War God Supreme

Chapter 3416: Ning Le

"Han Qingyun, get out of labor and capital!"

"Hahaha, didn't expect it, I'm back with labor and capital!"


In the raging howling, the entire Qingshuang Sect shook violently.

"What's going on? Is someone messing around again?"

The elders and others all twitched violently in the corners of their mouths. Nothing happened before. Why are there two people in succession today?

Is it possible that they are all together?

At this point, the elders and others looked at Li Lingtian.

"Huh, it seems that you are in trouble!"

Li Lingtian shrugged his shoulders and said softly, "Since that is the case, you will deal with your business first. As for other things, I will talk about it later."

After all, Li Lingtian's figure disappeared and disappeared in front of everyone.

"Great elder!"


The rest of the people saw this scene and turned their heads to look at the elders.

His eyes rolled, and the elder Shen Sheng said, "Now, it seems that the man didn't want to deal with our Qingshuangzong! Let's go out and see first, who is making trouble in the Qingshuangzong!"

"Okay, go!"

The elders waved their hands, and in an instant, the enclosed space around the hall opened quickly, and a group of elders rushed out.

As soon as he left the hall, several elders heard continuous explosions and angry roars in their ears.

"Han Qingyun, you are old and immortal, quickly get out of the labor and capital!"

"If I don't come out again, I will destroy Qingshuangzong completely!"


In the piercing laughter, a figure continuously released a hot ball of fire and bombarded the mountains in Qingshuangzong.



The explosions kept ringing, the mountains collapsed, and many of the disciples were frightened, panicked, and fled.

However, the strength of the person was not weak. Under the attack of the hot fireball, some disciples had not had time to escape, but they were burned by the fireball and turned into ashes.

"court death!"

Seeing this scene, the elders and others were all angry.

"Drink, shoot! Stop me this bastard!"


Suddenly, the elders and others shot out and killed the figure together.

"Hahaha, some old guys are finally out!"

However, feeling the surging offensive, the man laughed instead.

"Drink, condense me!"

At the next moment, the man waved his right hand, and a fire wall suddenly appeared in the air, suddenly blocking the front of the elders and others.


Almost instantly, the attack of the elders and others collided with the fire wall, and an amazing explosion broke out!


The wall of fire dissipated, and the offensives of the elders and others were intercepted.


Not far away, the figure rushed in front of the elders and others, carefully looked at the elders and others, and said with a deep voice: "Asshole, Han Qingyun, the old immortal, why didn't he come out?"

"Who are you?"

The eyes of the elder elder rolled, and immediately burst into a loud voice: "What's the matter with the elder who finds us too?"

With that said, the elders and others looked at the man.

The man was thin, wearing a mask on his face, and the fierce light bloomed in his eyes. At a glance, you know that it is not a good character!

"Hahaha, have you forgotten me?"

The man was stunned for a while, and immediately laughed and ridiculed: "This is also, after all, when I was chased by you, it was just a stellar ninth order ants. Now, you naturally don't think I will come back!"

"That year we were chased and killed?"

The elder stunned slightly, and suddenly his pupils shrank suddenly, blurted out and said, "Are you Ning Le?"

"Hahaha, the elders still remember my name!"

Ning Le's mouth twitched, and he sneered: "This really surprised me!"


The old elder's face was dignified: "Ning Le, how could you survive in those days when you dived into the purple forest?"

"Hahaha, I originally thought that I must die! Unfortunately, I met a master before he died, and he saved me!"

"After that, I concentrated on cultivation, ten years! Ten years! I finally reached the peak of the fourth order of the domain master a month ago, and I came back immediately!"

"Hey, today is the day of the destruction of the Qingshuang Sect!"

"Hahaha! Hahaha!"

Speaking of which, Ning Le laughed loudly.


A group of elders shouted out loudly: "Boy, but it is the fourth-order realm of the domain master, dare to be so arrogant?"

"You were not killed many years ago, and today, we want you to die here!"

"Hey, let me die here?"

Ning Le's mouth twitched: "Let me see if you have this skill!"


When the words fell, Ning Le's right hand rose sharply. At the next moment, the hot flame suddenly condensed into countless long swords, which were listed in the air.


Suddenly, countless flames and long swords fell down and shot towards the elders and others.


The fierce sword spirit and the blazing flames staggered forward, just in an instant, before they came to many elders.


It was only an instant that the elders and others were forced out by Jian Qi!

Even if they retreated fast enough, all the clothes on their bodies were burned a little by the flames, and their skin was also burned.

"Good strength!"

Everyone shuddered in their hearts. Ning Le's current strength is too strong for them!

"Hahaha, how are you now fighting against me?"

The corner of his mouth was raised, and Ning Lehu's right hand pinched the trick.


The crimson flame bloomed, and suddenly became a flaming sword, but this time the flaming sword was not thousands of handles, only a huge flaming sword!

"Drink, kill me!"

Ning Le's eyes were full of anger. The huge fiery sword, like an arrow from the string, roared and shot at the elders and others.

"Not good~www.wuxiaspot.com~Rewind!"

Seeing such an offensive, the elders panicked and quickly retreated.

Only the elder elder, with a dignified complexion, did not hide his figure, but stared at the fiery sword with both eyes.

"Hahaha, die for me!"

Ning Le laughed loudly and seemed to have seen the scene where the elders died.


With a long sigh of relief, around the elder's body, a slight yellow glow came out of the sudden escape.


Just before the fiery sword came to the elder elder, the elder elder crossed his arms and suddenly stretched out.


Suddenly, three earth walls appeared out of thin air in front of the elders!

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