War God Supreme

Chapter 3385: Duan Mulin

Duan Mulin and Duan Mutong were shocked in their hearts. They did not expect that Li Lingtian would dare to kill the young genius of the Duanmu family under the eyes of everyone!

You know, those who can break through to the half-step world master level at the age of Duan Muyun, even in the top ranks of the Holy League, are considered geniuses!

That Duanmuyun's status in the Duanmu family is not low, this time, they died in front of them, they can foresee the scene of punishment after going back!

Therefore, the two talents are furious. At this moment, if they can't take Li Lingtian's head back, I am afraid that they will all be punished a lot this time!

"Good guts!"

Duan Mulin gritted his teeth tightly and said unkindly: "This time, even if the emperor comes, I will give you tens of thousands of corpses!"


Sound waves rolled, suddenly echoed in the entire space.

Everyone was frightened, they could hear the terrible murderous intention in the words, they couldn't believe it, Duan Mulin dared to shoot Li Lingtian in front of so many people!

You know, the trial is still going on anyway! Is it possible that they are not afraid of the high level of the AU to settle accounts with them afterwards?


When everyone was frightened, Li Lingtian laughed out loud: "Interesting, how many times have you said this kind of words. If you are really capable, come and kill me!"

"I Li Lingtian is standing here, but I want to see. Do any of you dare to kill me?"

"Who else can kill me?"

The words fell, Li Lingtian stepped out, and the body's momentum exploded, like a sea like a sea, no weaker than some masters of the world's master level!

Suddenly, due to Li Lingtian's momentum, many Duanmu family members, except Duan Mulin and Duan Mutong, all took a few steps backwards. They were frightened and dared not take action against Li Lingtian!

"Hi... How can Master Li's momentum be so strong? Is he the domain master's ninth peak realm? Why is his momentum stronger than some half-step world masters?"

"Sir Li is really talented!"

Everyone was shocked, especially the other elders who were in charge of the trial.

Originally, they had marveled at Li Lingtian's talent, and now seeing Li Lingtian's young age, just the domain of the ninth peak of the domain master, they can have the strength comparable to the world's main realm, and immediately became the heart of love!

"Duan Mulin! That's enough! Even your Duanmu family is not qualified to be fingered at this time!"

"Duan Mulin, do you still think things aren't big enough? Hurry down to me!"

Suddenly, everyone was more surprised. Li Lingtian was so powerful that he could make so many elders speak for him!


Duan Mulin and Duan Mutong were trembling constantly, and their hearts were full of angry flames.

They never imagined that Li Lingtian would be so arrogant and arrogant.

It's already this time, and dare to shout, who dares to kill him?

"Oh yeah, today, even if I paid all the price, I want to destroy you little boy!"

I wonder where Duan Mulin usually suffered from this kind of uselessness. He couldn't bear it at all. He punched into Li Lingtian with his hands in fists.


Suddenly strong waves rolled over like a doomsday, just like the power of Mount Tai, and suddenly oppressed Li Lingtian.

However, in the face of this offensive, Li Lingtian was not at all timid. He knew that some people did not want him to die now!

"A strong attack!"

"It’s over, even if Master Li is stronger, after all, he is not the main state of the world, and he will not be the opponent of that person!"

"Eh... If Master Li can stand for a few years, the ending will definitely be different!"

Everyone sighed. In their hearts, Li Lingtian would not be Duan Mulin's opponent.

However, at this time, a blue light flashed suddenly, and before Li Lingtian, a blue light screen emerged.


When the boxing wind and the Blu-ray screen collided together, a loud sound continued to erupt.

At the same time, a figure slowly fell from the air and stood in front of Li Lingtian.

He Ran was the previous woman.


Seeing the woman shot again, Duan Mulin's face suddenly became somber.

"Do you take this guy seriously?"

Duan Mulin gritted his teeth and said: "The man he just killed, but our ancestor's child! You can do it yourself!"

It was said that everyone was suddenly upset, no wonder Duanmulin and Duanmutong had such a big reaction. It turned out that the man who was incinerated by Li Lingtian was the child of their ancestor!

Even Li Lingtian was a little surprised. He didn't think that a guy he killed could be a child of the ancestor of the Duanmu family!

"Hahaha, good kill, good kill!"

After a little slack, Li Lingtian laughed out loud: "Since you want to kill me, then you have to be prepared to be killed by me!"

"Today is your ancestor's child, then another year, ten years, I will kill, is your ancestor!"

The surging sound suddenly echoed throughout the space.


It is said that Duan Mulin and Duan Mutong's face changed dramatically.

"I'm stopping this woman, old seventh, you go and kill that kid!"

Duan Mulin snorted lightly.

Duanmu Copper nodded slightly, and was about to start.

However, without waiting for him to start, Qingfeng Mingyue, the second old man, already appeared with a smile, stopped in front of him.

"Duanmutong, your opponent is us!"

Although Qingfeng and Mingyue do not know why they should protect Li Lingtian, since this is the order of the adults, they will desperately protect Li Lingtian!

"damn it!"

For a time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Duan Mulin and Duan Mutong were suffocating tightly. They did not expect that Li Lingtian would actually know so many people. What’s more terrifying is that these people are not only powerful but also right. He was particularly friendly, even if he moved out of the Duanmu family's reputation, it was difficult to suppress.


Clenching his fists violently, Duan Mulin's eyes flashed fiercely.

"You forced me! Since you don't want to make me feel better, then I also want you to try it out, what is despair!"

With that, Duan Mulin's right hand turned over, and a panacea emitting black smoke appeared in the palm of his hand.

"No, no!"

Seeing this scene, Duanmu Tong's pupils shrank sharply and couldn't help shouting.

Everyone was curious too. What was it that would make Duan Mutong look so scared?

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