling the Jade Dragon Holy City, although it can not be controlled too much, but want to cram in some people and observe their performance in some places within the Jade Dragon Holy City, it can still be done.


While Li Lingtian was meditating, Ma Zhong also got up from the ground, patted the dust on his body, and quickly said, "Adult!"

Interrupted by Ma Zhong, Li Lingtian shook his head violently and looked around, Shen Sheng said: "Here, it seems that there is already an area out of here."

After hearing this, Ma Zhong turned his head and looked at it, then he looked ecstatic: "Adult, we are finally here! This is what the general said!"

"According to the general, there are countless ethnic groups here, as long as we can win over some ethnic groups, we can rescue the crisis of the Jade Dragon Holy City!"

Hearing this sentence, Li Lingtian suddenly sinks in his heart, and only then can he be sure that Ma Zhong is indeed a ghost!

The Jade Dragon Holy City has already been defeated, and the general in the mouth of Ma Zhong died even more. But these words, Li Lingtian said nothing.

"Sir, let's go quickly!"

Ma Zhong's face was full of anxiety, and he couldn't wait to shout: "Let's hurry to find a helper! General, they don't have much time!"


Slightly nodded, Li Lingtian quickly led Ma Zhong forward.

But for a moment, Li Lingtian and the two were near the white tents.

However, after getting closer, it was suddenly that there was a strange existence of a group of human heads, rushing out.


In the roar of the roaring cow, the group of people with their own heads is surrounded by Li Lingtian and Ma Zhong.

Seeing this group of weird guys suddenly appear, Li Lingtian and Ma Zhong were surprised, their faces dignified, and they were ready to start.

"Roar roar!"

The group of tauren, as soon as they surrounded Li Lingtian, they roared and seemed to be talking.

In an instant, Li Lingtian and the two were left in the same place, what the hell, they don't understand that kind of words, they can't understand what the tauren are saying!

This is embarrassing, let alone cooperation, let alone cooperation!

Li Lingtian and Ma Zhong looked at each other, both embarrassed.

"Adult, can you understand what they say?"

Ma Zhong asked hopefully.

"I don't understand."

Shrugging his shoulders, Li Lingtian said helplessly: "Who can think of what they say is actually different from ours!"

Sighing at each other, Li Lingtian looked at the group of tauren, but they saw their faces full of surprise.

"You... are... humans?"

Just when Li Lingtian and Ma Zhong hesitated, the group of taurens suddenly said in an extremely awkward accent: "Human... what are you doing here?"


Suddenly hearing the words of this group of tauren, Li Lingtian and Ma Zhong suddenly looked happy and excited.

"Can you understand what we say?"

Ma Zhong could not wait to ask: "We are human races, you can rest assured that we are not malicious, just want to talk about a cooperation with your ethnic group!"


The leading Tauren frowned, and then looked closely at Li Lingtian and Ma Zhonglai.

Upon seeing this, Li Lingtian's eyes turned and quietly distributed the momentum of the oath of God of War in his body!

The oath of God of War is also the existence of the world's highest treasure level, but it is only a hint of momentum, which is the heart of the oppressed tauren.

"Your strength... is very strong, wait a minute... I... go immediately... to inform adults..."

The leading tauren shuddered, and after speaking hard, he slipped away.

Only the remaining tauren still surrounded Li Lingtian and the two, but with the breathtaking momentum of the God of War oath, they also stepped back a little and distanced them.

Aware of this, Li Lingtian could not help but slightly lifted the corner of his mouth, it seems that the principle of respect for strength is eternal!

If it were not for him to release the spirit of the God of War, I am afraid that the leader of the tauren would not be so cheerful to inform!

It was the guy who noticed that Li Lingtian's strength was stronger than it, so it would be so refreshing!

These tauren people have such a good attitude towards them, otherwise, they will most likely not even see the people behind them.

"Adult, I didn't expect that they would still say the human race! Hey, it seems that we have hope!"

Ma Zhong looked excited and kept rubbing his hands, hoping to immediately talk to the strong man behind the tauren and negotiate about cooperation.

Upon seeing this, Li Lingtian couldn't help but whisper: "Ma Zhong, pay attention, don't be too excited. Otherwise, they will speak loudly!"

"Yes, lord!"

It is said that Ma Zhong's expression was swift, and he was not a fool. Upon hearing Li Lingtian's words, he understood that he was determined not to show an urgent look now, otherwise, it would be hard to guarantee that those tauren would have a lion's mouth!


Suddenly ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The earthquake shook, and Li Lingtian looked up, only to see an extremely strong tauren, with two giant axe in his hands, came slowly.

The surging momentum constantly erupted from his body, oppressing Li Lingtian and the two of them.

Ma Zhong's strength is not very strong, can not help but snorted, took a few steps backwards.

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian could not help frowning, her shoulders flickering, and the power of the God of War oath burst out.

Staring at the tauren, Li Lingtian immediately looked at it carefully.

At the same time, the tauren was also looking at Li Lingtian, his eyes rolled, his expression gradually dignified!

It can be seen that Li Lingtian is stronger than Ma Zhong in terms of strength and demeanor, and will naturally pay more attention to Li Lingtian.

Time, in the confrontation between the two, slowly passed, Ma Zhong and the rest of the tauren, looked at the two dumbly.

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