War God Supreme

Chapter 3338: Weird formation


Seeing Shuilong's body shattered, Ma Zhong took a sigh of relief.

Li Lingtian did not dare to relax. He was suspended in the air, staring tightly at the lake, fearing that there would be another horrible monster coming out of the lake.

For a while, the lake calmed down, and no other giant monsters appeared.

Li Lingtian had been waiting for a while, and he was relieved to see that no beast rushed out of the lake again.

Looking up at that tower, Li Lingtian was nervous for no reason.

Whether this tower can be destroyed is related to whether Li Lingtian can return to the Jade Dragon Holy City again, which is why Li Lingtian is not nervous!

"Adult, time is urgent, hurry up!"

Behind him, Ma Zhong also shouted out urgently.


Li Lingtian nodded slightly, took a deep breath, and his figure soared, and instantly came to the top of the tower.

At the top of the tower, there is a seal with an extremely complicated pattern carved on it.

"Huh? This rune, how do I look so familiar?"

Suddenly, Li Lingtian was also surprised. The rune, I don’t know why, seemed extremely familiar to him, but he thought about it carefully, but he had never seen it before, which made him quite surprised.


Tossing his head violently, Li Lingtian said softly: "Can't think too much, shout, I must go back now, and I can't delay too much time here!"

At this point, Li Lingtian clenched his teeth and took out the hammer that Morris gave him.

The left hand slowly unveiled the seal, Li Lingtian waved the hammer and hit the bead on the spire!


As the hammer fell on the bead of the spire, a crisp sound rang, and the next moment, the bead broke!


The whole tower body shuddered suddenly. At the next moment, the whole tower body was cracked.

"Click! Click!"

Those cracks spread extremely fast, but it is only a dozen breaths, and the cracks burst.


In the deafening loud noise, the tower was torn apart and collapsed!

Seeing this scene, the heart suspended by Li Lingtian was considered sinking.

However, at this time, Li Lingtian suddenly realized that under the ruins of the tower body, there was a seal formation.

"Huh? It's impossible, hasn't this formation been broken yet?"

Frowning slightly, Li Lingtian suddenly swooped down and swiped the stone fragments with his right hand, then looked down, and on the Taki, a pattern was suddenly portrayed.

The formation, quite peculiar, and the runes engraved on it, looked very familiar to Li Lingtian.

In an instant, Li Lingtian was stunned.

"Adult? What happened?"

Seeing Li Lingtian staying in place, Ma Zhong quickly hurried over and hurried over, asking out loud.

"I'm fine."

Shaking his head slightly, Li Lingtian stretched his fingers to the formation, and said softly: "Ma Zhong, come and see, the runes on this formation, are you familiar?"


Looking in the direction of Li Lingtian's fingers, Ma Zhong was stunned after seeing the runes on the array.

Shaking his head violently, Ma Zhong said in a deep voice: "Adult, I always think this is a little strange..."

"Me too." Li Lingtian nodded and said softly, "Morris didn't say that after destroying the tower, there will be a formation!"

"Then, will we destroy this formation?"

Ma Zhong was puzzled, his eyes rolled, and he said again: "Or, let's check into this formation?"


Hearing this, Li Lingtian also hesitated, but when he thought about the urgent time, his face sank, and Shen Sheng said: "No, the time is urgent, we don't have time, we will stay here again!"

"Since Morris didn't say anything about this formation, it means that this formation is not very important! Let's go, let's go to the next area!"

"Yes, Not Bad."

Hearing Li Lingtian’s words, Ma Zhong was trembling, and he remembered that their mission in this line was to discuss cooperation and send troops to rescue the generals. Can they waste time here!

Therefore, without any hesitation, Ma Zhong agreed to Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian hesitated for a moment, waved his right hand at random, summoned a light curtain, and covered up the burst of law.

I don't know why, Li Lingtian always feels that the formation must have its peculiarities. Although he has no time to explore, he can still cover up the formation.

He had a hunch that the existence of these formations could not let Morris know!

After covering up the formation, Li Lingtian took Ma Zhong and hurried towards the next area.

Before Li Lingtian left, Morris introduced the map into Li Lingtian's mind. Therefore, without any setback, Li Lingtian came to the next area.

This time, what appeared to them was a huge golden bell!

There are many beasts guarding around Admiralty, and their strength is from the seventh order of the domain master to the eighth order of the domain master. They cannot pose a threat to Li Lingtian at all, and even the world treasure is not used, it is over. fighting.

Before he broke the golden bell, Li Lingtian saw the seal again. After hesitating, Li Lingtian decided to follow the original plan.


After the Admiralty was broken, the bottom of the Admiralty also appeared a formation.

It is exactly the same as the formation above Nataki.

This made Li Lingtian more sure of his guess~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After hurriedly covering the array, Li Lingtian took Ma Zhong and quickly rushed to the third area!

Under the best efforts of Li Lingtian and Ma Zhong, it took only two days to destroy all the buildings in the seven areas with hammers.

Without exception, after the buildings are destroyed, a formation will appear, exactly the same, as if carved in a mold.

Li Lingtian did not destroy them. After covering them, he took Ma Zhong back to the area where Morris was.

This time, when Li Lingtian went back, he was surprised to find that Morris had already greeted them at the door with a smile on his face.

Not only that, but behind him, there are six sturdy big men. Like Morris, they are all human heads. Obviously, they should be the other six ethnic groups in this world.

"Hahaha, Brother Li, you are finally back!"

"We Seven Spirits, thank you for your help today!"

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