War God Supreme

Chapter 3364: Fairy grass

Wan Tianyu and other people were extremely pale, and they remembered that the person who came in charge of the trial must have masters of the Dragon Battle Galaxy.

They killed so many people, and if they passed in advance, it would be hard to see if that person would shoot them.

But if they went out with the rest of the people who passed the trial, it would be different.

The masters of the Dragon Battle Galaxy, no matter how angry, dare not shoot in front of so many people, because they can't lose that face!

For those big families, face is always the most important!

"Sir is right!"

"Adult, you really think long enough! Admire! Admire!"

The four Wan Tianyu admired them all.

"Okay, no more flattering!"

Li Lingtian smiled slightly, and did not pay attention to their compliments. Then, with his right hand, he crushed the space jade symbol!


In an instant, the silver-white light burst, and the strong spatial fluctuations completely swallowed Li Lingtian six people into it!

At the next moment, the figures of the six people have completely disappeared into the sixth floor of the Jade Dragon Holy City space.

At this time, the rest of the people are still rushing and fighting in the sixth floor, looking for the way to the seventh floor!

When the six of Li Lingtian opened their eyes again, what appeared before them was a brilliant and gorgeous wall.

The city gate was wide open, and the door was inlaid with gold, shining brightly in the sunlight.

Looking up, I saw countless soldiers in golden armor standing on both sides of the road. The golden lights were shining, and they looked extremely powerful and majestic.

But there is no breath of life in their bodies.

"These, is Chengdu a puppet?"

"So many puppets! Hiss..."

Liu Banxian suddenly took a breath of air. They did not expect that this last hurdle was actually guarded by a puppet!

Of course, they did not despise them, nor did they look down on puppets. On the contrary, they were extremely dignified.

The puppet does not know the pain and will never be exhausted. It is far harder to deal with than the beast!

After hearing this, Li Lingtian also frowned slightly, and after a careful induction, he suddenly realized that the body of those puppet soldiers actually contained a special power.

That force is extremely concealed, even Li Lingtian can only sense a little, and cannot accurately sense it.

"The strength of these puppets is not weak, everyone be careful!"

Li Lingtian groaned, and said, "Don't go in first, let's check the surroundings!"

"After making sure the surroundings are safe, let's rush in again!"

"Anyway, we have plenty of time!"

"Those guys are now the fastest, at most on the seventh floor, but we are more than ten of them!"

Wen Yan, five people including Wan Tianyu, also slightly nodded, agreed.

Immediately, the six people were divided into three groups, rushing outwards and searching around.

Li Lingtian had carefully sensed the surroundings several times, and did not notice the breath of giant beasts, nor did he find any people. This was a relief in his heart.

However, to his surprise, he actually found many medicinal herbs around the city wall.

Those medicinal herbs are immortal grass that can make people improve their strength!

After picking the fairy grass, Li Lingtian took Yali back.

Not long after returning to the gate of the city wall, Li Lingtian heard a hearty laugh.

"Hahaha, sir! Guess what we found!?"

Looking in the direction of the laughter, only Mo Shifeng and Ma Zhong both ran over with excitement.

"What did you find?"

With a move in Li Lingtian's heart, he suddenly asked, "Could it be that you have found the fairy grass?"


Hearing the words, Mo Shifeng blinked and nodded quickly: "Yes, sir, we just discovered the fairy grass! Many, many fairy grass!"

"Hey, with these fairy soul grass, even if it can't be refined into Shengyuandan, it can allow us to break through!"

Mo Shifeng was very excited, there are many fairy grass here, enough for him to break through again!

"Ha ha……"

Li Lingtian smiled slightly and said, "Don't care about these, go on, maybe, in the future, we will be pleasantly surprised!"

"Uh huh."

Mo Shifeng nodded heavily, he also knew that since the seventeenth floor had the fairy spirit grass at the beginning, it is very likely that the remaining medicinal materials for refining Shengyuandan will follow, so he cannot be too impatient. After all, the effect of refining into Shengyuandan must be much better than taking Xianjincao alone.

"But, Master, will you refine Sheng Yuan Dan?"

However, soon, Mo Shifeng looked at Li Lingtian in doubt. He just remembered that the Shengyuan Pill, but the super-pill pill, even the master of alchemy, did not make much of it.

"Oh, you can rest assured."

Li Lingtian's mouth twitched slightly, and he laughed aloud: "As long as I can gather all the materials needed to refine Shengyuandan, I can make enough Shengyuandan!"

"Really, hahaha, great!"

It is said that Mo Shifeng suddenly became ecstatic.

"Brother Ling Tian!"

Another excited cry came, and Li Lingtian turned to look at it, and saw that Wan Tianyu and Liu Banxian, holding a lot of fairy soul grass in one hand, hurried over!

"Fairy Soul Grass, I found a lot of fairy spirit grass!"

The voices of Wan Tianyu and Liu Banxian were full of excitement.

However, Li Lingtian frowned.

At first, when he saw those fairy grasses, he was really very happy. Later, he learned that Mo Shifeng also got a lot of fairy grasses, and he was very ecstatic. Tianyu took a few of them.

But now, seeing that Wan Tianyu and Liu Banxian also got a lot of fairy grass, he was a little worried.

Here ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ How can there be so many fairy grass?

You know, the fairy grass is an extremely rare treasure. Even Wan Wanyu’s father Wan Kun will not have more than 100 fairy grass!

But here, a few of them, just grab a hand, there are nearly a hundred strains of grass, you can see the gap!

"How can this be...can't it be a trap?"

At this point in his thoughts, Li Lingtian's eyebrows were suddenly tight.

However, Mo Shifeng on the side was excited.

"Huh? What's wrong? Brother Ling Tian, ​​why don't you look very happy?"

After Wan Tianyu rushed over, he quickly discovered that Li Lingtian's face was not right, and immediately asked, "Is it possible, are there any problems with these fairy grass?"

"What? Are there any problems with these fairy grass?"

In an instant, Mo Shifeng exclaimed.

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