War God Supreme

Chapter 3447: Half an hour


As the offensive continued to fall, bombarded on the milky white light curtain, the cold body trembling violently.

The power of Xuanguang Shield is all exerted by Leng Yiming. At this time, Xuanguang Shield is attacked, and Leng Yiming will naturally feel.

That was a crazy offensive for hundreds of people, even if Xuanguang Shield is the quasi-world treasure, even if Leng Yiming's strength is as high as the ninth-level peak of the domain master, at this moment, I still feel the pain of the heart from the meridians!

That kind of pain is not like what humans can bear!

His face gradually became pale, and Leng Yiming only felt that his meridians were almost torn apart.

But he did not dare to give up, once he gave up, then, the Xuanguang shield was broken, and all of them would die in the Broken Soul Cliff!

If you are outside, you will die if you die. It's a big deal to give up this chance.

But here is Broken Soul Cliff. Once dead, there is really no hope!

"Made, Duan Mubin, bastard. If I can escape this time, I will ask you to pay the price!"

Leng Yiming's face was cruel, but in his heart, he was extremely desperate. Besieged by hundreds of masters of the eighth order and masters of the ninth order, even if he was even more powerful, as long as he did not break through to the master state of the half-step world, he could not escape. Go out.


Thunder thundered and kept falling. Leng Yiming's body was also trembling violently, his cheeks twitching constantly.

But he didn't say anything.

Behind him, dozens of people were meditating cross-legged, restoring their own spiritual power.

A few moments later, those people finally recovered, and when they opened their eyes, they saw Leng Yiming's pale cheeks.

"Brother Leng, are you okay?"

Everyone exclaimed loudly, with a distressed look on their faces.

In the past, Leng Yiming was extremely cold, and they did not have a good impression of Leng Yiming, but did not expect that this time they encountered danger, but Leng Yiming protected them all the way until now, even more alone. One person resisted the offensive of hundreds of people and bought time for them!

At the end of this thought, everyone was moved by their hearts, but they never thought that the cold and cold cry that had always been so cold was so emotional and righteous!

"Brother Leng!"

"We have rested, let us do it next!"

"Good! We can take action and block it for a while. Brother Leng, you have a rest first."

Wen Yan, Leng Yiming's eyes also flickered, and I have to say that he was really tired!

"Then you come here for a while!"

Leng Yiming's eyes turned and Shen Sheng shouted, "As long as I can sustain half an hour, I can restore some strength!"

"it is good!"

The rest of the disciples grinded their fists, eager to try, ready to take over for Leng Yiming.

"Huh...you all work your mind, slowly approach me!"

As Leng Yiming's voice fell, many disciples approached Leng Yiming and put their hands on the light curtain.


"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

It was almost the moment they put their hands on the light curtain, and the power in their bodies, like the flood, immediately poured out into the light curtain.


With the injection of so much power, the brightness of the light curtain suddenly became stronger, emitting a bright light.

Even the scope is slightly larger than before.

"Drink, press me!"

However, seeing this scene, Leng Yiming sipped, and compressed those light curtains to the previous size.

The larger the light curtain, the lower the defense power of a certain point, and it is easy to be broken.

Only by condensing these forces together can we reach an indestructible state!

"Hoo, hold on first!"

Leng Yiming breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly turned backwards, and immediately touched a pill directly out of his pocket and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Everyone, please!"

After saying this, Leng Yiming took a deep breath, closed her eyes slightly, and began to meditate.

It was at this time that the crowd was just about to speak, but they suddenly felt that an extremely powerful force, like the pressure of Taishan Mountain, fell on them.


It was just an instant, and everyone who hadn't prepared for it was just a spit of blood.

"What a terrifying power!"

"My God, it turns out that Brother Leng has always faced this offensive!"

In an instant, many Lingxiao Sect disciples were shocked.

Only then did they feel the terrible force.

At first, they thought that Leng Yiming could resist the offensive by himself, and no matter how strong he was, he could not be stronger, but now, they feel deeply terrible.

If you let them resist alone, let alone half an hour, it may be just a moment of effort, they have been directly killed by that force!


Many disciples hurriedly shouted, "Come on, as long as you can last half an hour, and we will be saved when Brother Leng recovers! Otherwise, we will definitely die!"

"But here is the Broken Soul Cliff! As long as we lose, we will really die!"

Hearing this sentence, everyone's hearts were all reacted, but here is the Soul Cliff, if it dies, then it is dead, in an instant, under the coercion of death, many disciples have erupted their amazing power Come!


The Xuanguang Shield was already unable to support it, but with so much power flowing in, it also gave off a brand new power.

The silver-white light, like the starlight, enveloped everyone.

I have to say that many people do have great strength, and many disciples work together to exert their strength, which is far more powerful than Leng Yiming alone.

Even the breath emanating from the light curtain was much stronger.

"No, this Xuanguang Shield has become stronger again!"

The people outside were siege to realize this~www.wuxiaspot.com~ cried out in exclamation.

Duan Mubin frowned slightly and couldn't help but scolded: "I rub it, is it so cold? How can it last for so long, it can still burst out with such a strong force!"

However, the Blood Soul of the Blood Sword Sect grinned and smiled, "Hahaha, it seems they can't hold it!"


After hearing the words, the rest of the people were surprised. White Blood Soul glanced helplessly and said, "Blood Soul, you are a funny head. This Xuanguang Shield's power is clearly strengthened again. Why do you still say that they are fast Can't hold it anymore?"

"Hey, did they have such strong power before?"

The corner of the blood soul mouth slightly raised, grinning: "At this time, Leng Yiming is either desperate, or the rest of them have given up the recovery, and together urged Xuanguang Shield!"

"But no matter what point, for them, it will weaken their power!"

"If you keep going, they will definitely die!"

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