War God Supreme

Chapter 3347: Kill

"If he doesn't come back, we will be over!"

Speaking of which, the look on Mo Shifeng's face became desperate.

Although he said that he just mobilized the momentum of everyone, but his heart was full of despair.

It was precisely because he knew the strength of everyone in the Dragon Battle Galaxy that he realized that if Li Lingtian Bu came back, even if they were all killed, they would not be opponents of the Dragon Battle Galaxy everyone.

"I will be back soon!"

Yali nodded heavily, Shen Sheng said: "I have a hunch that Li Lingtian will come back soon!"


Wan Tianyu shook his head slightly and said with a deep voice: "It is imperative to stop the first wave of attack first!"

"After Brother Mo's mobilization atmosphere just now, if a few of us broke out again, we should be able to resist the first wave of offensive."

"But if their masters also shot, it would be troublesome!"


Liu Banxian smiled bitterly and said: "I remember, among their group, but there is a master of the eighth order peak of the domain master, Li Lingtian is not here, no one of us will be his opponent."

"No one is his opponent! Then mobilize a group of people to haunt him!"

Wan Tianyu and Mo Shifeng clenched their fists violently, glancing at each other, and immediately flew towards the front.

Yali killing and Liu Banxian followed quickly.


Yali didn't fly out too far to kill the four, but heard the roar of explosions in the distance.

Looking up, I saw only tens of thousands of people, just like the dense ants, they had collided together.

Among them, the most violent attacks broke out.

After another wave of air, it spread out, but it was quickly dissipated by other attacks.

It must be said that the Yulong Holy City is indeed a good place to improve its strength.

The original people with the strongest strength are only the fifth and sixth order of the domain master, but under the leadership of Li Lingtian, they are only the gains of the second and third layers, which makes most of them break through the domain. Realm around the fifth order.

As a result, their strength, although not as good as those of the Dragon Battle Galaxy and others, is not far behind.

In addition, the gap between the numbers is too large. Therefore, the first wave of the offensive in the Dragon Battle Galaxy, even without Yali killing them a few shots, was resisted!

Seeing this scene, Yali killing, Wan Tianyu, Mo Shifeng and others could not help but blinked their eyes. If they look like this, they have great hope that they will be able to hold on for an extended period of time. Perhaps, they can wait until Li Lingtian 'S return!

"Mad, a bunch of waste!"

However, the leader of the Dragon Battle Galaxy, seeing so many of them, could not even break through the initial defense line, and immediately frowned.

At the beginning, when he first received this task, he thought it would be very easy. However, after he actually contacted Li Lingtian and others, it was discovered that these guys, although the level is relatively low, but the actual combat ability Extremely strong, and one by one insidious, let him beware of everything!

Especially Li Lingtian at the beginning, used his own strength to tease them an entire team, and he was regarded as a shame and shame!

Fortunately, Li Lingtian finally gave him a shot and sent it to an almost mortal place.

Of course, he would not have thought that in that mortal place, Li Lingtian not only did not die, but also received many benefits and subdued a younger brother.

More importantly, Li Lingtian got the oath of the full state of God of War. At this time, Li Lingtian, even if he meets the strong level of the world's main level, can also have the ability to escape.

Even, within thirty breaths, Li Lingtian can not fall down!

However, these things, they will not know!

Duan Muzhen watched the crowd unable to break through the defense line of Yali killing others, and his eyes flashed coldly, and shouted loudly, "Lin Dahe, you two took a few people with the seventh-order peak of the domain master to fight for Tear me a gap!"

"If you two can't rush in, then come and meet me!"

"Yes, Lord Duanmu!"

As Duanmuzhen's voice fell, beside him, two strong men sipped, and immediately greeted ten figures, rushing forward, quickly rushing to the crowd who were in fierce fighting. in.



Their strength is all the seventh-order peak of the domain master. Compared with the previous crowd, their strength is much stronger.

Originally, the offensive and defensive momentum was evenly matched. Now that Zhang Lin, Lin Dahe and others have arrived, the situation is immediately formed into a one-sided situation!

Everyone in the Dragon Battle Galaxy, using Lin Dahe and others as a sharp knife, quickly tore a tear.

Soon, hundreds of people are advancing the tip of this knife and piercing into the depths!

"No! There are masters among them! They are masters of the seventh order of the domain master!"

When Wan Tianyu and others saw this scene, their faces changed.

As soon as Wan Tianyu's eyes rolled, he shouted: "Ya Li kills, Mo Shifeng, Lin Han, the three of you are relatively strong, hurry up! Be sure to stop them!"

"Never let them tear the gap completely! Otherwise, the entire line of defense will collapse!"

"it is good!"

Mo Shifeng, Lin Han, and Yali did not dare to relax their vigilance, and flew quickly to rush over.

Immediately, Wan Tianyu dispatched troops and assigned those with enough strength around him.

Sure enough, after Yali killed them to stop the attack of Lin Dahe and others, their defense line was stabilized again.

At the same time, because Lin Dahe and others were so aggressive, there weren't many teammates and helpers beside them.

So, Yali killed several people, that is, quietly dispatched people, separating them from the rest.

At the beginning, Duanmuzhen did not see this. After all, in his heart, he still despised Yali and others.

In his view ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yali kills and others, after all, are the people of the bottom of the holy alliance, no matter how strong they are, they will never be stronger, and they will definitely not be their opponents.

But Duanmuzhen is not a fool after all, he is very smart, and soon saw this.

"not good!"

Brow jumped suddenly, Duanmuzhen quickly screamed: "Lin Dahe, you come back quickly!"


Suddenly heard Duanmu really drinking, Lin Dahe and others could not help but froze in place.

However, at this point in time, Yali had killed them and had already arranged the killing game.

"Up to now, do you still want to run? Can you still run away?"

"Do it!"


The deafening roaring sound suddenly resounded between the world!

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