War God Supreme

Chapter 3369: Refined Elixir

The thought of this puppet general can be immune to the same strength as their attributes, Li Lingtian felt a headache.

He understands the deepest is the four law powers of fire, wind, thunder and space-time, but this time he encountered the water attribute, he worried that he was too weak in the original power of the water law to defeat the puppet general.

Wan Tianyu, they may have a good understanding of the original power of the laws of the water system, but their own realm is lower.

After all, like Li Lingtian, the seventh order of the domain master can be comparable to the ninth order of the domain master. There are few in the whole world!

Wen Yan, several people in Wan Tianyu were stunned for a moment. Recalling the power of the puppet soldiers, they nodded and quickly backed away, pulling away from Li Lingtian.

Seeing this, Li Lingtian took a deep breath and stepped within thirty feet of the puppet general!

The next moment, the puppet general's eyes flashed with ice blue light.


The icy breath, a sudden appearance, pervades Li Lingtian!

Feeling that chill, Li Lingtian couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, good fellow, this puppet general's comprehension of the power of the law is really not covered!



Soon, the puppet general awoke suddenly.

It was almost the moment when it woke up, the air was filled with cold, a cold current, surging at a very fast speed, quickly rushing to Li Lingtian!

"Click! Click!"

A crisp voice sounded, and the cold snapped the air suddenly, all condensing into ice!

This shows that the bitter cold!

"Wanxuan Holy Fire Field!"

Li Lingtian was not afraid, and with a sip, the fiery flame erupted, and Wan Xuan's holy fire realm protected Li Lingtian.

Those cold snaps suddenly collided with the field of Wanxuan Shenghuo.

Suddenly, the babble's voice was constantly ringing in everyone's ears.

I saw Wan Xuan's holy fire and cold current, constant friction, melting with each other!

"Drink, kill!"

The puppet general jumped up suddenly, his hands raised, and a spear completely condensed from the ice-blue light appeared in his hand.


The sharp spearpoint flashed Hanmang, and suddenly spurred Li Lingtian.

"Hoo, no more hesitation!"

Frowning slightly, Li Lingtian didn't dare to hesitate any more. If this puppet general was allowed to fully unfold, Wan Tianyu and they would be injured.

Taking a deep breath, Li Lingtian dispersed the flames.

"Oh, uh!"

"Click! Click!"

In an instant, countless cold waves and sharp cold air stabbed Li Lingtian.

"not good!"

"Master, be careful!"

Seeing this scene, Wan Tianyu and others not far away were all panicked.

However, at this moment, Li Lingtian moved!

The light blue light flashed, a stream of water appeared suddenly out of thin air, and then fluttered around Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian waved his hands, and the water was constantly flowing around Li Lingtian.


The slight sound of water flowed clearly in the ears of Li Lingtian and others.

"this is……"

In the distance, Wan Tianyu and several people were all amazed. For the first time, they saw Li Lingtian's original power of water system law!


Those waters quickly rose up, and in an instant, Li Lingtian was protected.


The cold current invaded, however, when the ice mixed with the cold current and the water flow hit the moment, a sudden pile of white smoke came out of the ice!


The water was suddenly hot, and during the intense high-temperature baking, the ice melted instantly, and turned into a water flow, which merged with the water flow controlled by Li Lingtian!

"Puff puff!"

Almost instantly, those cold breaths were completely transformed into water currents.


Seeing this scene, the puppet general suddenly became furious and snarled towards Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian was relieved, very good, the power of the law of the water system and the law of the fire system, it can really restrain the ice power!

At the end of his thoughts, Li Lingtian was no longer worried. He took a sip, and his body did not retreat, but he rushed up to meet the puppet general!

"Drink, die for me!"

Li Lingtian waved his hands, the water in one hand, the flames in the other, and the water was boiling.

The high-temperature water flow, like a long dragon, suddenly hit the puppet general!


It was only an instant that the ice layer on the puppet general was melted by the hot water!


The puppet general made a stern roar, and the next moment, his body was suddenly stiff, and the ice-blue spear in his hand dissipated with a "bang".


Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian could not help but take a long sigh of relief. Fortunately, this puppet general was finally solved!


Soon, the puppet general burst into burst, and countless blue lights began to spread out.

A space portal appeared not far away.

But it was only a moment, and many ice blue plants appeared on the ground!

"Hahaha, this is Han Ningcao!"

"Shen Yuandan's refined pharmaceutical materials will indeed appear here!"

Seeing these Han Ningcao, Li Lingtian was overjoyed, and quickly collected all Han Ningcao.

Next, Li Lingtian's six people came to the next level again.

As Li Lingtian had previously guessed, every level is the same puppet general and a puppet general.

The power of the laws they understand ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is also different. Fortunately, Li Lingtian has also learned many powers of law. Although not every power of the law is fully understood, under the pressure of this time, Li Lingtian Try to merge those law powers with the laws of fire, wind, thunder and time and space!

After the fusion, the power of the law is extremely powerful. Li Lingtian also used the power to defeat the puppet generals of the seven law powers in succession, and obtained all the medicinal materials for refining Shengyuandan!

The medicinal materials for refining Shengyuandan are not unique. There are dozens of types, but as long as nine kinds are available, it is enough to refine Shengyuandan.

Therefore, after Li Lingtian passed the nine-level trial in a row, they also stopped, and instead of killing the next level, they began to exercise their interest.

After recovering to his perfect state, Li Lingtian waved through the space.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

With the flicking of Li Lingtian's fingers, red crimson runes appeared abruptly in the air. After those runes were formed, the hot flame suddenly rose into the sky!

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