War God Supreme

Chapter 3376: Collective promotion

The field of Wanxuan Shenghuo suddenly appeared, directly killing Li Lingtian and Yali together, blocking the breath connection between them and Wan Tianyu!

In this way, no matter how great the movement of Yali's breakthrough is, it won't disturb Wan Tianyu.

After all, Li Lingtian's comprehension of the original power of the fire system law is not comparable to the previous one.

The power in the field of Wanxuan Holy Fire is also much stronger than before.

After a moment of contemplation, Li Lingtian looked at him and found that the breakthrough of Yali killing was very normal, everything was on the track, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as there is nothing wrong with the breakthrough of Yali killing, Li Lingtian will not interfere with her. After all, if she can successfully break through herself, the improvement of Yali killing will be greater.

It must be said that the effect of Sheng Yuan Dan is so powerful that Yali kills her so fast that she has no power to feel Xu Fu, in the process of breaking through to the master of the half-step world , Without the slightest obstruction, it is very smooth that it has crossed the bottleneck!

Half a month later, Alice killed her breakthrough and her breath began to stabilize.

But Yali still didn't wake up, and her body began to recover power automatically.

Li Lingtian knows that this is a soul trick that must be experienced after breaking through to the master of the half-step world.

Only in this way, their souls can travel between the world and know how vast the universe is!

Only in this way can they realize the real power of the world's main state.

When, when they fully understand the power of the Lord of the World, they can also break through to the realm of the Lord of the World!

Li Lingtian nodded slightly, and dispersed the field of Wanxuan Holy Fire.

However, just after dissipating from the field of Wanxuan Shenghuo, Li Lingtian was surprised to find that Wan Tianyu and Ma Zhong also started a breakthrough in the main realm of the half-step world!

Li Lingtian's complexion changed, and he quickly waved hands, isolating the two from the others, and looked at them with peace of mind!

Time, quietly passed away in Wan Tianyu's breakthrough.

Within these three months, Yali also came awake.

After she determined that she had broken through to the master of the half-step world, she was ecstatic, and her tears of joy almost didn't fall.

Wan Tianyu, Ma Zhong, Liu Banxian and Mo Shifeng all broke through to the main state of the half-step world!

All of a sudden, among the six of them, only Li Lingtian was not the main state of the half-step world, but his strength was even stronger than that of the half-step world!

It can be said that among all the people who came to participate in the trial, the strength of the six of them at this time is the strongest!

Among them, any one of them can sweep tens of thousands of people!

After all, they have touched the edge of the Lord of the world!

Although, the realm of Mo Shifeng and others are now higher than Li Lingtian, but they still respect Li Lingtian as always!

This kind of situation occurs because one thing is that their strength is improved by Li Lingtian. Another thing is that although Li Lingtian's state is low, they know that Li Lingtian's real fighting power is far stronger than them!

Strength is the eternal truth!

"Master, when will we leave here?"

Wan Tianyu grinned and said, "I heard from my father that there are only a few half-step world masters at the top level of the Holy League this time. Now our strength is stronger than them. After going out, we don't have to be afraid of them! We don’t have to worry even if it’s the Dragon Battle galaxy.”

"Don't underestimate the enemy!"

Li Lingtian shook his head slightly and said softly: "I don't believe that they really will only send a few half-step world masters!"

"Don't forget, in the sixth floor, the people who came out of the space channel constructed by Duan Muqi are the strongest of the world's main realm!"

"If it weren't for the successful construction of the space channel, once he came over, we would definitely die! It can be seen that the people of the Dragon Battle Galaxy are very concerned about this trial, so the people they sent are definitely more than half The strength of the Lord of the World!"


Wen Yan said, Wan Tianyu couldn't help but feel awkward in his heart, but he didn't dare to refute, because he also thought that Li Lingtian made sense.


Li Lingtian sighed and said softly: "Be careful not to be wrong. Let's practice here for a while, just to let you stabilize your current state and strength."

"Wait until the seventeenth floor has reached one hundred, let's go through the last level again!"

"I'm curious, what will it be at the last level!"

Speaking of which, Li Lingtian couldn't help but also slightly raised the corner of his mouth.

Wan Tianyu looked up at the light curtain and found that there were only a few dozen red dots in the light curtain.

"I'm going, their speed is so slow? It's been so long, and it's just that a little person came to the seventeenth floor?"

"Yeah, this is too slow! Is this still the elite from all regions? Genius?"

Seeing this scene, Wan Tianyu and Mo Shifeng suddenly vomited.


Li Lingtian shrugged helplessly and said, "It's not that they are too weak, but this trial is indeed difficult!"

"You know, the first five levels of trial also cost us a lot of time!"

"Sometimes, even if the strength is reached, it is very time-consuming, too difficult!"


Wen Yan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Wan Tianyu and Mo Shifeng suddenly became embarrassed and touched their noses.

"Okay, you continue to practice. With the magic of this place, continue to consolidate your own strength!"

"I observe when there are more people on the 17th floor, or someone is about to break through here, I will wake you up!"

Hearing that Li Lingtian had said so, it was not good for Yali to kill a few of them, and they said they had practiced again.

They also understand that they can break through to the main state of the half-step world purely because of the power of Shengyuandan. Therefore, the power in their bodies is relatively vague. If they cannot be stabilized, they will be prone to problems later.

From the realm of falling, to the worst, in this life, cultivation can't go further!

They are all martial geniuses. Naturally, they understand this problem and immediately consolidate their realm.

Realizing this, Li Lingtian nodded slightly and was very satisfied. Then he looked up at the light curtain and stared at the red dot on it!

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