War God Supreme

Chapter 3366: Strengthening


Almost at the moment when Li Lingtian's body exploded, the puppet soldier also woke up, the red light in his eyes circulated, and Li Lingtian's body was locked to death!

At the next moment, the puppet soldier raised his sword and rushed towards the place where Li Lingtian was. The sword was cut with both hands, and the blade made of the special material crossed the air, and suddenly brought the sound of breaking the sky.

"No, those puppet soldiers were attracted!"

On the side, when Wan Tianyu saw this scene, several people were suddenly surprised, and they all ran to the puppet soldiers!

Li Lingtian realized this and immediately burst into a loud voice: "All give me back! Don't come near!"

Wen Yan, several people in Wan Tianyu could not help but froze in place, hesitated for a moment, they still chose to believe Li Lingtian, immediately backed away from the puppet soldiers.

At the same time, the puppet soldier had already approached Li Lingtian and fought with him close.

"Huh, it's strange, why only one puppet soldier was awakened? It's impossible, can only one be awakened at the same time?"

"Yeah? I just saw that the eyes of a puppet soldier next to it also flickered. Why is something dimming now?"

At this time, everyone assassin finally found something wrong and quickly looked up at Li Lingtian.

I saw that Li Lingtian had completely suppressed the puppet soldier in the downwind, and suddenly took a breath, his face full of admiration.


After taking a few tricks with the puppet soldier, Li Lingtian also sensed it. The puppet soldier's strength should be around the seventh level of the domain master, and there is no hidden strength. Their strength can be dealt with Wan Tianyu!

After realizing this, Li Lingtian was also relieved, no longer keeping his hands, Qianyan Holy Wing broke out, dozens of wind blades, and hit the puppet soldier together.



It was only an instant that the body of the puppet general was completely torn apart by the wind blade and crashed!


Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian breathed lightly, and his figure flickered, and came directly to Wan Tianyu and several people.

"The strength of these puppet soldiers are all around the seventh level of the domain master. With everyone's strength, it can be dealt with completely. So, next, we each deal with one, can you do it?"

Li Lingtian asked Shen Sheng.


Wan Tianyu and others raised their heads and answered their voices.

"Well, the trigger mechanism of these puppet soldiers is the distance from them!"

Immediately, Li Lingtian said all the information he had previously learned: "No matter from which direction, as long as you are close to them within three feet, you can seduce them! By then, six of us, from both sides, Lead each one, pull them out, and solve them one by one! If you encounter a person with a relatively high strength and can't fight it, then call someone directly!"


A few people admire Wan Tianyu, no wonder Li Lingtian can rise up in such a short time, just look at Li Lingtian in such a short period of time, can figure out these puppet paths, you can see it.

No one's success is good luck!

Seeing Wan Tianyu, several people nodded their heads, and Li Lingtian motioned to the five of them, divided into groups, and walked around from both sides.

Li Wantian was relieved after Wan Tianyu's five people were in place and started to seduce the puppets and led them away.

Fortunately, it did not fail!

However, it is also normal to think about it. Wan Tianyu's five people are not bad in strength, and they are all outstanding in their respective regions. Naturally, their comprehension ability is nowhere near worse. As long as Li Lingtian said, they can comprehend it!

Li Lingtian did not guess wrong, the strength of those puppets is generally around the seventh order of the domain master, and there is no hidden strength. Under the attack of Wan Tianyu and several people, he only resisted a moment of effort, that is, turned into fragments and burst. Come on.

But in just a quarter of an hour, there were thirty-six puppet soldiers who died in the hands of six people in Li Lingtian.

At this time, there were six puppet soldiers standing in front of them, and a puppet soldier who was obviously much stronger, standing in the middle of them!

"Huh... this is a bit tricky!"

Seeing this scene, Rao was Li Lingtian and frowned.

How should this be?

The eyeballs turned, but Li Lingtian suddenly realized that the six puppets, although the positions were relatively dense, were still far away.

It is about ten feet, and they are arranged in a circle, surrounding the middle puppet general, that is, the actual distance between them is more than ten feet!

In this way, you can give him the space to control!

"Tianyu, the five of you, each withdrew, and found a puppet each, standing at a distance of thirty feet from him! Go and inspire them!"

Wen Yan, several people in Wan Tianyu were stunned for a while, then regardless of the doubts in their minds, they quickly retreated out, and according to Li Lingtian's words, they each found a puppet and retreated to a place that was thirty feet away from them.

Li Lingtian also pinpointed one. His footsteps were light, that is, he was within a distance of thirty feet, but he was perfectly within distance of the puppet general and the other five puppet generals. outer!


Sure enough, in the next moment, the six puppet soldiers around the periphery suddenly burst into red in their eyes.

But for a moment, those puppet soldiers were awakened, jumped up quickly, and rushed towards Wan Tianyu and other six people!

Wan Tianyu, they quickly backed away, pulling them all away.

Li Lingtian had a murderous heart, not retreating but advancing, and his body looked like a thunderbolt. The only thing he did was to pierce the body of the puppet soldier.


Next moment~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The puppet soldier burst into pieces.


The puppet general, the most sturdy body, flashed red in his eyes.

Realizing this, Li Lingtian's eyes turned and his body quickly exploded. This was when the distance was opened. The puppet general's eyes restored calmness and dimmed.

Turning his head, Li Lingtian frowned, and in his sight, apart from Yali killing, the rest of the people were actually fighting fiercely with the puppet soldiers.

"His...the strength of these puppet soldiers have improved again?"

With a slight frown, Li Lingtian looked at him, and was suddenly surprised.

As expected, the strength of those puppet soldiers has already been improved again!

This made Li Lingtian shocked. If every level passes, the strength behind will be stronger. What should they do, Wan Tianyu?

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