War God Supreme

Chapter 3380: Fight

"Click! Click!"

At this moment, there was a sudden clear voice in the air.

Li Lingtian and others are all looking slightly changed.

At the next moment, a space crack suddenly appeared.

"Don't let me come again?"

Duan Mulin's face became more and more gloomy, if he came to help Li Lingtian, he would vomit blood!

Looking around, Duan Mulin was ecstatic after seeing the figure coming out of the crack in the space!

"Old Seven, Thirteen!"

Amidst the cracks in space, dozens of figures spit out awesomely.

One of the old men had an indifferent look on his face, but his right arm was straight off, with a smooth wound.

Behind him, he also followed a middle-aged man with a serious face, giving him a sense of non-self-confidence. Beside him, there is a young man with a handsome face, with a sullen look in his eyes, and at a glance he knows that he is not a good person.

As for the rest, they are all the ninth peak of the domain master, who seems to be the guard.

"Lao Qi, what is your hand?"

Suddenly seeing the old man's hand, Duan Mulin exclaimed suddenly.

"It's okay."

Duan Mutong's face was gloomy, and as soon as he appeared, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at Qingfeng, Mingyue and others.

Suddenly, Qingfeng and Mingyue both became nervous. They could sense that the strength of the old man was not much weaker than that of Duan Mulin. It is estimated that only when the two of them work together can they deal with him.

In this way, their strength is balanced, so they dare not act rashly.

Duanmulin saw Duanmu copper's face somber, his eyes rolled, and he understood what he was doing. He couldn't help but take a breath.

Duan Mutong glanced at everyone, and then his eyes fell on Li Lingtian and stared at him.

"Very good! Boy, who killed my Duanmu family, broke one of my arms and dared to stay here!"

Duanmu Tong hoarsely said: "I don't know what to say about your courage, or should you say that you are looking for your own way!"

After hearing this, everyone was shocked and turned their heads to look at Li Lingtian, his face full of horror.

They can all see that Duanmutong is a strong player of the world's master level. Li Lingtian is only the ninth peak of the domain master. How could Duanmutong break his arm?

But that is what Duan Mutong said personally. The resentment and anger in his words are even more fake!

For a time, even the woman turned her attention to Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian frowned slightly, suddenly thinking of a possibility.

"It turns out so..."

As soon as his eyes rolled, Li Lingtian sneered suddenly: "You are the old turtle who wants to come out of the space channel!"

"But it's a pity that your turtle head didn't leak out!"

Li Lingtian's guess is good, that Duanmutong is the person Duanmuqi wants to summon when constructing the space channel.

At that time, the space passage was not completed, and Duanmu Copper forcibly broke through, but Li Lingtian cut off the space.

Duanmu Tong suddenly fell into a turbulent flow in the space. In order to escape from the inside, Duanmu Tong could not help himself, so he broke his arm and escaped.

So, Duanmutong, who broke his arm, put all his resentment on Li Lingtian!

But other people, don't know this, they all thought that Li Ling had really fought Duan Mutong and cut off his pick arm!

"Huh... It seems that Brother Ling Tian's strength is really hard to guess!"

"Is this the hidden strength of the adult? Hey... how much potential does he have? He can cut off an arm of a world's master realm with the realm of the ninth peak of the domain master!"

Wan Tianyu was amazed by several people. At this time, their admiration for Li Lingtian became deeper and deeper.

"Good boy!"

Duanmutong's eyes burst into cold light, and he screamed: "No matter how many people want to protect you today, I'm Duanmutong, I will give you thousands of broken corpses!"

"No one has ever been able to leave safely after killing our Duanmu family!"

Speaking of which, the momentum in Duanmutong's body suddenly exploded.

"Hahaha, good!"

Duan Mulin also laughed out loud: "No one has ever hit our Duanmu family's face and can leave!"

At this time, Duan Mulin's strength is stronger than that of Li Lingtian, so the attitude of Duan Mulin and Duan Mutong is tougher!

"Mad... how could this be..."

All of a sudden, Qingfeng and Mingyue both whispered.

Soon Li Lingtian's ears moved, and a slight voice came into their ears.

"Let's go! Let us solve it here. You must leave here quickly!"

It is said that several people in Li Lingtian raised their brows.

Looking up at Qingfeng, Mingyue Erlao and the woman, Li Lingtian couldn't help but hesitate. Who are these three people and should they trust them?

If you don't trust them, you can't wait for yourself, can you just wait here to die?

However, Wan Kun hesitated.

As soon as his eyes turned, Wan Kun still shouted, "Mr. Duanmu, don't forget, you still belong to the Holy Alliance!"

"Duanmu family, are you really going to start at this juncture?"

"These are all those who have passed the trial. If you let the senior leaders of the Holy Alliance know that you killed them here, I am afraid that they will not take the rest!"

Wan Kun did not want his son to lose the opportunity to go to the top of the League, so he did not want to leave directly, trying to oppress Duan Mulin and Duan Mutong with the top of the League.

However, by this time, Duan Mulin and others had imprisoned the rest of the people in charge. It can be said that they angered them completely, and everyone had already angered them. How could they possibly give up their efforts?



Duan Mulin glanced at Wan Kun~www.wuxiaspot.com~ said with a sneer: "You are really naive! Today, whoever helps Li Lingtian, I will kill whoever!"

"Listening to what you said before, it seems that you have nothing to do with Li Lingtian. Since this is the case, if you take your son back, I can spare you once!"

As soon as Duan Mulin's eyes turned, he provoked the relationship between Li Lingtian and Wan Kun.

It is said that Li Lingtian couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. He also wanted to know how Wan Kun would choose between his child's future and him!


Wan Kun Shen Sheng shouted: "It seems that this is no negotiation!"

"If you want to fight, then come on!"

"I, the person of the Baiying Galaxy, has never been a coward, and even if it is dead, it must be violently dead!"

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