War God Supreme

Chapter 3355: misfortune

Jade Dragon Holy City, the sixth floor area.

Thousands of people in the empty hall, with dignified faces, are all arranged in an orderly manner. On their bodies, the milky white light is constantly escaping.

In the forefront of the main hall, there are several treasures of chaos arranged in awe, a figure standing proudly, eyes closed, lips twitching, it seems to be talking about something.


The light continually poured into those chaotic treasures, and the body exploded with vigour.

If Li Lingtian is here, he will be shocked.

That young man actually reached the ninth level of the domain master!


Suddenly, a light curtain suddenly mapped out from several chaotic treasures.


In the harsh voice and in the light curtain, suddenly there were several figures.

Those were a few middle-aged men and an old man.

"See elders!"

Seeing the old man and others, the teenager suddenly knelt down on one knee and shouted respectfully.


In the light curtain, the old man nodded slightly and asked softly: "Very well, I waited so long, and finally waited for you. I don't know if Nangong Wentian that guy was resurrected by you?"

"This one……"

The young man was ashamed and quickly replied: "Elder, his **** is ashamed, not to mention the restoration of Nangong to ask God, I haven't even stayed on the fifth floor for too long."

"Huh? What's going on?"

Hearing the words, the old man's face suddenly dignified. Even the voice became heavy.

"I don't know why. In the fifth floor, there suddenly appeared many ghosts. Those ghosts are extremely powerful, and most of them are in the domain of the ninth level of the domain master. I can't enter it at all!"

The young man laughed bitterly: "It's too awkward, I can't help it, I can only go to the sixth floor, and I want you to do it!"

"It shouldn't be!"

The old man's brow furrowed and he shouted: "It stands to reason that it will take another five hundred years for those ghosts to wake up!"

"Xiaoqi, are you sure that you have not triggered a special formation after entering the Yulong Holy City?"


Duan Muqi nodded and said, "Elder, I have always acted according to what you said, and the guys under my hands have no strength to trigger a special formation."

"Strange, why did those ghosts wake up early? Something must have happened."

The old man sighed, "Fuck, no, you quickly build a space channel, I'll talk about it later."

"When I'm gone, those ghosts can't stop me! Well, then, I can resurrect the old guy from Nangong Wentian, with him, and get the oath of God of War, I see within the Dragon Wars galaxy, also Who can compete with our Duanmu family!"

"Yes, elder!"

Duan Muqi nodded slightly.


Almost at the moment when the voice fell, the light curtain suddenly disappeared.

Duan Muqi got up slowly, his eyes gradually firmed up, even if he wanted to get the oath of God of War, he should get it.

"Ready to do it! Build a space channel!"

With a soft drink, Duan Muqi raised her hands high.


Almost instantaneously, several chaotic treasures on the altar shattered, and the power contained in it surrounded it, and in an instant, it condensed into a crack in space!

"Hahaha, the brothers are working harder!"

Duan Muqi laughed loudly, his face covered with a smile.


However, just at this time, not far behind them, a second space crack appeared suddenly above the empty hall!


The silver-white light burst suddenly, the space breath filled, with the clear sound, the space burst suddenly, the second space crack appeared suddenly!

"Huh? What happened?"

Suddenly seeing this scene, Duan Muqi was suddenly surprised, turning his head to look, but his brow furrowed.

He suddenly found that the breath of space in it seemed to be different from what he summoned.

"No, that's the space channel constructed by others!"

The pupil shrank sharply, and Duan Muqi quickly shouted, "Hurry up and break the formation for me!"

"Oh, uh!"

However, Duan Muqi discovered that it was too late. Almost at the same time that his voice fell, hundreds of figures rushed out of the cracks in space.

Hundreds of human figures fell directly and hit everyone. Those inertial forces directly smashed them to the ground.

All of a sudden, the whole hall was chaotic.


However, Duan Muqi's space channel is still under construction. At this time, everyone is leaving. Their space channel, without the support of everyone, suddenly shakes.

"not good!"

Duan Muqi's pupils shrank suddenly, ignoring the space cracks in the space, and quickly urged the power in the body to stabilize the space channel in front.

"Oh, uh!"

That is, when he stabilized the passage of space, in the space crack in the center of the hall, one silhouette after another was spit out.

But it was only a dozen breathing times, and the whole hall was almost full of people.


Wan Tianyu was shocked for a while, but when he reacted, he suddenly laughed out loud.

"Brothers, get shot! This group of **** is building a space channel!"

"We have to destroy their structure, otherwise, when the Dragon Battle galaxy comes over, we have only one way to go!"


Suddenly hearing Wan Tianyu's words, the people were all excited. For their own lives and the way forward, they all broke out with the strongest strength, and they killed people next to them.

The dragon battle galaxy everyone has not responded at this time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ plus the top to build a space channel consumes a great deal of power, and now it can't resist at all.



In the hall, the sounds of one after another continued to sound, and those from the Dragon Wars Galaxy also died in the hands of everyone!

Seeing this scene, Wan Tianyu was immediately excited, and he was very happy. The timing of their coming was too coincidental. If it is earlier, the Dragon Battle Galaxy consumes less power. It is still more than enough to deal with them. If it is later, When the construction of the space channel is completed, they will only have a dead end.

But when they came, those guys were constructing a space channel, and their own power was almost consumed, that is God's will, God wanted them to win this war!

"Damn... how could this be!"

Duan Muqi's eyes were red and he was very angry. He didn't understand why his luck was so bad that he couldn't make it. Was God playing him with all his heart?

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