War God Supreme

Chapter 3433: Tian Yuan


A fire dragon flashed suddenly, and before the man had finished speaking, he struck him directly.


It was only an instant that the hot flame completely swallowed the man's body.

"court death!"

Zhou Xun uttered indifferently, his hands raised, and at the next moment, several rays of light within the formation surged into his body, and the surging momentum exploded, making everyone back a few steps.


Everyone felt a little bit of shock and couldn't help but shocked their hearts. Zhou Xun's strength at this time was not worse than the domain master's ninth order!

At this time, they finally understood why the elders in Zongmen warned them several times that they should not be arrogant in the home of the rest of the forces in the virtual space.

The power of the original formation is so powerful!

Seeing the fear in the eyes of everyone, Zhou Xun was ecstatic in his heart. This time, it not only solved the forces of one side, but also scared the rest. Presumably, some timid people might leave in silence.

Turning his head to look at Li Lingtian, he saw that Li Lingtian's expression was indifferent. He was not influenced by an impulse. He couldn't help but feel awkward: "This guy's strength is really the ninth order of the domain master! Plus Ling Chong... call , Stable! I don’t know which sect this guy is from, there is no sign on his body..."

"Look at his strength, even if it is not Ling Xiaozong, the level of the Duanmu family, it will not be too far away... Fortunately, his goal is the altar of heaven!"

At this point, Zhou Xun calmed down, glanced at everyone, and said with a smile: "Sorry, I made you laugh before."


Everyone was silent and dared not speak out.

Just kidding, Zhou Xun is now stronger than them, and they naturally dare not.

Upon seeing this, Zhou Xun did not continue to be tough, but laughed: "Everyone continues, this time we are to meet each other and make friends. After the battle of Tomorrow Abyss, after the end of the battle, even if you don't grab the treasure, everyone is Friends. The second is to exchange resources, you can exchange the resources you do not use with others..."

Zhou Xun is not stupid. If he continues to be tough, it will arouse everyone's joint resistance and they will not be able to walk around.

When you get a bargain, you can sell well, so that you can live steadily.

Everyone saw that Zhou Xun did not intend to pursue the matter, and they were all relieved. Soon, the formation dissipated and Zhou Xun's strength returned to normal. At this time, everyone's face was back to normal.

Next, everyone continued to chat as if the previous incident had not happened.

Not long after, under the leadership of Zhou Xun, resource exchange began.

For these things, Li Lingtian did not care, just listened to the exchange of people in silence.

Although the voices of those people are very small, Li Lingtian is powerful and can still be heard.

Without exception, all the people are discussing are all about Tianyuan.

Through their words, Li Lingtian also understood that Tianyuan is an extremely special place. When Tianyuan opens, many treasures, or chaotic treasures, or heaven and earth elixir, or some special things will appear continuously in it. s things.

Every time Tianyuan, there will be a treasure as an array of eyes, that is also the strongest treasure, the purpose of everyone, including Zhou Xun, is that array of eyes!

As for the altar, it is a special existence that only needs to appear three times after the end of Tian Yuan.

For the first time, there will be dozens in total, and each area will have one. After the end, the outermost area, Tianyuan will fall into the process of replenishing energy.

In the second Tianyuan, there are ten in total. During the competition, which three areas have the strongest energy fluctuations, where will the last Tianyuan appear?

After the three Abyss are all over, the altar will appear, and then the Heavenly Gift will appear.

Of course, Li Lingtian's goal is not a godsend, but the altar itself!

After learning the news, Li Lingtian stopped focusing on others and closed his eyes to recuperate.

Dao Feiyang stepped forward to communicate with those people and exchanged many resources.

Originally, Dao Feiyang didn't have much in his hand, and he could exchange it with others, but Zhou Xun and they were extremely friendly to Dao Feiyang in order to please Li Lingtian and solved many problems for him.

Soon, the party ended, and everyone left. Li Lingtian and Dao Feiyang lived in the residence of Cang Yanzong.

After killing them, they can also make them bow their heads. This kind of treatment makes Dao Feiyang lament.

The next day, when Dao Feiyang and Li Lingtian woke up, Zhou Xun had already packed everything.

Seeing that Zhou Xun and others looked very urgent, Li Lingtian didn't say much, and let Zhou Xun lead the way.

Tian Yuan is not in the city, but around the city. As for the specific location, no one will know, only luck.

However, the Cang Yanzong where Zhou Xun is located, after all, has dominated this area for hundreds of years, and naturally has the means to sense the general position of Tian Yuan.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Zhou Xun continuously adjusted his direction according to the vibration of the compass in his hand.

Along the way, when they met giant beasts, they hadn't had time to shoot, they were killed by Li Lingtian. After all, after killing these behemoths, Li Lingtian's strength can be greatly restored, and Dao Feiyang can also be promoted faster.

Of course, this time, it wasn't the snow elves that shot, but the blue dragon larvae.

Anyway, now Li Lingtian and Zhou Xun are also in a cooperative relationship~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If Li Lingtian continues to use the snow elf, they will understand Zhou Xun as soon as they get their hands. He killed! At that time, he was embarrassed!

Qinglong larvae have also made great progress since this time, and their strength is comparable to the existence of the ninth order of the domain master. They are extremely quick and deal with those giant beasts, and they are like electricity.

At the beginning, when Zhou Xun discovered that Qinglong larvae had a strong cold, they also suspected Li Lingtian. However, with the few shots of Qinglong larvae, they only realized that Qinglong only used cold to fight the enemy and strengthened himself with cold. , And there is no means of freezing.

Even if there is, it is not what the current Qinglong can do. So, besides Zhou Xun still has a little doubt about Li Lingtian, the other few people no longer doubt it.

Dao Feiyang was even more shocked, but he knew that the power of the snow elf, now that Li Lingtian summoned a young dragon not weaker than the elf, was naturally shocked, and it was a homage to Li Lingtian. .

After three hours, under the guidance of Qinglong larvae and Zhou Xun, the dazzling and bright light suddenly appeared in front of Li Lingtian and his party!

"Great, Tian Yuan appeared!"

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