War God Supreme

Chapter 3440: Zhu Yan Evolution

After carefully selecting for a moment, Dao Feiyang selected a top-grade long knife and a set of armor, and returned the rest to Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian waved it casually, and at the next moment, the blue dragon flew, suddenly opened his giant mouth, and swallowed all the chaotic treasures.


Seeing this scene, Dao Feiyang couldn't help but exclaimed, his face full of distressed expression.

It was almost a hundred chaotic treasures, which were swallowed by the green dragon!

The knife that Feiyang looked at was extremely painful. Not to mention the fact that the knife was flying. Cang Yanzong and other disciples from the Dragon Battle Galaxy were also very distressed.

Of course, Li Lingtian would not consider himself a waste.

Just when he summoned Qinglong, Qinglong suddenly sent him some information, that is, Zhu Yan could devour these forces, so that his own flame would evolve again!

Of course, not all Chaos Treasures can make Zhu Yan's flames evolve, and only Chaos Treasures contaminated with the abyss of the Abyss of Heaven can have this effect.

But it is a pity that this time, Tian Ling, Li Lingtian did not seize the treasure. Coupled with the few guys who had promised Cang Yanzong, it was not easy to get robbed, only to let go.

In this way, Li Lingtian was full of interest in the next two Tian Yuan.

Zhu Yan is already strong enough already. After the flame evolves, isn't it more powerful?


After swallowing those chaotic treasures, the green dragon screamed, and the frost dragons in the air dissipated one after another. At the next moment, the blue dragon turned into a light and shadow and directly injected into Li Lingtian's body.

Li Lingtian felt it carefully, and found that Qinglong was digesting those chaotic treasures, and sent the aura of heaven contained in it to Zhu Yan as much as possible.

Suddenly, the flame in Zhu Yan's body became surging.

If not for concealing strength, Li Lingtian thought to summon Zhu Yan.

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​there are so many chaotic treasures, there is nothing to be seen?"

Dao Feiyang asked weakly: "Even if you don't use it, it's better to sell it than to swallow it! Although your spiritual pet is indeed quite strong!"

"Oh, wait, you will know."

Shaking his head slightly, Li Lingtian did not continue to speak and looked up to Zhou Xun.

At this time, the stone seal in front of Zhou Xun had a faint light on it. Obviously, it was almost unlocked by Zhou Xun.


After a moment, the light above the stone seal dissipated, Zhou Xun stretched out his hand and grabbed the stone seal in the palm of his hand.


Zhou Xun's face was ecstatic, and he laughed out loud: "Not easy! I finally got it!"

"Congratulations, Brother!"

"Hey, Brother Majesty!"

Seeing this scene, many Cang Yanzong people also laughed happily.

This time, after going back to Zongmen, they will not only be scolded, but also get rewards. The smile on their face is even brighter when they think of this.

After the laugh, Zhou Xun reacted and quickly flew over to Li Lingtian, said respectfully; "Thanks to Brother Li for helping out this time, otherwise, we are afraid that we will be disappointed. We did not expect that those guys Actually made such sufficient preparations that even the formation method could not suppress them!"

Speaking of which, Zhou Xun also breathed a sigh of relief. Without Li Lingtian's shot, they will definitely lose this time.

Dozens of forces shot at them together, and that kind of offensive was really difficult to resist.

"It's okay, I have promised you, I will naturally shoot."

Li Lingtian said indifferently: "Next, take me to another Tian Yuan!"

"You can rest assured that as long as you follow me, the benefits will not be less. If you get Chaos Treasure again, you will be selected first."

It is said that Zhou Xun could not help but ecstatic.

As early as just now, they just envied their swords and flew. Their strength was so poor, but they could choose chaos treasures arbitrarily. For this treatment, they were all jealous!

Unexpectedly, so quickly, Li Lingtian actually gave them such a great opportunity!


Taking a deep breath, Zhou Xun said in a deep voice: "Thank you Master Li! As long as you say, Zhou Xun will do my best!"

At this time, Zhou Xun had great respect for Li Lingtian. What a joke, that was to fight against the existence of dozens of masters with one's own strength. If you don't respect him, you're done.

"Relax, I don't need you to do anything."

Li Lingtian said indifferently: "As long as you guide me and lead me to Tianyuan, I will give you the benefits!"

"Yes! Master!"

Hearing this, Zhou Xun and others were even more excited.

However, soon, Zhou Xun hesitated and said, "Master Li, there will be half a month before the next Tian Yuan opens, what should we do now?"

"doing what?"

Li Lingtian glanced at Zhou Xun and said softly, "Of course, he rushed to the city where the next Tianyuan is located."

"Do you know where you are?"

"Yes, of course I know!"

Zhou Xun grinned quickly, making a joke. If he said he didn't know, and Li Lingtian didn't want them anymore, then he was done.

"Will you take me soon?"

Li Lingtian raised a brow.

Hearing that Zhou Xun was embarrassed, Zhou Xun turned around, and after a moment of calculation, he took Li Lingtian and others to quickly rush to the distance.

After the first Tianyuan is over, the next manifestation of the Tianyuan will be determined according to the energy intensity of the Tianyuan's eruption in each region.

Although Zhou Xun's strength is not very strong, after all, he is the strongest disciple of Cang Yanzong this time, naturally there are many treasures that can make him feel the location of the next Tian Yuan.

The reason why Li Lingtian took Zhou Xun was precisely because of him.

Soon, a group of people set foot on another area~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In order to restore his own strength, Li Lingtian ignored the Qinglong is digesting those chaotic treasures, or summoned it out and cleared the road Monster.

After all, the ice elf cannot be summoned by Zhou Xun and others, and Zhu Yan happens to be evolving his own flame, so he can only use the power of the blue dragon.

Time passed by bit by bit, and Li Lingtian's strength recovered quickly in these few days, and he has recovered 20% of his spiritual power.

Coupled with the power of his own soul, even if he does not borrow Qinglong and Zhu Yan, and meets the strong master of the ninth order of the domain master, Li Lingtian does not have to worry about it.

Dao Feiyang and others have also made slow progress, and almost everyone has been greatly improved.

This made Zhou Xun a few people surprised. In the past, they came to participate in the trial of this virtual space. After leaving the city, they were all worried and did not dare to kill the spirit beast too deeply.

Unexpectedly, Li Lingtian was a person, took them across several cities, and killed countless spirit beasts, so their strength increased and the speed was extremely fast!

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