War God Supreme

Chapter 3402: Killer

"what are you going to do?"

Upon hearing this, Lin Kexin was shocked and could not help but step back a few steps.

"Hahaha, if you don't agree, I don't want you to be obtained by others, so I can only kill you!"

Qi Fei's hideous face appeared extremely scary.

"You can rest assured that before you die, I will make you refreshed!"

"You bastard!"

Lin Kexin's face was angry: "How can the Qingshuang Zong have scum like you, scum!"

"Hey, blame, you blame yourself for being so beautiful!"

Qi Fei's face showed a contemptuous smile, and immediately screamed: "Lin Kexin, I will give you one last chance. Do you disagree?"


With a cold snort, Lin Kexin's face was firm, and he twitched out: "Qi Fei, you bastard, you will die this heart!"

"Even if I die, I won't promise to marry you!"


Hearing Lin Kexin's words, Qi Fei's face suddenly gloomy, sticking out his tongue and licking his chapped lips, and said in a cold voice: "Since you don't see the coffin and no tears, then you can only kill you!"

"You don't worry, I won't kill you so easily. I want you to let Chenghuan be under my crotch, hum, and then, when you are done, take care of you!"

"Go, kill Lin Yi for me, and Lin Kexin, the chick, will hold me back!"

After all, Qi Fei waved his right hand, and at the next moment, the disciples behind him rushed up quickly, drawing out swords and killing Lin Yi.

The disciples of the Qingshuang Sect are not bad in strength, they are all around the eighth order of the star, not much worse than Qi Fei.

It can be seen that Qi Fei's status is still quite high, and he is also a disciple, but he can mobilize so many people, which shows his unusual.

Seeing this scene, both Lin Yi and Lin Kexin panicked and quickly looked at Li Lingtian.

In their hearts, only Li Lingtian can save them at this time!

Li Lingtian also knows that Lin Kexin and Lin Yi will not be their opponents, plus Lin Kexin rescued him, he can not see death, he immediately narrowed his eyes.


A sudden, fiery flame ignited, and a flame suddenly appeared in front of Lin Kexin and Lin Yi, separating them from many Qingshuang Sect disciples.


"what's the situation?"

"What's going on? How did this flame come from?"

Suddenly saw a circle of flames appear, many disciples of Qingshuang Sect were all stunned in place, and even Qi Fei was stunned.

After the reaction came, Qi Fei shook his head violently, and could not help but exclaimed: "Who the **** is he who secretly shots! Come out boldly!"

"With the ability to save people, don't you have the ability to come out?"


It is said that Li Lingtian couldn't help but sigh. Originally, he wanted to scare Qi Fei away. After all, if he didn't get much information from the Lin family, he would go to Qingshuangzong. , Can kill without killing.

But Qi Fei killed himself, then he could not blame him.

"Young man, is it really good to be so arrogant and arrogant?"

A low sigh suddenly echoed in the ears of everyone.

After hearing this, Qi Fei's face was as ugly as pig liver.

He is the most angry, when others say him in a disciplinary tone!

"Bah, you come out if you have courage!"

Qi Fei immediately shouted angrily: "However, if you dare to do right with our Qingshuang Sect, I still advise you to think more!"


Li Lingtian couldn't help laughing: "I've stood in front of you for a long time, and you actually let me out...it's ridiculous!"

"Already stood in front of me?"

After hearing this, Qi Fei raised his eyebrows and suddenly thought of Li Lingtian. He suddenly looked at Li Lingtian in surprise.

Looking down Qi Fei's eyes, Li Lingtian's face was pale, his hands were behind his back, his face was full of unhealthy red, and he looked very weak.


The corner of his mouth twitched sharply, Qi Fei shouted in disbelief: "Is it you?"

"Ha ha……"

Li Lingtian suddenly raised his right hand, and the next moment, a flame ignited in his hand, like a flame elf, dancing and flying.

Seeing this scene, Qi Fei's face suddenly dignified.

He was able to get to this point, and he was not a fool. Naturally, he could sense the flame in Li Lingtian’s hands, which contained extremely destructive power. Therefore, he did not dare to shoot Li Lingtian directly and waved his hand to signal the rest of his disciples. Retreat.

The disciples themselves were frightened by the sacred fire of Wan Xuan. The scorching flame kept burning their skin, making them uncomfortable. Now seeing Qi Fei's instructions, they stepped back and distanced them from Li Lingtian.

Lin Kexin and Lin were relieved when they saw the crisis resolved.

Fortunately, Li Lingtian is here, otherwise, they will be dead today!

"Who is your Excellency?"

Qi Fei Shen Sheng shouted: "Mo Yao has offended my Qingshuangzong for a woman!"


Li Lingtian waved his hand and said in a cold voice: "Limit your thirty breaths, leave me here! Otherwise, I would blame me for killing!"

"A group of ants, also deliberately use the Qingshuangzong to oppress me... If you are not convinced, you can try it!"

After all, a suffocating breath suddenly filled the space.

I don't know why, when I heard Li Lingtian's words, Qi Fei shuddered unconsciously, and his heart turned into fear.

Qi Fei knew that he was not Li Lingtian's opponent. Even if a group of them went together, he would not be Li Lingtian's opponent. He immediately chose to admit counsel.

"Okay, you are ruthless! Today I will give you a face!"

After gritting his teeth, Qi Fei waved his big hand and turned away with many disciples.

"Brothers, let's go!"

When the words fell, everyone sighed in relief and left with Qi Fei.

However, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Li Lingtian felt keenly that Qi Fei's heart was full of hate. It seems that he still wants to give him a stumbling block!

"Actually thinking about killing me, then don't go!"

A cold flash in his eyes, Li Lingtian waved his right hand, the next moment, the hot flame erupted, the Wanxuan Holy Fire suddenly turned into a giant dragon, roaring!


In the sound of the Dragon Yin, Wan Xuan Shenghuo was like a giant dragon, and quickly swept towards Qi Fei and others.


The huge mouth opened, and the next moment, Qi Fei and others hadn't had time to move, but they were swallowed by the flame dragon!


The flames burned, and the flaming dragon circled in the air a few times, which turned into smoke.

In this space, there is no figure of Qi Fei and others!

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